School boards; Internet safety education program; Internet Safety Advisory Council established. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish and appoint no more than 12 members to the Internet Safety Advisory Council and requires the Council to (i) develop, annually review, and update as necessary model policies, model instructional practices, and best practices for school boards relating to Internet safety and the safe use of media and technology by students and teachers in public schools; (ii) develop, post, and maintain on the Department of Education's website, and update as necessary, a webpage with links to instructional practices, curricula, and other teacher resources for the safe use of media and technology by students and teachers; and (iii) submit a report of its findings to the Chairmen of the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education and Health no later than October 31, 2025. The bill also requires the Internet Safety Advisory Council, for the purpose of maximizing existing resources and avoiding duplicative work in developing the guidelines, recommendations, and webpage in accordance with the provisions of the bill, to review and update as necessary those materials previously developed by the Internet Safety Advisory Council established pursuant to the Acts of Assembly of 2022. Finally, the bill requires each school board to adopt policies (a) requiring all elementary and secondary schools in the local school division to provide to each student in grades three through 12 at least once each school year an Internet safety education program but (b) permitting the parent of any student to opt his child out of participating in such Internet safety education program. The provisions of the bill establishing the Council have an expiration date of July 1, 2026.