Board for Contractors; required regulations and disclosures. Board for Contractors; required regulations and disclosures. Requires the Board for Contractors to adopt regulations requiring all Class A, B, and C residential contractors, excluding subcontractors to the contracting parties and those who engage in routine maintenance or service contracts, to use legible written contracts that include certain terms and conditions. The bill directs the Board to require a statement of protections be provided by the contractor to the homeowner, consumer, or buyer in transactions involving door-to-door solicitations or any residential rooftop solar installation. The bill requires the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation to review by July 1, 2025, its licensing exam for alternative energy system contracting to ensure such exam includes questions related to the physical installation of alternative energy systems on preexisting structures. The bill also requires the Board for Contractors to create a disclosure form to be provided in any transaction involving a residential rooftop solar installation to include specific disclosures regarding the risks associated with residential rooftop solar installation. Finally, the bill requires the State Corporation Commission to convene a work group of relevant stakeholders to develop recommendations for any additional consumer protections regarding the sale, lease, or installation of a solar energy facility with a generating capacity of 25 kilowatts or less and report the work group's recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by November 30, 2024. The bill is identical to HB 576 and has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: House: Committee substitute printed 24108070D-H1: 54.1-1102
Senate: Conference substitute printed 24108903D-S2: 54.1-1102
Senate: Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB313ER): 54.1-1102