This bill enacts and modifies provisions relating to state investment in gold and the establishment of a gold-backed digital payment system.
This bill:
- extends and adds a sunset date to the state treasurer's precious metals study requirement;
- requires the state treasurer to develop and issue a competitive procurement for a precious metals-backed electronic payment system;
- establishes requirements for the request for proposals;
- requires the state treasurer to evaluate proposals; and
- requires annual reporting to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 63I-1-267, 67-4-19
Substitute #1: 63I-1-267, 67-4-19
Substitute #2: 59-1-1502, 63I-1-267, 67-4-19
Substitute #3: 63I-1-267, 67-4-19
Substitute #4: 63I-1-267, 67-4-19