Virginia Public Procurement Act; competitive negotiation; exceptions to contractual terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal. Removes the prohibition on a public body from requiring an offeror to state in a proposal any exception to any liability provisions contained in a Request for Proposal for information technology. The bill also requires an offeror to state any exception to any contractual terms or conditions in writing at the time of responding to such Request for Proposal, if so requested by the public body, which exception shall be considered during negotiations, but prohibits the public body from basing the scoring or evaluation on such exceptions when selecting offerors for negotiations. Current law only prohibits a public body from requiring an offeror to state in a proposal any exception to the liability provisions of the Request for Proposal. As introduced, the bill was a recommendation of the Public Body Procurement Work Group. This bill is identical to HB 242.

Statutes affected:
Senate: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24102230D: 2.2-4302.2
Senate: Printed as engrossed 24102230D-E: 2.2-4302.2
House: Committee substitute printed 24107931D-H1: 2.2-4302.2
Senate: Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB242ER): 2.2-4302.2
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0705): 2.2-4302.2