[Congressional Bills 119th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 126 Introduced in House (IH)]


  1st Session
H. RES. 126

  Celebrating the legacy and contributions of immigrants and opposing 
                  discriminatory immigration policies.



                           February 12, 2025

 Ms. Ansari (for herself, Ms. Barragan, Ms. Bonamici, Mr. Carson, Mr. 
 Carter of Louisiana, Mr. Costa, Ms. Dexter, Mr. Doggett, Mr. Evans of 
Pennsylvania, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Ms. 
  Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Moulton, Ms. Norton, Mr. Thanedar, and Mr. 
Thompson of Mississippi) submitted the following resolution; which was 
               referred to the Committee on the Judiciary



  Celebrating the legacy and contributions of immigrants and opposing 
                  discriminatory immigration policies.

Whereas the United States of America was founded by immigrants seeking freedom, 
        security, and opportunity;
Whereas the United States is best when it serves as a haven for those seeking a 
        better, more secure, more prosperous life;
Whereas President George Washington said, ``[Let] the poor, the needy, and 
        oppressed of the Earth, and those who want Land, resort to the fertile 
        lands of our western country, the second land of Promise, and there 
        dwell in peace, fulfilling the first and great commandment.'';
Whereas President Ronald Reagan said, ``Our nation is a nation of immigrants. 
        More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant 
        heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands.'';
Whereas President George W. Bush said, ``It says something about our country 
        that people around the world are willing to leave their homes and leave 
        their families and risk everything to come to America. Their talent and 
        hard work and love of freedom have helped make America the leader of the 
Whereas immigrants have enriched American society in countless ways, 
        contributing to its economy, culture, arts, and sciences;
Whereas immigrants have served in the United States Armed Forces in 
        disproportionate numbers, defending the Nation with bravery and 
Whereas immigrants have played a vital role in the growth and prosperity of the 
        American economy, filling critical labor shortages and starting 
        businesses that create jobs and drive economic growth;
Whereas immigrants have strengthened United States communities, bringing diverse 
        perspectives, skills, and talents that enrich the social fabric of the 
        United States and make it a more vibrant and inclusive Nation;
Whereas discriminatory immigration policies, including family separation, 
        arbitrary detention of asylum seekers, and the targeting of immigrants 
        based on their race, religion, or national origin are contrary to the 
        values of freedom, justice, and equality upon which the Nation was 
Whereas such anti-immigrant policies have a devastating impact on immigrant 
        families and communities, causing trauma, fear, and economic hardship, 
        as well as to the national economy;
Whereas arbitrary anti-immigrant travel bans fail the security and economic 
        needs of the United States causing unnecessary harm and confusion; and
Whereas a welcoming and inclusive immigration system is essential for the 
        continued prosperity and strength of the United States: Now, therefore, 
        be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) recognizes and celebrates the invaluable contributions 
        of immigrants to the United States of America;
            (2) condemns all forms of discrimination against 
        immigrants, including racial profiling, religious 
        discrimination, and the targeting of immigrants based on their 
        national origin;
            (3) urges the Administration to uphold the rights and 
        dignity of all immigrants, including asylum seekers and 
            (4) calls for the implementation of humane immigration 
        policies that prioritize family unity, protect human rights, 
        and promote a pathway to citizenship for longtime residents; 
            (5) supports comprehensive immigration reform that 
        addresses the needs of the United States economy, strengthens 
        its communities, and reflects the values of compassion, 
        fairness, and opportunity for all.