Study; JLARC; public school libraries; removal of certain books; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study the removal of books from public school libraries in the Commonwealthafter July 1, 2020, on the basis of such books containing sexually explicit content or other content deemed objectionable for the purpose of identifying each book removed and, for each book removed, (i) the purported reason for its removal, (ii) the processes and procedures by which each book was identified as containing content necessitating its removal and for removing each book, and (iii) whether applicable state law directing the Department of Education to adopt model policies and each school board to adopt policies consistent with such model policies was used by any school division to justify the identification, removal, or process and procedures by which each book was identified or removed. The bill requires JLARC to complete its meetings by August 1, 2025, and directs the chairman to submit an executive summary of its findings and recommendations by October 1, 2025.