Enrolled Copy H.B. 331
Chief Sponsor: Douglas R. Welton Senate Sponsor: Lincoln Fillmore
4 General Description:
5 This bill addresses school enrollment through kindergarten enrollment requirements and
6 certain notices to a school regarding students taken into custody.
7 Highlighted Provisions:
8 This bill:
9 ▸ requires the State Board of Education to create rules regarding toilet training as a
10 condition for kindergarten enrollment;
11 ▸ amends a provision regarding notices from a peace or probation officer regarding a
12 student taken into custody to include a superintendent's designee; and
13 ▸ makes technical changes.
14 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
15 None
16 Other Special Clauses:
17 None
18 Utah Code Sections Affected:
20 53G-7-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 347, 467
21 53G-8-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 161
22 80-6-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 161
24 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
25 Section 1. Section 53G-7-203 is amended to read:
26 53G-7-203 . Kindergartens -- Establishment -- Funding -- Assessment.
27 (1) Kindergartens are an integral part of the state's public education system.
28 (2) (a) Each LEA governing board shall provide kindergarten classes free of charge for
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29 kindergarten children residing within the district or attending the charter school.
30 (b) Each LEA governing board shall provide a half-day kindergarten option for a student
31 if the student's parent requests a half-day option.
32 (c) Nothing in this Subsection (2):
33 (i) allows an LEA governing board to require a student to participate in a full-day
34 kindergarten program;
35 (ii) modifies the non-compulsory status of kindergarten under Title 53G, Chapter 6,
36 Part 2, Compulsory Education; or
37 (iii) requires a student who only attends a half day of kindergarten to participate in
38 dual enrollment under Section 53G-6-702.
39 (3) Kindergartens established under Subsection (2) shall receive state money under Title
40 53F, Public Education System -- Funding.
41 (4) (a) The state board shall:
42 (i) develop and collect data from a kindergarten assessment that the board selects by
43 rule; and
44 (ii) make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
45 Rulemaking Act, regarding the administration of and reporting regarding the
46 assessment described in Subsection (4)(a)(i).
47 (b) An LEA shall:
48 (i) administer the assessment described in Subsection (4)(a) to each kindergarten
49 student; and
50 (ii) report to the state board the results of the assessment described in Subsection
51 (4)(b)(i) in relation to each kindergarten student in the LEA.
52 (5) [Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, the] The state board shall require LEAs to
53 report average daily membership for all kindergarten students who attend kindergarten
54 on a schedule that is equivalent in length to the schedule for grades 1 through 3 with the
55 October 1 data described in Section 53F-2-302.
56 (6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
57 state board shall make rules to:
58 (a) beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, require a student to be toilet trained
59 before being enrolled in kindergarten;
60 (b) establish requirements for an LEA's kindergarten enrollment process to include
61 assurances from a parent that the parent's student is toilet trained;
62 (c) create a process for an LEA to follow when an enrolled student in kindergarten is
Enrolled Copy H.B. 331
63 found to not be toilet trained, including:
64 (i) referring the student and the student's parent to a school social worker or
65 counselor for additional family supports and resources;
66 (ii) allowing a parent or the parent's adult designee to aid in toilet training as needed;
67 and
68 (iii) when needed, reintegration of a student once the student has become toilet
69 trained; and
70 (d) create exemptions from the requirement in Subsection (6)(a) for a student who is not
71 able to be toilet trained before kindergarten because of a condition described in an
72 IEP or Section 504 accommodation plan.
73 Section 2. Section 53G-8-403 is amended to read:
74 53G-8-403 . Superintendent required to notify school.
75 (1) Within three days of receiving a notification from the juvenile court or a law
76 enforcement agency under Section 80-6-103, the district superintendent or the
77 superintendent's designee shall notify the principal of the school the juvenile attends or
78 last attended.
79 (2) Upon receipt of the information, the principal shall:
80 (a) make a notation in a secure file other than the student's permanent file; and
81 (b) if the student is still enrolled in the school, notify staff members who, in his opinion,
82 should know of the adjudication.
83 (3) A person receiving information pursuant to this part may only disclose the information
84 to other persons having both a right and a current need to know.
85 (4) Access to secure files shall be limited to persons authorized to receive information
86 under this part.
87 Section 3. Section 80-6-103 is amended to read:
88 80-6-103 . Notification to a school -- Civil and criminal liability.
89 (1) As used in this section:
90 (a) "School" means a school in a local education agency.
91 (b) "Local education agency" means a school district, a charter school, or the Utah
92 Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.
93 (c) "School official" means:
94 (i) the school superintendent, or the school superintendent's designee, of the district
95 in which the minor resides or attends school; or
96 (ii) if there is no school superintendent for the school, the principal, or the principal's
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97 designee, of the school where the minor attends.
98 (d) "Transferee school official" means:
99 (i) the school superintendent, or the school superintendent's designee, of the district
100 in which the minor resides or attends school if the minor is admitted to home
101 detention; or
102 (ii) if there is no school superintendent for the school, the principal, or the principal's
103 designee, of the school where the minor attends if the minor is admitted to home
104 detention.
105 (2) A notification under this section is provided for a minor's supervision and student safety.
106 (3) (a) If a minor is taken into temporary custody under Section 80-6-201 for a violent
107 felony or an offense in violation of Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons, the peace
108 officer, or other person who has taken the minor into temporary custody, shall notify
109 a school official within five days after the day on which the minor is taken into
110 temporary custody.
111 (b) A notification under this Subsection (3) shall only disclose:
112 (i) the name of the minor;
113 (ii) the offense for which the minor was taken into temporary custody or admitted to
114 detention; and
115 (iii) if available, the name of the victim if the victim resides in the same school
116 district as the minor or attends the same school as the minor.
117 (4) After a detention hearing for a minor who is alleged to have committed a violent felony,
118 or an offense in violation of Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons, the juvenile court
119 shall order a juvenile probation officer to notify a school official, or a transferee school
120 official, and the appropriate local law enforcement agency of the juvenile court's
121 decision, including any disposition, order, or no-contact order.
122 (5) If a designated staff member of a detention facility admits a minor to home detention
123 under Section 80-6-205 and notifies the juvenile court of that admission, the juvenile
124 court shall order a juvenile probation officer to notify a school official, or a transferee
125 school official, and the appropriate local law enforcement agency that the minor has
126 been admitted to home detention.
127 (6) (a) If the juvenile court adjudicates a minor for an offense of violence or an offense
128 in violation of Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons, the juvenile court shall order a
129 juvenile probation officer to notify a school official, or a transferee school official, of
130 the adjudication.
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131 (b) A notification under this Subsection (6) shall be given to a school official, or a
132 transferee school official, within three days after the day on which the minor is
133 adjudicated.
134 (c) A notification under this section shall include:
135 (i) the name of the minor;
136 (ii) the offense for which the minor was adjudicated; and
137 (iii) if available, the name of the victim if the victim:
138 (A) resides in the same school district as the minor; or
139 (B) attends the same school as the minor.
140 (7) If the juvenile court orders probation under Section 80-6-702, the juvenile court shall
141 order a juvenile probation officer to notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency
142 and the school official of the juvenile court's order for probation.
143 (8) (a) An employee of the local law enforcement agency, or the school the minor
144 attends, who discloses a notification under this section is not:
145 (i) civilly liable except when the disclosure constitutes fraud or willful misconduct as
146 provided in Section 63G-7-202; and
147 (ii) civilly or criminally liable except when the disclosure constitutes a knowing
148 violation of Section 63G-2-801.
149 (b) An employee of a governmental agency is immune from any criminal liability for
150 failing to provide the information required by this section, unless the employee fails
151 to act due to malice, gross negligence, or deliberate indifference to the consequences.
152 (9) (a) A notification under this section shall be classified as a protected record under
153 Section 63G-2-305.
154 (b) All other records of disclosures under this section are governed by Title 63G,
155 Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, and the Family
156 Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g.
157 Section 4. Effective date.
158 This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
H.B. 331 1st Substitute (Not Adopted) Text: 53G-7-203, 53G-8-403, 80-6-103
Enrolled: 53G-7-203, 53G-8-403, 80-6-103
Amended: 53G-7-203, 53G-8-403, 80-6-103
Introduced: 53G-7-203, 53G-8-403, 80-6-103