Pharmacy technicians; expansion of allowable duties. Allows pharmacy technicians to clarify quantity or refills for a prescription issued for a Schedule VI drug. Current law only allows pharmacy technicians to accept refill authorizations. The bill also allows pharmacy technicians to accept electronic transfer of a refill for a Schedule VI drug upon order of the pharmacist-in-charge or pharmacist on duty if the refill is not an on-hold prescription. The bill defines "on-hold prescription" as a valid prescription that is received and maintained at the pharmacy for initial dispensing on a future date.

Statutes affected:
House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24102344D: 54.1-3300, 54.1-3320, 54.1-3321
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB1067ER): 54.1-3300, 54.1-3320, 54.1-3321
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0214): 54.1-3300, 54.1-3320, 54.1-3321