Small Family Day Home Provider Incentive Pilot Program established. Establishes the four-year Small Family Day Home Provider Incentive Pilot Program whereby funds are provided to the Ready Region Chesapeake Bay lead to work in conjunction with public and private partners to (i) cover the cost of hiring a Navigator focused on providing training and support to small family day homes in the region, including weekend training sessions to provide information on first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification, medication administration, safe sleep practices, emergency planning, recordkeeping, insurance, and compliance with relevant local ordinances, and (ii) provide incentive payments of $500 to any small family day home in the region (a) that is not licensed or voluntarily registered when such home achieves voluntary registration, (b) that is voluntarily registered or otherwise unlicensed when such home achieves licensure, and (c) when such home first participates in the Virginia Quality Birth to Five (VQB5) system. The bill requires the Ready Region Chesapeake Bay lead to annually collect and make publicly available data on the number of small family day homes in the region that (1) participated in the weekend trainings provided by the Navigator and (2) received incentive payments for first achieving voluntary registration or licensure or participating in VQB5.