6 Approved for Filing: C.R. Gilbert 6 1st Sub. (Buff)
6 02-15-24 8:04 PM 6
Representative Joseph Elison proposes the following substitute bill:
4 Chief Sponsor: Joseph Elison
5 Senate Sponsor: ____________
8 General Description:
9 This bill creates the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 < defines terms;
13 < creates the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund; and
14 < provides for the investment and distribution of the State Sovereignty Permanent
15 Fund.
16 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17 None
18 Other Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Utah Code Sections Affected: 1st Sub. H.B. 509
22 51-7-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 139, 242 and 328
24 51-12-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
25 51-12-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
1st Sub. (Buff) H.B. 509 02-15-24 8:04 PM
26 51-12-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
28 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29 Section 1. Section 51-7-2 is amended to read:
30 51-7-2. Exemptions from chapter.
31 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the following funds are exempt from this
32 chapter:
33 (a) funds invested in accordance with the participating employees' designation or
34 direction pursuant to a public employees' deferred compensation plan established and operated
35 in compliance with Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
36 (b) funds of the Utah State Retirement Board;
37 (c) funds of the Utah Housing Corporation;
38 (d) endowment funds of higher education institutions, including funds of the Higher
39 Education Student Success Endowment, created in Section 53B-7-802;
40 (e) permanent and other land grant trust funds established pursuant to the Utah
41 Enabling Act and the Utah Constitution;
42 (f) the State Post-Retirement Benefits Trust Fund;
43 (g) the funds of the Utah Educational Savings Plan;
44 (h) funds of the permanent state trust fund created by and operated under Utah
45 Constitution, Article XXII, Section 4;
46 (i) the funds in the Navajo Trust Fund;
47 (j) the funds in the Radioactive Waste Perpetual Care and Maintenance Account;
48 (k) the funds in the Employers' Reinsurance Fund;
49 (l) the funds in the Uninsured Employers' Fund;
50 (m) the Utah State Developmental Center Long-Term Sustainability Fund, created in
51 Section 26B-1-331;
52 (n) the funds in the Risk Management Fund created in Section 63A-4-201; [and]
53 (o) the Utah fund of funds created in Section 63N-6-401; and
54 (p) the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund created in Section 51-12-102.
55 (2) Except for the funds of the Utah State Retirement Board and the Utah Educational
56 Savings Plan, the funds described in Subsection (1) are not exempt from Subsections
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57 51-7-14(2) and (3).
58 Section 2. Section 51-12-101 is enacted to read:
60 51-12-101. Definitions.
61 As used in this chapter:
62 (1) "Division" means the Division of Finance created in Section 63A-3-101.
63 (2) (a) "Principal" means money deposited into the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund
64 in accordance with Section 51-12-102.
65 (b) "Principal" does not include interest earned on any money in the State Sovereignty
66 Permanent Fund.
67 (3) "Revenue growth" means the difference between, as determined by the Office of
68 the Legislative Fiscal Analyst:
69 (a) the estimated amount of ongoing General Fund and Income Tax Fund revenue
70 available for the Legislature to appropriate for the next fiscal year; and
71 (b) the amount of ongoing appropriations from the General Fund and the Income Tax
72 Fund in the current fiscal year.
73 Section 3. Section 51-12-102 is enacted to read:
74 51-12-102. State Sovereignty Permanent Fund -- Creation -- Distribution.
75 (1) There is created the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund which consists of:
76 (a) revenue growth appropriated in accordance with the formula described in
77 Subsection (2);
78 (b) subject to Subsection (5), interest earned on any money in the State Sovereignty
79 Permanent Fund; and
80 (c) additional money appropriated by the Legislature.
81 (2) Beginning on July 1, 2025, the Legislature shall annually appropriate revenue
82 growth for the next fiscal year into the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund as follows:
83 (a) 1% of revenue growth in year one;
84 (b) in each of the following eight fiscal years, a percentage equal to the percentage
85 deposited the immediately preceding fiscal year, plus an additional 1% of revenue growth; and
86 (c) 10% of revenue growth in year 10 and each fiscal year thereafter.
87 (3) The division shall track the amount of revenue growth appropriated to the State
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88 Sovereignty Permanent Fund from the General Fund and Income Tax Fund, respectively.
89 (4) If there is insufficient revenue growth to comply with Subsection (2), the
90 Legislature shall appropriate to the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund any revenue growth that
91 remains available after any constitutional and statutory deposit requirements created before
92 July 1, 2025, are fulfilled.
93 (5) The state treasurer shall:
94 (a) (i) hold all money described in Subsection (1); and
95 (ii) in accordance with Section 51-12-103, invest the money for the benefit of the
96 people of the state in perpetuity; and
97 (b) distribute annually to the division the earnings from the investment of the State
98 Sovereignty Permanent Fund as follows:
99 (i) before July 1, 2040, 100% into the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund; and
100 (ii) after July 1, 2040:
101 (A) 50% into the General Fund or Income Tax Fund; and
102 (B) 50% into the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund.
103 (6) The Legislature may appropriate all or a portion of the State Sovereignty Permanent
104 Fund principal only by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
105 chamber of the Legislature.
106 Section 4. Section 51-12-103 is enacted to read:
107 51-12-103. State Sovereignty Permanent Fund -- Investment.
108 (1) The state treasurer shall:
109 (a) invest money in the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund with the goals of, in order of
110 priority:
111 (i) providing for growth of the principal; and
112 (ii) fund stability;
113 (b) invest and manage the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund assets as a prudent
114 investor would by:
115 (i) considering the purpose, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances
116 of the State Sovereignty Permanent Fund; and
117 (ii) exercising reasonable care, skill, and caution in order to meet the standard of care
118 of a prudent investor; and
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119 (c) deposit the interest or other revenue earned from the investment of the State
120 Sovereignty Permanent Fund in accordance with Section 51-12-102.
121 (2) Nothing in this section requires a specific outcome in investing.
122 (3) In determining whether the state treasurer has met the standard of care of a prudent
123 investor under Subsection (1), the judge or finder of fact shall:
124 (a) consider the state treasurer's actions in light of the facts and circumstances existing
125 at the time of the investment decision or action, and not by hindsight; and
126 (b) evaluate the state treasurer's investment and management decisions respecting
127 individual assets not in isolation, but in context of a whole portfolio that is part of an overall
128 investment strategy that has risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the State
129 Sovereignty Permanent Fund.
130 (4) The state treasurer may:
131 (a) before distributing any earnings under Section 51-12-102, deduct from the earnings
132 any administrative costs incurred in managing State Sovereignty Permanent Fund assets;
133 (b) employ professional asset managers to assist in the investment of State Sovereignty
134 Permanent Fund assets; and
135 (c) provide compensation to asset managers only from earnings generated by the State
136 Sovereignty Permanent Fund's investments.
137 Section 5. Effective date.
138 This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
H.B. 509 1st Substitute (Not Adopted) Text: 51-7-2