Public utilities; municipal utilities; disconnection of service; limitations; consumer protections. Suspends electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities subject to the regulation of the State Corporation Commission from disconnecting service to a residential customer for nonpayment of bills or fees during a state of emergency declared by the Governor and provides that such suspension lasts for 30 days after such declaration of the state of emergency. The bill suspends such electric and gas utilities from disconnecting service to a residential customer for nonpayment of bills or fees when the forecasted temperature low is at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit and suspends electric utilities from disconnecting any such customer from service when the forecasted temperature high is at or above 92 degrees Fahrenheit within the 24 hours following the scheduled disconnection. The bill further suspends electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities from disconnecting residential customers from service on Fridays, weekends, state holidays, and the day immediately preceding a state holiday. The bill requires each such utility to notify its residential customers of such utility's disconnection for nonpayment policy and to deliver notice of nonpayment of bills or fees to such customers prior to disconnection. This bill is identical to SB 480.