This bill amends provisions relating to elections and voting. This bill: - defines terms; - provides that, beginning in 2026:elections will be conducted both in person and by mail, rather than primarily by mail; anda ballot will only be mailed to a voter who requests mailing or who is covered by the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act; - provides that a voter may request to receive a ballot by mail in 2026 and beyond by making the request to a poll worker at the time the voter votes in person, making the request in a voter registration form, or making the request by submitting a separate form; - modifies voter registration forms, and temporarily modifies a ballot return envelope, to permit a voter to request a mailed ballot in future elections using those documents; - provides that, beginning in 2026, a ballot will not be mailed to a voter if the voter:requests that a ballot not be mailed;does not indicate a desire to receive a ballot when asked in person or via a form; orfails to vote in a regular general election; - subject to certain exceptions relating to military and overseas voters, provides that, for a ballot to be valid, the ballot must be received before the close of polls on the day of the election; - establishes requirements for notifying active voters of the requirement to request a mailed ballot for future elections; - provides that a request to receive a mailed ballot must be remade if a voter fails to vote in a regular general election; and - makes technical and conforming changes.

Statutes affected:
Substitute #1: 20A-1-102, 20A-2-104, 20A-2-108, 20A-2-206, 20A-2-207, 20A-2-505, 20A-9-808
Introduced: 20A-1-102, 20A-2-104, 20A-2-108, 20A-2-206, 20A-2-207, 20A-2-505, 20A-9-808