This bill amends provisions relating to civil commitment.
This bill:
- amends notification requirements for when a patient is discharged from temporary, involuntary commitment;
- amends the information that must be included in discharge instructions that are given to an individual who is discharged from a local mental health authority's custody and allows discharge instructions to be provided in paper or electronic form depending on the individual's preference;
- provides that certain requirements related to civil commitment may be performed by a local mental health authority's designee;
- addresses when a local mental health authority is required to follow up with certain individuals discharged from civil commitment; and
- makes technical and conforming changes.
Recommended by: Health and Human Services Interim Committee

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 26B-5-331, 26B-5-332, 26B-6-607, 26B-6-608
Substitute #1: 26B-5-331, 26B-5-332, 26B-6-607, 26B-6-608