[Congressional Bills 119th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 199 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  1st Session
                                 S. 199

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide special rules for 
 the taxation of certain residents of Taiwan with income from sources 
                       within the United States.



                            January 23, 2025

    Mr. Crapo (for himself, Mr. Risch, Mr. Wyden, and Mrs. Shaheen) 
introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the 
                          Committee on Finance


                                 A BILL

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide special rules for 
 the taxation of certain residents of Taiwan with income from sources 
                       within the United States.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,



    This title may be cited as the ``United States-Taiwan Expedited 
Double-Tax Relief Act''.


    (a) In General.--Subpart D of part II of subchapter N of chapter 1 
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting after 
section 894 the following new section:


    ``(a) Certain Income From United States Sources.--
            ``(1) Interest, dividends, and royalties, etc.--
                    ``(A) In general.--In the case of interest (other 
                than original issue discount), dividends, royalties, 
                amounts described in section 871(a)(1)(C), and gains 
                described in section 871(a)(1)(D) received by or paid 
                to a qualified resident of Taiwan--
                            ``(i) sections 871(a), 881(a), 1441(a), 
                        1441(c)(5), and 1442(a) shall each be applied 
                        by substituting `the applicable percentage (as 
                        defined in section 894A(a)(1)(C))' for `30 
                        percent' each place it appears, and
                            ``(ii) sections 871(a), 881(a), and 
                        1441(c)(1) shall each be applied by 
                        substituting `a United States permanent 
                        establishment of a qualified resident of 
                        Taiwan' for `a trade or business within the 
                        United States' each place it appears.
                    ``(B) Exceptions.--
                            ``(i) In general.--Subparagraph (A) shall 
                        not apply to--
                                    ``(I) any dividend received from or 
                                paid by a real estate investment trust 
                                which is not a qualified REIT dividend,
                                    ``(II) any amount subject to 
                                section 897,
                                    ``(III) any amount received from or 
                                paid by an expatriated entity (as 
                                defined in section 7874(a)(2)) to a 
                                foreign related person (as defined in 
                                section 7874(d)(3)), and
                                    ``(IV) any amount which is included 
                                in income under section 860C to the 
                                extent that such amount does not exceed 
                                an excess inclusion with respect to a 
                            ``(ii) Qualified reit dividend.--For 
                        purposes of clause (i)(I), the term `qualified 
                        REIT dividend' means any dividend received from 
                        or paid by a real estate investment trust if 
                        such dividend is paid with respect to a class 
                        of shares that is publicly traded and the 
                        recipient of the dividend is a person who holds 
                        an interest in any class of shares of the real 
                        estate investment trust of not more than 5 
                    ``(C) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of 
                applying subparagraph (A)(i)--
                            ``(i) In general.--Except as provided in 
                        clause (ii), the term `applicable percentage' 
                        means 10 percent.
                            ``(ii) Special rules for dividends.--In the 
                        case of any dividend in respect of stock 
                        received by or paid to a qualified resident of 
                        Taiwan, the applicable percentage shall be 15 
                        percent (10 percent in the case of a dividend 
                        which meets the requirements of subparagraph 
                        (D) and is received by or paid to an entity 
                        taxed as a corporation in Taiwan).
                    ``(D) Requirements for lower dividend rate.--
                            ``(i) In general.--The requirements of this 
                        subparagraph are met with respect to any 
                        dividend in respect of stock in a corporation 
                        if, at all times during the 12-month period 
                        ending on the date such stock becomes ex-
                        dividend with respect to such dividend--
                                    ``(I) the dividend is derived by a 
                                qualified resident of Taiwan, and
                                    ``(II) such qualified resident of 
                                Taiwan has held directly at least 10 
                                percent (by vote and value) of the 
                                total outstanding shares of stock in 
                                such corporation.
                         For purposes of subclause (II), a person shall 
                        be treated as directly holding a share of stock 
                        during any period described in the preceding 
                        sentence if the share was held by a corporation 
                        from which such person later acquired that 
                        share and such corporation was, at the time the 
                        share was acquired, both a connected person to 
                        such person and a qualified resident of Taiwan.
                            ``(ii) Exception for rics and reits.--
                        Notwithstanding clause (i), the requirements of 
                        this subparagraph shall not be treated as met 
                        with respect to any dividend paid by a 
                        regulated investment company or a real estate 
                        investment trust.
            ``(2) Qualified wages.--
                    ``(A) In general.--No tax shall be imposed under 
                this chapter (and no amount shall be withheld under 
                section 1441(a) or chapter 24) with respect to 
                qualified wages paid to a qualified resident of Taiwan 
                            ``(i) is not a resident of the United 
                        States (determined without regard to subsection 
                        (c)(3)(E)), or
                            ``(ii) is employed as a member of the 
                        regular component of a ship or aircraft 
                        operated in international traffic.
                    ``(B) Qualified wages.--
                            ``(i) In general.--The term `qualified 
                        wages' means wages, salaries, or similar 
                        remunerations with respect to employment 
                        involving the performance of personal services 
                        within the United States which--
                                    ``(I) are paid by (or on behalf of) 
                                any employer other than a United States 
                                person, and
                                    ``(II) are not borne by a United 
                                States permanent establishment of any 
                                person other than a United States 
                            ``(ii) Exceptions.--Such term shall not 
                        include directors' fees, income derived as an 
                        entertainer or athlete, income derived as a 
                        student or trainee, pensions, amounts paid with 
                        respect to employment with the United States, 
                        any State (or political subdivision thereof), 
                        or any possession of the United States (or any 
                        political subdivision thereof), or other 
                        amounts specified in regulations or guidance 
                        under subsection (f)(1)(F).
            ``(3) Income derived from entertainment or athletic 
                    ``(A) In general.--No tax shall be imposed under 
                this chapter (and no amount shall be withheld under 
                section 1441(a) or chapter 24) with respect to income 
                derived by an entertainer or athlete who is a qualified 
                resident of Taiwan from personal activities as such 
                performed in the United States if the aggregate amount 
                of gross receipts from such activities for the taxable 
                year do not exceed $30,000.
                    ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply 
                with respect to--
                            ``(i) income which is qualified wages (as 
                        defined in paragraph (2)(B), determined without 
                        regard to clause (ii) thereof), or
                            ``(ii) income which is effectively 
                        connected with a United States permanent 
    ``(b) Income Connected With a United States Permanent Establishment 
of a Qualified Resident of Taiwan.--
            ``(1) In general.--
                    ``(A) In general.--In lieu of applying sections 
                871(b) and 882, a qualified resident of Taiwan that 
                carries on a trade or business within the United States 
                through a United States permanent establishment shall 
                be taxable as provided in section 1, 11, 55, or 59A, on 
                its taxable income which is effectively connected with 
                such permanent establishment.
                    ``(B) Determination of taxable income.--In 
                determining taxable income for purposes of paragraph 
                (1), gross income includes only gross income which is 
                effectively connected with the permanent establishment.
            ``(2) Treatment of dispositions of united states real 
        property.--In the case of a qualified resident of Taiwan, 
        section 897(a) shall be applied--
                    ``(A) by substituting `carried on a trade or 
                business within the United States through a United 
                States permanent establishment' for `were engaged in a 
                trade or business within the United States', and
                    ``(B) by substituting `such United States permanent 
                establishment' for `such trade or business'.
            ``(3) Treatment of branch profits taxes.--In the case of 
        any corporation which is a qualified resident of Taiwan, 
        section 884 shall be applied--
                    ``(A) by substituting `10 percent' for `30 percent' 
                in subsection (a) thereof, and
                    ``(B) by substituting `a United States permanent 
                establishment of a qualified resident of Taiwan' for 
                `the conduct of a trade or business within the United 
                States' in subsection (d)(1) thereof.
            ``(4) Special rule with respect to income derived from 
        certain entertainment or athletic activities.--
                    ``(A) In general.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to 
                the extent that the income is derived--
                            ``(i) in respect of entertainment or 
                        athletic activities performed in the United 
                        States, and
                            ``(ii) by a qualified resident of Taiwan 
                        who is not the entertainer or athlete 
                        performing such activities.
                    ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply 
                if the person described in subparagraph (A)(ii) is 
                contractually authorized to designate the individual 
                who is to perform such activities.
            ``(5) Special rule with respect to certain amounts.--
        Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any income which is wages, 
        salaries, or similar remuneration with respect to employment or 
        with respect to any amount which is described in subsection 
    ``(c) Qualified Resident of Taiwan.--For purposes of this section--
            ``(1) In general.--The term `qualified resident of Taiwan' 
        means any person who--
                    ``(A) is liable to tax under the laws of Taiwan by 
                reason of such person's domicile, residence, place of 
                management, place of incorporation, or any similar 
                    ``(B) is not a United States person (determined 
                without regard to paragraph (3)(E)), and
                    ``(C) in the case of an entity taxed as a 
                corporation in Taiwan, meets the requirements of 
                paragraph (2).
            ``(2) Limitation on benefits for corporate entities of 
                    ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraphs (E) and 
                (F), an entity meets the requirements of this paragraph 
                only if it--
                            ``(i) meets the ownership and income 
                        requirements of subparagraph (B),
                            ``(ii) meets the publicly traded 
                        requirements of subparagraph (C), or
                            ``(iii) meets the qualified subsidiary 
                        requirements of subparagraph (D).
                    ``(B) Ownership and income requirements.--The 
                requirements of this subparagraph are met for an entity 
                            ``(i) at least 50 percent (by vote and 
                        value) of the total outstanding shares of stock 
                        in such entity are owned directly or indirectly 
                        by qualified residents of Taiwan, and
                            ``(ii) less than 50 percent of such 
                        entity's gross income (and in the case of an 
                        entity that is a member of a tested group, less 
                        than 50 percent of the tested group's gross 
                        income) is paid or accrued, directly or 
                        indirectly, in the form of payments that are 
                        deductible for purposes of the income taxes 
                        imposed by Taiwan, to persons who are not--
                                    ``(I) qualified residents of 
                                Taiwan, or
                                    ``(II) United States persons who 
                                meet such requirements with respect to 
                                the United States as determined by the 
                                Secretary to be equivalent to the 
                                requirements of this subsection 
                                (determined without regard to paragraph 
                                (1)(B)) with respect to residents of 
                    ``(C) Publicly traded requirements.--An entity 
                meets the requirements of this subparagraph if--
                            ``(i) the principal class of its shares 
                        (and any disproportionate class of shares) of 
                        such entity are primarily and regularly traded 
                        on an established securities market in Taiwan, 
                            ``(ii) the primary place of management and 
                        control of the entity is in Taiwan and all 
                        classes of its outstanding shares described in 
                        clause (i) are regularly traded on an 
                        established securities market in Taiwan.
                    ``(D) Qualified subsidiary requirements.--An entity 
                meets the requirement of this subparagraph if--
                            ``(i) at least 50 percent (by vote and 
                        value) of the total outstanding shares of the 
                        stock of such entity are owned directly or 
                        indirectly by 5 or fewer entities--
                                    ``(I) which meet the requirements 
                                of subparagraph (C), or
                                    ``(II) which are United States 
                                persons the principal class of the 
                                shares (and any disproportionate class 
                                of shares) of which are primarily and 
                                regularly traded on an established 
                                securities market in the United States, 
                            ``(ii) the entity meets the requirements of 
                        clause (ii) of subparagraph (B).
                    ``(E) Only indirect ownership through qualifying 
                intermediaries counted.--
                            ``(i) In general.--Stock in an entity owned 
                        by a person indirectly through 1 or more other 
                        persons shall not be treated as owned by such 
                        person in determining whether the person meets 
                        the requirements of subparagraph (B)(i) or 
                        (D)(i) unless all such other persons are 
                        qualifying intermediate owners.
                            ``(ii) Qualifying intermediate owners.--The 
                        term `qualifying intermediate owner' means a 
                        person that is--
                                    ``(I) a qualified resident of 
                                Taiwan, or
                                    ``(II) a resident of any other 
                                foreign country (other than a foreign 
                                country that is a foreign country of 
                                concern) that has in effect a 