Solar and energy facilities; local regulation. Prohibits a locality from including in an ordinance (i) limits on the total amount, density, or size of any ground-mounted solar facility or energy storage facility until such time that the total area under panels within the locality exceeds four percent of the total area within the locality or (ii) any prohibitions on the use of solar panels that comply with generally accepted national environmental protection and product safety standards, provided that such installation is in compliance with any provisions of a local ordinance that establishes criteria and requirements for siting.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 15.2-2288.7
Substitute: 15.2-2288.7
Engrossed: 15.2-2288.7
Senate: Printed as engrossed 24107025D-ES1: 15.2-2288.7
Senate: Committee substitute printed 24107025D-S1: 15.2-2288.7
Senate: Presented and ordered printed 24104547D: 15.2-2288.7