C-PACE financing programs. Makes several changes to the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing program, including adding a definition of property owner to include a lessee and providing that the lessee may also be eligible for a C-PACE loan by complying with certain conditions including consent of the fee simple property owner. The bill also (i) changes from two years to three years from a locality's issuance of a certificate of occupancy the time period by which a local C-PACE ordinance may allow submittal of a loan application and (ii) provides that a locality agrees to execute a locality agreement within 30 days of the adoption of the ordinance that opts them into the statewide C-PACE loan program.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 15.2-958.3
Counties, Cities and Towns Substitute : 15.2-958.3
Finance and Appropriations Substitute: 15.2-958.3
Enrolled: 15.2-958.3
HCCT Sub: Subcommittee #2 Substitute: 15.2-958.3