Study; Virginia Cannabis Control Authority; creation of a retail cannabis market; report. Requests the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority to study the creation of a retail cannabis market in the Commonwealth and draft regulations governing the indoor cultivation, processing, manufacturing, testing, packaging, labeling, distribution, sale, and delivery of cannabis. The resolution requires that such regulations include (i) appropriate application and license fees; (ii) reasonable restrictions on cannabis advertising; (iii) restrictions on product size and potency; (iv) transaction limits; (v) comprehensive enforcement mechanisms; (vi) provisions regarding tax collection and revenue allocation; (vii) provisions regarding participation in the retail marijuana market by persons in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities; and (viii) any other restrictions or requirements necessary to protect public health and safety, prevent diversion, and enforce regulated sales. The resolution requires the Authority to include certain persons in its study and to submit its executive summaries and reports to the General Assembly by the first day of the 2026 Session of the General Assembly.