This bill establishes education requirements for members of a homeowners' association board.
This bill:
- defines terms;
- requires that a homeowners' association board member complete education requirements;
- requires that a homeowners' association board member or secretary maintain a record of completing the education requirements for at least four years;
- requires that a homeowners' association board member report completion of the education requirements to the homeowners' association;
- provides a remedy for an owner for when a homeowners' association board member fails to meet the education requirements;
- describes how a homeowners' association board member may remedy noncompliance with education requirements;
- authorizes a board of a homeowners' association to remove a board member who fails to remedy noncompliance;
- creates a standard for a person that offers education requirements;
- requires that the Department of Commerce maintain a list of persons authorized to offer education requirements; and
- provides that the requirements enacted by this bill do not take effect until after the period of administrative control.