Conservation of trees during land development process in certain localities. Expands authority of certain localities to adopt an ordinance providing for the planting and replacement of trees during the development process by allowing a tree canopy fund that currently applies to the planting of trees on public property to include maintenance of trees on public property and planting and maintenance of trees on private property. The bill removes a provision that requires that any funds collected for the purposes of the tree canopy fund be returned to the original contributor if not spent within five years but maintains the requirement that such funds be spent within five years. The bill also includes an expansion of the canopy credit. This bill is identical to SB 121.

Statutes affected:
House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24102972D: 15.2-961.1
House: Printed as engrossed 24102972D-E: 15.2-961.1
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB459ER): 15.2-961.1
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0691): 15.2-961.1