Conservation and replacement of trees during development process. Expands certain existing local government authority to conserve or replace trees during the development process by expanding such authority statewide. The bill allows localities to establish higher tree canopy replacement percentages based on density per acre. The bill also alters the current process for granting exceptions to a local ordinance by altering a provision that requires the granting of an exception when strict application of the ordinance would result in unnecessary or unreasonable hardship to the developer and replacing it with a requirement that the locality concur with such determination. The bill permits localities to monitor and assess the condition and coverage of tree canopies at development sites during the time period up to 20 years' maturity of the planted trees. The bill makes numerous technical amendments.

Statutes affected:
House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104334D: 15.2-961
House: Committee substitute printed 24106192D-H1: 15.2-961
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB529ER): 15.2-961