6 Approved for Filing: A.V. Arthur 6
6 12-19-23 4:46 PM 6
4 Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason
5 Senate Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper
8 Committee Note:
9 The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee recommended this bill.
10 Legislative Vote: 12 voting for 0 voting against 6 absent
11 General Description:
12 This bill amends the requirements governing when a seller has to pay or collect and
13 remit sales and use tax.
14 Highlighted Provisions:
15 This bill:
16 < repeals the requirement that a seller has to pay or collect and remit the sales and use
17 tax if the seller sells tangible personal property, products transferred electronically,
18 or services for storage, use, or consumption in the state in more than a certain
19 number of separate transactions; and
20 < makes technical and conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 This bill provides a special effective date.
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
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27 59-12-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 273
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28 59-12-107.6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 361
30 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31 Section 1. Section 59-12-107 is amended to read:
32 59-12-107. Definitions -- Collection, remittance, and payment of tax by sellers or
33 other persons -- Returns -- Reports -- Direct payment by purchaser of vehicle -- Other
34 liability for collection -- Rulemaking authority -- Credits -- Treatment of bad debt --
35 Penalties and interest.
36 (1) As used in this section:
37 (a) "Ownership" means direct ownership or indirect ownership through a parent,
38 subsidiary, or affiliate.
39 (b) "Related seller" means a seller that:
40 (i) meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection (2)(a)(i); and
41 (ii) delivers tangible personal property, a service, or a product transferred electronically
42 that is sold:
43 (A) by a seller that does not meet one or more of the criteria described in Subsection
44 (2)(a)(i); and
45 (B) to a purchaser in the state.
46 (c) "Substantial ownership interest" means an ownership interest in a business entity if
47 that ownership interest is greater than the degree of ownership of equity interest specified in 15
48 U.S.C. Sec. 78p, with respect to a person other than a director or an officer.
49 (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f), Section 59-12-107.1, or Section
50 59-12-123, and subject to Subsection (2)(g), each seller shall pay or collect and remit the sales
51 and use taxes imposed by this chapter if within this state the seller:
52 (i) has or utilizes:
53 (A) an office;
54 (B) a distribution house;
55 (C) a sales house;
56 (D) a warehouse;
57 (E) a service enterprise; or
58 (F) a place of business similar to Subsections (2)(a)(i)(A) through (E);
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59 (ii) maintains a stock of goods;
60 (iii) regularly solicits orders, regardless of whether or not the orders are accepted in the
61 state, unless the seller's only activity in the state is:
62 (A) advertising; or
63 (B) solicitation by:
64 (I) direct mail;
65 (II) electronic mail;
66 (III) the Internet;
67 (IV) telecommunications service; or
68 (V) a means similar to Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(A) or (B);
69 (iv) regularly engages in the delivery of property in the state other than by:
70 (A) common carrier; or
71 (B) United States mail; or
72 (v) regularly engages in an activity directly related to the leasing or servicing of
73 property located within the state.
74 (b) A seller is considered to be engaged in the business of selling tangible personal
75 property, a product transferred electronically, or a service for use in the state, and shall pay or
76 collect and remit the sales and use taxes imposed by this chapter if:
77 (i) the seller holds a substantial ownership interest in, or is owned in whole or in
78 substantial part by, a related seller; and
79 (ii) (A) the seller sells the same or a substantially similar line of products as the related
80 seller and does so under the same or a substantially similar business name; or
81 (B) the place of business described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) of the related seller or an in
82 state employee of the related seller is used to advertise, promote, or facilitate sales by the seller
83 to a purchaser.
84 (c) Subject to Section 59-12-107.6, each seller that does not meet one or more of the
85 criteria provided for in Subsection (2)(a) or is not a seller required to pay or collect and remit
86 the sales and use taxes imposed by this chapter under Subsection (2)(b) shall pay or collect and
87 remit the sales and use tax imposed by this chapter if the seller:
88 (i) sells tangible personal property, products transferred electronically, or services for
89 storage, use, or consumption in the state; and
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90 (ii) in either the previous calendar year or the current calendar year[: (A)], receives
91 gross revenue from the sale of tangible personal property, products transferred electronically, or
92 services for storage, use, or consumption in the state of more than $100,000[; or].
93 [(B) sells tangible personal property, products transferred electronically, or services for
94 storage, use, or consumption in the state in 200 or more separate transactions.]
95 (d) A seller that does not meet one or more of the criteria provided for in Subsection
96 (2)(a) or is not a seller required to pay or collect and remit sales and use taxes under Subsection
97 (2)(b), Subsection (2)(c), or Section 59-12-107.6 may voluntarily:
98 (i) collect a tax on a transaction described in Subsection 59-12-103(1); and
99 (ii) remit the tax to the commission as provided in this part.
100 (e) The collection and remittance of a tax under this chapter by a seller that is
101 registered under the agreement may not be used as a factor in determining whether that seller is
102 required by this Subsection (2) to:
103 (i) pay a tax, fee, or charge under:
104 (A) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
105 (B) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
106 (C) Section 19-6-714;
107 (D) Section 19-6-805;
108 (E) Title 69, Chapter 2, Part 4, Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Service Charges;
109 or
110 (F) this title; or
111 (ii) collect and remit a tax, fee, or charge under:
112 (A) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
113 (B) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
114 (C) Section 19-6-714;
115 (D) Section 19-6-805;
116 (E) Title 69, Chapter 2, Part 4, Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Service Charges;
117 or
118 (F) this title.
119 (f) A person shall pay a use tax imposed by this chapter on a transaction described in
120 Subsection 59-12-103(1) if:
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121 (i) the seller did not collect a tax imposed by this chapter on the transaction; and
122 (ii) the person:
123 (A) stores the tangible personal property or product transferred electronically in the
124 state;
125 (B) uses the tangible personal property or product transferred electronically in the state;
126 or
127 (C) consumes the tangible personal property or product transferred electronically in the
128 state.
129 (g) The ownership of property that is located at the premises of a printer's facility with
130 which the retailer has contracted for printing and that consists of the final printed product,
131 property that becomes a part of the final printed product, or copy from which the printed
132 product is produced, shall not result in the retailer being considered to have or maintain an
133 office, distribution house, sales house, warehouse, service enterprise, or other place of
134 business, or to maintain a stock of goods, within this state.
135 (3) (a) Except as provided in Section 59-12-107.1, a seller shall collect a tax under this
136 chapter from a purchaser.
137 (b) A seller may not collect as tax an amount, without regard to fractional parts of one
138 cent, in excess of the tax computed at the rates prescribed by this chapter.
139 (c) (i) Each seller shall:
140 (A) give the purchaser a receipt for the tax collected; or
141 (B) bill the tax as a separate item and declare the name of this state and the seller's
142 sales and use tax license number on the invoice for the sale.
143 (ii) The receipt or invoice is prima facie evidence that the seller has collected the tax
144 and relieves the purchaser of the liability for reporting the tax to the commission as a
145 consumer.
146 (d) A seller is not required to maintain a separate account for the tax collected, but is
147 considered to be a person charged with receipt, safekeeping, and transfer of public money.
148 (e) Taxes collected by a seller pursuant to this chapter shall be held in trust for the
149 benefit of the state and for payment to the commission in the manner and at the time provided
150 for in this chapter.
151 (f) If any seller, during any reporting period, collects as a tax an amount in excess of
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152 the lawful state and local percentage of total taxable sales allowed under this chapter, the seller
153 shall remit to the commission the full amount of the tax imposed under this chapter, plus any
154 excess.
155 (g) If the accounting methods regularly employed by the seller in the transaction of the
156 seller's business are such that reports of sales made during a calendar month or quarterly period
157 will impose unnecessary hardships, the commission may accept reports at intervals that, in the
158 commission's opinion, will better suit the convenience of the taxpayer or seller and will not
159 jeopardize collection of the tax.
160 (h) (i) For a purchase paid with specie legal tender as defined in Section 59-1-1501.1,
161 and until such time as the commission accepts specie legal tender for the payment of a tax
162 under this chapter, if the commission requires a seller to remit a tax under this chapter in legal
163 tender other than specie legal tender, the seller shall state on the seller's books and records and
164 on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser:
165 (A) the purchase price in specie legal tender and in the legal tender the seller is
166 required to remit to the commission;
167 (B) subject to Subsection (3)(h)(ii), the amount of tax due under this chapter in specie
168 legal tender and in the legal tender the seller is required to remit to the commission;
169 (C) the tax rate under this chapter applicable to the purchase; and
170 (D) the date of the purchase.
171 (ii) (A) Subject to Subsection (3)(h)(ii)(B), for purposes of determining the amount of
172 tax due under Subsection (3)(h)(i), a seller shall use the most recent London fixing price for the
173 specie legal tender the purchaser paid.
174 (B) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
175 commission may make rules for determining the amount of tax due under Subsection (3)(h)(i)
176 if the London fixing price is not available for a particular day.
177 (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (5) through (7) and Section 59-12-108, the
178 sales or use tax imposed by this chapter is due and payable to the commission quarterly on or
179 before the last day of the month next succeeding each quarterly calendar period.
180 (b) (i) Each seller shall, on or before the last day of the month next succeeding each
181 quarterly calendar period, file with the commission a return for the preceding quarterly period.
182 (ii) The seller shall remit with the return under Subsection (4)(b)(i) the amount of the
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183 tax required under this chapter to be collected or paid for the period covered by the return.
184 (c) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), a return shall contain information and be in
185 a form the commission prescribes by rule.
186 (d) (i) Subject to Subsection (4)(d)(ii), the sales tax as computed in the return shall be
187 based on the total nonexempt sales made during the period for which the return is filed,
188 including both cash and charge sales.
189 (ii) For a sale that includes the delivery or installation of tangible personal property at a
190 location other than a seller's place of business described in Subsection (2)(a)(i), if the delivery
191 or installation is separately stated on an invoice or receipt, a seller may compute the tax due on
192 the sale for purposes of Subsection (4)(d)(i) based on the amount the seller receives for that
193 sale during each period for which the seller receives payment for the sale.
194 (e) (i) The use tax as computed in the return shall be based on the total amount of
195 purchases for storage, use, or other consumption in this state made during the period for which
196 the return is filed, including both cash and charge purchases.
197 (ii) (A) As used in this Subsection (4)(e)(ii), "qualifying purchaser" means a purchaser
198 that is required to remit taxes under this chapter, but is not required to remit taxes monthly in
199 accordance with Section 59-12-108, and that converts tangible personal property into real
200 property.
201 (B) Subject to Subsections (4)(e)(ii)(C) and (D), a qualifying purchaser may remit the
202 taxes due under this chapter on tangible personal property for which the qualifying purchaser
203 claims an exemption as allowed under Subsection 59-12-104(23) or (25) based on the period in
204 which the qualifying purchaser receives payment, in accordance with Subsection (4)(e)(ii)(C),
205 for the conversion of the tangible personal property into real property.
206 (C) A qualifying purchaser remitting taxes due under this chapter in accordance with
207 Subsection (4)(e)(ii)(B) shall remit an amount equal to the total amount of tax due on the
208 qualifying purchaser's purchase of the tangible personal property that was converted into real
209 property multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the payment received in the period
210 for the qualifying purchaser's sale of the tangible personal property that was converted into real
211 property and the denominator of which is the entire sales price for the qualifying purchaser's
212 sale of the tangible personal property that was converted into real property.
213 (D) A qualifying purchaser may remit taxes due under this chapter in accordance with
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214 this Subsection (4)(e)(ii) only if the books and records that the qualifying purchaser keeps in
215 the qualifying purchaser's regular course of business identify by reasonable and verifiable
216 standards that the tangible personal property was converted into real property.
217 (f) (i) Subject to Subsection (4)(f)(ii) and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
218 Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the commission may by rule extend the time for making
219 returns and paying the taxes.
220 (ii) An extension under Subsection (4)(f)(i) may not be for more than 90 days.
221 (g) The commission may require returns and payment of the tax to be made for other
222 than quarterly periods if the commission considers it necessary in order to ensure the payment
223 of the tax imposed by this chapter.
224 (h) (i) The commission may require a seller that files a simplified electronic return with
225 the commission to file an additional electronic report with the commission.
226 (ii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
227 commission may make rules providing:
228 (A) the information required to be included in the additional electronic report described
229 in Subsection (4)(h)(i); and
230 (B) one or more due dates for filing the additional electronic report descr