Electric utilities; cost recovery for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Requires Dominion Energy Virginia and Appalachian Power, by May 1, 2025, to (i) file a proposal with the State Corporation Commission to design and deploy all electrical distribution infrastructure on the utility side of a customer's meter for each customer installing separately metered infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging stations, other than those in single-family residences; (ii) file an application with the Commission to accelerate widespread transportation electrification across the Commonwealth in a manner designed to lower total ratepayer costs and that significantly contributes to meeting air quality standards and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a manner consistent with the objectives of the energy policy of the Commonwealth, as defined by relevant law; and (iii) submit to the Commission a proposal for a specific rate or set of rates for electricity supplied to commercial and industrial facilities used to charge electric vehicles that encourage electric vehicle charging and support the efficient off-peak utilization of the electric grid.