Enrolled Copy S.B. 76
Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper House Sponsor: Ken Ivory
4 General Description:
5 This bill amends provisions related to the retention and disposal of evidence of an offense.
6 Highlighted Provisions:
7 This bill:
8 ▸ clarifies the requirements for disposing of wildlife seized by the Division of Wildlife
9 Resources;
10 ▸ amends the time period for retaining evidence of a felony offense;
11 ▸ clarifies that the time period requirements do not require an agency to return or dispose
12 of evidence of a felony offense;
13 ▸ provides that an agency is not required to retain evidence of a felony offense in certain
14 circumstances;
15 ▸ provides the requirements for an agency seeking to no longer retain evidence of a felony
16 offense;
17 ▸ amends the time period for retaining biological evidence of a violent felony offense;
18 ▸ amends the notification requirements regarding the retention of biological evidence of a
19 violent felony offense; and
20 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 23A-5-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448 and renumbered and
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28 amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 103
29 77-11a-204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
30 77-11a-205, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
31 77-11a-301, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
32 77-11a-302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
33 77-11a-303, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
34 77-11a-305, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
35 77-11c-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
36 77-11c-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
37 77-11c-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
38 77-11c-301, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
39 77-11c-401, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
41 77-11c-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
42 77-11c-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
44 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
45 Section 1. Section 23A-5-201 is amended to read:
46 23A-5-201 . Enforcement authority of conservation officers -- Seizure and
47 disposition of property.
48 (1) A conservation officer shall enforce the provisions of this title in accordance with the
49 same procedures and requirements for a law enforcement officer of this state.
50 (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a conservation officer may seize
51 property or contraband in accordance with Title 77, Chapter 11a, Seizure of Property
52 and Contraband, and Title 77, Chapter 11b, Forfeiture of Seized Property.
53 (b) A conservation officer shall seize protected wildlife illegally taken or held.
54 (3) (a) If a conservation officer seizes wildlife as part of an investigation or prosecution
55 of an offense and the wildlife may reasonably be used to incriminate or exculpate a
56 person for the offense, the division is not required to retain the wildlife under Title
57 77, Chapter 11c, Retention of Evidence.
58 (b) If the division does not retain wildlife under Subsection (3)(a), the division is
59 required to preserve sufficient evidence from the wildlife for use as evidence in the
60 prosecution of a person for the offense.
61 (4) (a) If a conservation officer seizes wildlife and the wildlife or parts of the wildlife are
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62 perishable, the division may donate the wildlife or parts of the wildlife to be used for
63 charitable purposes.
64 (b) If wildlife or parts of the wildlife are perishable and are not fit to be donated for
65 charitable purposes under Subsection (4)(a), the division may dispose of the wildlife
66 or parts of the wildlife in a reasonable manner.
67 [(5) (a) The court may order the division to sell or dispose of protected wildlife that is
68 seized by a conservation officer if the division is permitted by law to sell or dispose of
69 the wildlife.]
70 (5) (a) If a defendant is convicted of the offense for which protected wildlife is seized
71 and the division is permitted by law to sell or dispose of the protected wildlife, the
72 division may sell or dispose of the protected wildlife or part of the wildlife.
73 (b) The division may not sell migratory wildfowl but the division shall donate the
74 migratory wildfowl to be used for charitable purposes.
75 (c) The division shall deposit the proceeds from the sale of protected wildlife into the
76 Wildlife Resources Account.
77 (6) If the division disposes of wildlife and the defendant is acquitted of the offense for
78 which the wildlife is seized or the entire case for the offense is dismissed, the court may
79 order the division to:
80 (a) provide the owner of the disposed wildlife with wildlife that is reasonably equivalent
81 in value to the disposed wildlife within 180 days after the day on which the court
82 enters the order; or
83 (b) if the division is unable to obtain wildlife that is reasonably equivalent in value to the
84 disposed wildlife, pay the owner of the disposed wildlife for the non-trophy value of
85 the disposed wildlife in accordance with Subsection 23A-5-312(2) within 180 days
86 after the day on which the court enters the order.
87 (7) (a) If a conservation officer seizes a vehicle under Section 77-11a-201, the division
88 shall store the seized vehicle in a public or private garage, state impound lot, or any
89 other secured storage facility.
90 (b) The division shall release a seized vehicle to the owner no later than 30 days after the
91 day on which the vehicle is seized, unless the vehicle was used for the unlawful
92 taking or possessing of wildlife by a person charged with a felony under this title.
93 (c) The owner of a seized vehicle is liable for the payment of any impound fee if:
94 (i) the owner used the vehicle for the unlawful taking or possessing of wildlife; and
95 (ii) the owner is convicted of an offense under this title.
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96 (d) The owner of a seized vehicle is not liable for the payment of any impound fee or, if
97 the fees have been paid, is entitled to reimbursement of the fees paid, if:
98 (i) no charges are filed or all charges are dropped that involve the use of the vehicle
99 for the unlawful taking or possessing of wildlife;
100 (ii) the person charged with using the vehicle for the unlawful taking or possessing of
101 wildlife is found by a court to be not guilty; or
102 (iii) the owner did not consent to a use of the vehicle that violates this chapter.
103 Section 2. Section 77-11a-204 is amended to read:
104 77-11a-204 . Custody of seized property and contraband.
105 (1) An agency with custody of seized property or contraband shall:
106 (a) hold the property or contraband in safe custody until the property or contraband is [
107 released] returned or disposed of in accordance with:
108 (i) this chapter; and
109 (ii) Chapter 11c, Retention of Evidence; and
110 (b) maintain a record of the property or contraband, including:
111 (i) a detailed inventory of all property or contraband seized;
112 (ii) the name of the person from which the property or contraband was seized; and
113 (iii) the agency's case number.
114 (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), no later than 30 days after the day on
115 which a peace officer seizes property in the form of cash or other readily negotiable
116 instruments, an agency shall deposit the property into a separate, restricted,
117 interest-bearing account maintained by the agency solely for the purpose of managing
118 and protecting the property from commingling, loss, or devaluation.
119 (b) A prosecuting attorney may authorize one or more written extensions of the 30-day
120 period under Subsection (2)(a) if the property needs to maintain the form in which
121 the property was seized for evidentiary purposes or other good cause.
122 (3) An agency shall:
123 (a) have written policies for the identification, tracking, management, and safekeeping of
124 seized property and contraband; and
125 (b) shall have a written policy that prohibits the transfer, sale, or auction of seized
126 property and contraband to an employee of the agency.
127 Section 3. Section 77-11a-205 is amended to read:
128 77-11a-205 . Transfer or release of seized property to another governmental
129 entity -- Requirements.
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130 (1) Except as provided in Subsections (3)(a) through (c), upon the seizure of property by a
131 peace officer, the property is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of a district court of
132 this state.
133 (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a peace officer, agency, or prosecuting attorney
134 may not directly or indirectly transfer or release seized property to a federal agency or to
135 a governmental entity not created or subject to the laws of this state.
136 (3) An agency or prosecuting attorney may transfer or release seized property to a federal
137 agency or to a governmental entity not created or subject to the laws of this state if:
138 (a) (i) the property is cash or another readily negotiable instrument; and
139 (ii) the property is evidence in, or subject to, a federal criminal indictment, a federal
140 criminal information, or a federal criminal complaint that is filed before the
141 property is seized;
142 (b) (i) the property is not cash or another readily negotiable instrument; and
143 (ii) the property is evidence in, or subject to, a federal criminal indictment, a federal
144 criminal information, or a federal criminal complaint that is filed before the day
145 on which the agency with custody of the property is required to return the property
146 if no criminal or civil action is filed by the prosecuting attorney or a federal
147 prosecutor in accordance with Section 77-11b-203;
148 (c) (i) the property was used in the commission of an offense in another state; and
149 (ii) an agency of that state requests the transfer of the property before the day on
150 which the agency with custody of the property is required to return the property if
151 no criminal or civil action is filed by the prosecuting attorney or a federal
152 prosecutor in accordance with Section 77-11b-203; or
153 (d) a district court authorizes, in accordance with Subsection (5), the transfer or release
154 of the property to an agency of another state or a federal agency upon a petition by a
155 prosecuting attorney or a federal prosecutor.
156 (4) (a) A prosecuting attorney, or a federal prosecutor, may file a petition in the district
157 court for the transfer or release of seized property.
158 (b) If a prosecuting attorney, or a federal prosecutor, files a petition under Subsection
159 (4)(a), the petition shall include:
160 (i) a detailed description of the property seized;
161 (ii) the location where the property was seized;
162 (iii) the date the property was seized;
163 (iv) the case number assigned by the agency; and
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164 (v) a declaration that:
165 (A) states the basis for relinquishing jurisdiction to a federal agency or an agency
166 of another state;
167 (B) contains the names and addresses of any known claimant; and
168 (C) is signed by the prosecuting attorney or federal prosecutor.
169 (5) A district court may not authorize the transfer or release of seized property under
170 Subsection (3)(d), unless the district court finds, by a preponderance of the evidence:
171 (a) the property is evidence in, or subject to, a federal criminal indictment, a federal
172 criminal information, or a federal criminal complaint after the property is seized;
173 (b) the property may only be forfeited under federal law;
174 (c) forfeiting the property under state law would unreasonably burden the prosecuting
175 attorney or agency; or
176 (d) the property was subject to a federal criminal investigation before the property was
177 seized.
178 (6) (a) Before a district court may order the transfer of seized property in accordance
179 with this section, the court, the prosecuting attorney, or the federal prosecutor shall
180 mail a notice to:
181 (i) each address contained in the declaration under Subsection (4)(b)(v) to give a
182 claimant the right to be heard with regard to the transfer; and
183 (ii) (A) if a federal prosecutor files the petition under Subsection (4), the
184 prosecuting attorney that is representing the agency with custody of the
185 property; or
186 (B) if a prosecuting attorney files the petition under Subsection (4), the federal
187 prosecutor who will receive the property upon the transfer or release of the
188 property.
189 (b) If a claimant, or the party under Subsection (6)(a)(i), does not object to the petition to
190 transfer the property within 10 days after the day on which the notice is mailed, the
191 district court shall issue the district court's order in accordance with this section.
192 (c) If the declaration does not include an address for a claimant, the district court shall
193 delay the district court's order under this section for 20 days to allow time for the
194 claimant to appear and make an objection.
195 (d) (i) If a claimant, or a party under Subsection (6)(a)(i), contests a petition to
196 transfer the property to a federal agency or to another governmental entity not
197 created or subject to the laws of this state, the district court shall promptly set the
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198 matter for hearing.
199 (ii) In making a determination under Subsection (5), the district court shall consider
200 evidence regarding hardship, complexity, judicial and law enforcement resources,
201 protections afforded under state and federal law, pending state or federal
202 investigations, and any other relevant matter.
203 (7) If an agency receives property, money, or other things of value under a federal law that
204 authorizes the sharing or transfer of all or a portion of forfeited property, or the proceeds
205 from the sale of forfeited property, the agency:
206 (a) shall use the property, money, or other things of value in compliance with federal
207 laws and regulations relating to equitable sharing;
208 (b) may use the property, money, or other things of value for a law enforcement purpose
209 described in Subsection 77-11b-403(10); and
210 (c) may not use the property, money, or other thing of value for a law enforcement
211 purpose prohibited in Subsection 77-11b-403(11).
212 (8) An agency awarded an equitable share of property forfeited by the federal government
213 may use the award money only after approval of the use by the agency's legislative body.
214 (9) If a district court exercises exclusive jurisdiction over seized property, the district
215 court's exclusive jurisdiction is terminated if [the property is released by the agency with
216 custody of the property] the agency with custody of the property returns the property to a
217 claimant under:
218 (a) [Part 3, Release of Seized Property to Claimant] Part 3, Return of Seized Property to
219 Claimant; or
220 (b) Section 77-11b-203.
221 Section 4. Section 77-11a-301 is amended to read:
Part 3. Return of Seized Property to Claimant
223 77-11a-301 . Return of seized property to claiman