This bill addresses provisions related to water resources and water management in Utah watersheds.
This bill:
- defines terms;
- clarifies when a water commissioner is:
treated as a regular full-time employee; eligible for health and retirement benefits; andexempt from the Utah State Personnel Management Act;
- allows the Utah water agent to include facilities and land in the state water agent's negotiations for water augmentation projects;
- allows the Board of Water Resources to enter into contracts for water augmentation projects negotiated by the Utah water agent;
- modifies the membership requirements for the Legislative Water Development Commission; and
- makes technical and conforming changes.Statutes affected:
Introduced: 73-5-9
Substitute #1: 63I-1-273, 73-10-4
Substitute #2: 63I-1-273, 73-5-17, 73-10-4
Substitute #3: 63I-1-273, 73-5-1, 73-10-4, 73-27-102