Vitamins, minerals, and food supplements; practice of chiropractic; definition. Amends the definition of "practice of chiropractic" to include recommending or directing patients on the use of vitamins, minerals, or food supplements. The bill also allows a chiropractor to recommend or direct patients on the use of vitamins, minerals, or food supplements, provided that the rationale for such recommendation is (i) documented in a patient's record and (ii) based on a reasonable expectation that the use of such vitamins, minerals, or food supplements will result in a favorable patient outcome, including preventive practices, and that a greater benefit will be achieved than that which can be expected without such use. Under the bill, such chiropractor is not permitted to sell, dispense, or recommend vitamins, minerals, or food supplements for use if such use will negatively impact any of the patient's existing medical conditions. This bill is identical to SB 1015.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 54.1-2900, 54.1-2963
Enrolled: 54.1-2900, 54.1-2963