This bill modifies provisions related to the authority of municipalities and counties regarding short-term rentals.
This bill:
- defines terms and modifies definitions;
- clarifies that a municipality or county that regulates short-term rentals may use a listing or offering on a short-term rental website as evidence that a short-term rental took place so long as the municipality or county has additional information to support its position that a property owner violated a municipality or county ordinance;
- provides that a municipality or county may provide notice to a short-term rental website indicating that a listing or offering violates business licensing requirements or zoning requirements;
- provides that a short-term rental website is not obligated to remove a listing or offering unless it has received notice from a municipality or county;
- provides that a municipality or county that imposes transient room tax on short-term rentals may provide a listing or offering on a short-term rental website to the county auditor as evidence that a short-term rental owner may be subject to the transient room tax; and
- makes technical and conforming changes.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 10-8-85.4, 17-50-338
Substitute #1: 10-8-85.4, 17-50-338