Photo speed monitoring devices; location. Allows a locality to provide by ordinance for the placement and operation of a photo speed monitoring device by the law-enforcement agency of such locality for the purposes of recording vehicle speed violations on any highway in such locality (i) that is located in a high-injury network as designated by the Department of Transportation or (ii) where such placement is supported by Department of Transportation speed or vehicle incident data as determined by such governing body. The bill requires the placement of at least two conspicuous signs within 1,000 feet of any location other than a school crossing zone, highway work zone, or high-risk intersection segment at which a photo speed monitoring device is used, indicating the use of the device. Under current law, one conspicuous sign within 1,000 feet is required at a school crossing zone, highway work zone, or high-risk intersection segment at which such device is used.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 46.2-882.1