This resolution asserts the state's right to determine its own energy policies and addresses the balance of state and federal authority in energy regulation.
This resolution:
- affirms that the authority to determine energy policies substantially affecting the well-being of state residents is among the powers reserved to the states under the Tenth Amendment;
- asserts Utah's right to play a primary role in determining energy policies within its borders, including decisions about energy development and facility siting;
- calls upon the federal government to recognize states' constitutional authority and superior positioning to make location-specific decisions about energy projects;
- urges the federal government to limit its role in energy regulation to matters of interstate commerce and national security;
- requests meaningful, early, and ongoing consultation between federal agencies and states when developing energy-related policies or regulations;
- encourages Congress to pass legislation requiring federal agencies to demonstrate adequate consultation with states before implementing energy-related regulations; and
- calls for the creation of formal mechanisms for state input in federal energy policy decisions.