Public institutions of higher education; policies; individuals with disabilities; postsecondary transition planning and services; documentation or evidence; report. Requires any individualized education program (IEP) meeting for any student with a disability held for the purpose of postsecondary transition planning and consideration of postsecondary transition services to include, consistent with the guidance developed by the Department of Education pursuant to applicable law, consideration and documentation of any information relating to such student's postsecondary transition planning and service needs that may be necessary or relevant to coordinating and facilitating the successful and efficient transition of such student from secondary school to an institution of higher education. The bill directs the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to study and make recommendations in a report by November 1, 2025, on improving and standardizing the quality and consistency of IEPs or sections of IEPs developed and implemented for students with disabilities dedicated to postsecondary transition planning and services for students with disabilities by public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 22.1-217.2
Enrolled: 22.1-217.2