Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity; employment services organizations. Amends provisions related to the powers and duties of the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity to allow the Department to implement any remediation or enhancement measure for employment service organizations as may be authorized by the Governor pursuant to existing law and develop regulations for program implementation. The bill also directs the Department to amend relevant regulations of the Virginia Administrative Code to reflect the intent of the General Assembly to specifically reference "employment services organizations" in such regulations. This bill is a recommendation of the Disability Commission.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 2.2-1605, 2.2-1606, 2.2-1610
General Laws Subcommittee Substitute : 2.2-1605, 2.2-1610
General Laws Substitute: 2.2-1605, 2.2-1610
Enrolled: 2.2-1605, 2.2-1610
HGL Sub: Procurement/Open Government Substitute: 2.2-1605, 2.2-1610