This bill addresses treatment and enforcement issues related to substance use.
This bill:
- defines terms;
- requires a local substance abuse authority to include in the authority's annual plan a comprehensive list of available substance use services, in a form and format usable by first responders;
- requires a local mental health authority to include in the authority's annual plan a comprehensive list of available mental health services, in a form and format usable by first responders;
- allows and encourages first responders to offer a referral to substance use or mental health services to an individual who experiences an intentional or accidental overdose;
- addresses requirements for syringe exchange programs and information collected relating to syringe exchange programs;
- allows a substance use disorder treatment provider to operate a mobile unit to provide medication to treat substance use withdrawal symptoms or an opioid use disorder, and provides certain requirements for operation of a mobile unit;
- grants rulemaking authority to the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the requirements for operating a mobile unit to provide medication to treat substance use withdrawal symptoms or an opioid use disorder;
- amends criminal provisions of the Utah Controlled Substances Act, including the creation of a treatment-mandated felony option for certain convictions;
- creates the crime of maintenance of a drug-involved premises;
- amends provisions regarding civil nuisance actions, including provisions that relate to a nuisance caused by unlawful actions involving a controlled substance;
- repeals intent language; and
- makes technical and conforming changes.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 10-3-703, 17-43-102, 17-43-201, 17-43-301, 17-53-223, 26B-7-117, 58-37-8, 76-10-801, 76-10-803, 78B-6-1101, 78B-6-1102, 78B-6-1102.5, 78B-6-1103, 78B-6-1106, 78B-6-1107, 78B-6-1108, 78B-6-1109, 78B-6-1110, 78B-6-1111, 78B-6-1112, 78B-6-1113, 78B-6-1114