This bill modifies provisions related to radioactive waste.
This bill:
- defines and modifies terms;
- modifies the requirements for a waste facility to renew or amend a radioactive waste license;
- requires the State Tax Commission to deposit into an energy-related fund the portion of new tax revenue derived from a radioactive waste facility receiving radioactive waste from a new generator;
- creates a radioactive waste facility expansion tax on a radioactive waste facility that submits an application to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control to construct a new radioactive waste facility or expand an existing facility;
- provides for the payment and deposit of the radioactive waste facility expansion tax;
- provides for the automatic repeal of the radioactive waste facility expansion tax; and
- makes technical and conforming changes.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 19-3-102, 19-3-104, 19-3-105, 59-24-102, 59-24-104, 59-24-105, 63I-2-259, 59-10-1112