[Congressional Bills 119th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 742 Introduced in House (IH)]


  1st Session
                                H. R. 742

  To prohibit Federal funds from being used to provide certain gender 
                    transition procedures to minors.



                            January 28, 2025

Mr. McCormick (for himself, Mr. Clyde, Mrs. Luna, Mr. Scott Franklin of 
 Florida, Ms. Van Duyne, Mr. Fallon, Mr. Collins, Mr. Weber of Texas, 
Mr. Harris of Maryland, Mr. Grothman, Mr. Guest, Mr. Zinke, Mr. Babin, 
  Mr. Moore of West Virginia, Mr. Ellzey, Mr. Norman, Mr. Webster of 
    Florida, Mr. Arrington, Mr. Wied, Mr. Rose, Mr. Austin Scott of 
Georgia, Mr. Hamadeh of Arizona, Mr. Baird, Mr. Owens, Mr. Gooden, Mr. 
   Jackson of Texas, Mr. Finstad, Mr. McGuire, Mr. Johnson of South 
Dakota, Mr. Ogles, and Mr. Gosar) introduced the following bill; which 
          was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce


                                 A BILL

  To prohibit Federal funds from being used to provide certain gender 
                    transition procedures to minors.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Resources Of Taxpayers to 
Eliminate Childhood Transgender Surgeries Act of 2025'' or the 
``PROTECTS Act of 2025''.


    (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no 
Federal funds may be used or otherwise made available to provide or 
refer for a specified gender transition procedure to an individual 
under the age of 18 or to reimburse any entity for providing such a 
procedure to such an individual.
    (b) Specified Gender Transition Procedure Defined.--
            (1) In general.--For purposes of this paragraph, except as 
        provided in paragraph (2), the term ``specified gender 
        transition procedure'' means, with respect to an individual, 
        any of the following when performed for the purpose of 
        intentionally changing the body of such individual to no longer 
        correspond to their sex:
                    (A) Performing any surgery, including--
                            (i) castration;
                            (ii) orchiectomy;
                            (iii) scrotoplasty;
                            (iv) vasectomy;
                            (v) hysterectomy;
                            (vi) oophorectomy;
                            (vii) ovariectomy;
                            (viii) metoidioplasty;
                            (ix) penectomy;
                            (x) phalloplasty;
                            (xi) vaginoplasty;
                            (xii) vaginectomy;
                            (xiii) vulvoplasty;
                            (xiv) reduction thyrochondroplasty;
                            (xv) chondrolaryngoplasty;
                            (xvi) mastectomy; and
                            (xvii) any plastic, cosmetic, or aesthetic 
                        surgery that feminizes or masculinizes the 
                        facial or other body features of an individual.
                    (B) Any placement of chest implants to create 
                feminine breasts.
                    (C) Any placement of fat or artificial implants in 
                the gluteal region.
                    (D) Administering, supplying, prescribing, 
                dispensing, distributing, or otherwise conveying to an 
                individual medications, including--
                            (i) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 
                        analogues or other puberty-blocking drugs to 
                        stop or delay normal puberty; and
                            (ii) testosterone, estrogen, or other 
                        androgens to an individual at doses that are 
                        supraphysiologic than would normally be 
                        produced endogenously in a healthy individual 
                        of the same age and sex.
            (2) Exception.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the 
        following when furnished to an individual by a health care 
        provider with the consent of such individual's parent or legal 
                    (A) Puberty suppression or blocking prescription 
                drugs for the purpose of normalizing puberty for an 
                individual experiencing precocious puberty.
                    (B) Appropriate and medically necessary procedures 
                or treatments to correct for--
                            (i) a medically verifiable genetic disorder 
                        of sex development, including--
                                    (I) 46,XX chromosomes with 
                                    (II) 46,XY chromosomes with 
                                undervirilization; and
                                    (III) both ovarian and testicular 
                            (ii) sex chromosome structure, sex steroid 
                        hormone production, or sex hormone action, if 
                        determined to be abnormal by a physician 
                        through genetic or biochemical testing; or
                            (iii) infection, disease, injury, or 
                        disorder caused or exacerbated by a previous 
                        procedure described in paragraph (1), or a 
                        physical disorder, physical injury, or physical 
                        illness that would, as certified by a 
                        physician, place the individual in imminent 
                        danger of death or impairment of a major bodily 
                        function unless the procedure is performed, not 
                        including procedures performed for the 
                        alleviation of mental distress.
            (3) Certain terms.--For purposes of this section:
                    (A) Sex.--The term ``sex'', when referring to 
                individual's sex, shall be understood to refer to 
                either male or female, as biologically determined.
                    (B) Female.--The term ``female'', when referring to 
                a natural person, means an individual who naturally 
                has, had, will have, or would have, but for a 
                developmental or genetic anomaly or historical 
                accident, the reproductive system that at some point 
                produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for 
                    (C) Male.--The term ``male'', when referring to a 
                natural person, means an individual who naturally has, 
                had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental 
                or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the 
                reproductive system that at some point produces, 
                transports, and utilizes sperm for fertilization.