Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act; partial termination of certain time-shares. Allows for the partial termination of a time-share project by a developer or an association and provides the procedures for any such partial termination. The bill also sets a one-year statute of limitations on any legal challenge or action for damages or equitable relief arising out of any termination of a time-share project in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act. The bill's provisions are declared to be effective retroactive in accordance with certain provisions of the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act. This bill is identical to SB 600.
Statutes affected: House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24101451D: 55.1-2216
House: Printed as engrossed 24101451D-E: 55.1-2216
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB1241ER): 55.1-2216
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0546): 55.1-2216