Department of Education; index of required teacher training. Requires the Department of Education to establish and maintain an index of each training in which any public elementary and secondary school teacher in the Commonwealth is required to participate pursuant to state or federal law or regulation, including training required as a condition of licensure by the Department. The bill requires such index to include information on the classification of teacher required to complete each training; the topic, length, and frequency of each training activity; and the total number of hours of training that each teacher is required to complete in a specific period of time. The bill requires the Department to review and update such index annually, when a training is added, or when an existing training on the index is changed in length or frequency to ensure that the information therein is accurate and to post such index in an easily and publicly accessible format and location on its website no later than August 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 22.1-298.8
Education Subcommittee Substitute : 22.1-298.8
Enrolled: 22.1-298.8