Department of Housing and Community Development; Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force established; report. Directs the Department of Housing and Community Development to establish, in collaboration with the Department of Energy, and with assistance from the Department of Social Services, the Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force to evaluate ways to coordinate government and utility services and resources to more effectively deliver energy efficient housing, weatherization resources, and energy efficiency upgrades for low-income individuals and households in the Commonwealth residing in small and large multifamily buildings, single-family dwellings, and manufactured homes. The bill requires the Task Force to meet at least six times between July 1, 2025, and October 30, 2026, and to submit a report of its findings and recommendations no later than October 30, 2026. The bill specifies that such report shall include policy recommendations and a plan to ensure that weatherization-ready repairs and whole-home energy efficiency retrofits are provided to all eligible low-income individuals and households in the Commonwealth residing in small and large multifamily buildings, single-family dwellings, and manufactured homes by December 31, 2033.