[Congressional Bills 119th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 537 Introduced in House (IH)]


  1st Session
                                H. R. 537

 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax credits for 
the conversion of commercial buildings to residential units, to provide 
support and technical assistance to State and local housing agencies to 
identify and advance housing conversion opportunities for underutilized 
             commercial buildings, and for other purposes.



                            January 16, 2025

 Ms. Sherrill introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
   Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on 
 Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the 
  Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall 
           within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax credits for 
the conversion of commercial buildings to residential units, to provide 
support and technical assistance to State and local housing agencies to 
identify and advance housing conversion opportunities for underutilized 
             commercial buildings, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Incentivizing New Conversions to 
Residential Entities to Accelerate Supply and Expand Housing 
Affordability Act'' or the ``INCREASE Housing Affordability Act''.


    (a) In General.--Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is 
amended by redesignating paragraph (7) as paragraph (8), by 
redesignating the paragraph (6) relating to the advanced manufacturing 
investment credits as paragraph (7), by striking ``and'' at the end of 
paragraph (7) (as so redesignated), by striking the period at the end 
of paragraph (8) (as so redesignated) and inserting ``, and'', and by 
adding at the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(9) the commercial-to-residential credit.''.
    (b) Amount of Credit.--Subpart E of part IV of subchapter A of 
chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting 
after section 48E the following new section:


    ``(a) In General.--For purposes of section 46, the commercial-to-
residential credit for any taxable year is equal to 15 percent of the 
qualified conversion expenditures with respect to a qualified converted 
    ``(b) Limitation on Credit Amount.--The credit determined under 
subsection (a) may not exceed--
            ``(1) $200,000 per new residential housing unit, and
            ``(2) $10,000,000 per qualified converted building.
    ``(c) When Expenditures Taken Into Account.--
            ``(1) In general.--Qualified conversion expenditures with 
        respect to any qualified converted building shall be taken into 
        account for the taxable year in which such qualified converted 
        building is placed in service.
            ``(2) Coordination with subsection (e).--The amount which 
        would (but for this subparagraph) be taken into account under 
        subparagraph (A) with respect to any qualified converted 
        building shall be reduced (but not below zero) by any amount of 
        qualified conversion expenditures taken into account under 
        subsection (e) by the taxpayer or a predecessor of the taxpayer 
        (or, in the case of a sale and leaseback described in section 
        50(a)(2)(C), by the lessee), to the extent any amount so taken 
        into account has not been required to be recaptured under 
        section 50(a).
    ``(d) Bonus Credits.--
            ``(1) Affordable housing bonus credit.--
                    ``(A) In general.--In the case of a qualified 
                converted building which has been converted to a 
                majority rental residential use and which satisfies the 
                requirements under subparagraph (B), the amount of the 
                credit determined under subsection (a) (determined 
                without regard to this subsection) and the limitation 
                on credit amount described in subsection (b) 
                (determined without regard to this subsection) with 
                respect to such building shall each be increased by an 
                amount equal to--
                            ``(i) in the case of a qualified converted 
                        building 25 percent or more of the residential 
                        units of which are both rent-restricted and 
                        occupied by individuals whose income does not 
                        exceed 100 percent of area median income, 10 
                        percent of such amounts,
                            ``(ii) in the case of a qualified converted 
                        building 25 percent or more of the residential 
                        units of which are both rent-restricted and 
                        occupied by individuals whose income does not 
                        exceed 80 percent of area median income, 15 
                        percent of such amounts, and
                            ``(iii) in the case of a qualified 
                        converted building 25 percent or more of the 
                        residential units of which are both rent-
                        restricted and occupied by individuals whose 
                        income does not exceed 60 percent of area 
                        median income, 20 percent of such amounts.
                    ``(B) Rent and income limitation.--For purposes of 
                subparagraph (A), rules similar to the rules of section 
                42(g) shall apply to determine whether a unit is rent-
                restricted, treatment of units occupied by individuals 
                whose incomes rise above the limit, and treatment of 
                units where Federal rental assistance is reduced as 
                tenant's income increases.
            ``(2) Prevailing wage bonus credit.--
                    ``(A) In general.--In the case of any qualified 
                converted building with respect to which the taxpayer 
                certifies to the Secretary that the taxpayer satisfied 
                the requirement of subparagraph (B) with respect to the 
                conversion process, the amount of the credit determined 
                under subsection (a) (determined without regard to this 
                subsection) and the limitation on the credit amount 
                described in subsection (b) (determined without regard 
                to this subsection) with respect to such building shall 
                each be increased by an amount equal to 15 percent of 
                such amounts.
                    ``(B) Prevailing wage requirement.--The requirement 
                described in this subparagraph is satisfied with 
                respect to any conversion if all laborers or mechanics 
                employed by the taxpayer or any contractor or 
                subcontractor of the taxpayer to carry out the 
                conversion were paid wages at rates not less than the 
                prevailing rates for construction, alteration, or 
                repair of a similar character in the locality in which 
                such project is located as most recently determined by 
                the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with subchapter 
                IV of chapter 31 of title 40, United States Code.
    ``(e) Definitions.--
            ``(1) Qualified converted building.--
                    ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified converted 
                building' means any building (and its structural 
                components) if--
                            ``(i) prior to conversion, such building 
                        was nonresidential real property (as defined in 
                        section 168) which was leased, or available for 
                        lease, to office tenants,
                            ``(ii) such building has been substantially 
                        converted from an office use to a residential 
                        or residential-retail mixed use,
                            ``(iii) such building was initially placed 
                        in service at least 15 years before the 
                        beginning of the conversion, and
                            ``(iv) depreciation (or amortization in 
                        lieu of depreciation) is allowable with respect 
                        to such building.
                    ``(B) Substantially converted defined.--
                            ``(i) In general.--For purposes of 
                        paragraph (1)(A)(ii), a building shall be 
                        treated as having been substantially converted 
                        only if the qualified conversion expenditures 
                        during the 24-month period selected by the 
                        taxpayer (at the time and in the manner 
                        prescribed by regulation) and ending with or 
                        within the taxable year exceed the greater of--
                                    ``(I) the adjusted basis of such 
                                building (and its structural 
                                components), or
                                    ``(II) $15,000.
                        The adjusted basis of the building (and its 
                        structural components) shall be determined as 
                        of the beginning of the 1st day of such 24-
                        month period, or of the holding period of the 
                        building, whichever is later. For purposes of 
                        the preceding sentence, the determination of 
                        the beginning of the holding period shall be 
                        made without regard to any reconstruction by 
                        the taxpayer in connection with the conversion.
                            ``(ii) Special rule for phased 
                        conversion.--In the case of any conversion 
                        which may reasonably be expected to be 
                        completed in phases set forth in architectural 
                        plans and specifications completed before the 
                        conversion begins, clause (i) shall be applied 
                        by substituting `60-month period' for `24-month 
                            ``(iii) Lessees.--The Secretary shall 
                        prescribe by regulation rules for applying this 
                        subparagraph to lessees.
                    ``(C) Reconstruction.--Conversion includes 
            ``(2) Qualified conversion expenditures defined.--
                    ``(A) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), 
                the term `qualified conversion expenditures' means any 
                amount properly chargeable to capital account--
                            ``(i) for property for which depreciation 
                        is allowable under section 168 and which is--
                                    ``(I) nonresidential real property 
                                (as defined in section 168),
                                    ``(II) residential rental property 
                                (as defined in section 168), or
                                    ``(III) an addition or improvement 
                                to property described in clause (i) or 
                                (ii), and
                            ``(ii) in connection with the conversion of 
                        a qualified converted building.
                    ``(B) Certain expenditures not included.--The term 
                `qualified conversion expenditures' does not include--
                            ``(i) Straight line depreciation must be 
                        used.--Any expenditure with respect to which 
                        the taxpayer does not use the straight line 
                        method over a recovery period determined under 
                        subsection (c) or (g) of section 168. The 
                        preceding sentence shall not apply to any 
                        expenditure to the extent the alternative 
                        depreciation system of section 168(g) applies 
                        to such expenditure by reason of subparagraph 
                        (B) or (C) of section 168(g)(1).
                            ``(ii) Cost of acquisition.--The cost of 
                        acquiring any building or interest therein.
                            ``(iii) Enlargements.--Any expenditure 
                        attributable to the enlargement of an existing 
                            ``(iv) Tax-exempt use property.--Any 
                        expenditure in connection with the conversion 
                        of a building which is allocable to the portion 
                        of such property which is (or may reasonably be 
                        expected to be) tax-exempt use property (within 
                        the meaning of section 168(h)), except that--
                                    ``(I) `50 percent' shall be 
                                substituted for `35 percent' in 
                                paragraph (1)(B)(iii) thereof, and
                                    ``(II) an eligible educational 
                                institution (as defined in section 
                                529(e)(5)) shall not be treated as a 
                                tax-exempt entity.
                        This clause shall not apply for purposes of 
                        determining whether a building has been 
                        substantially converted.
                            ``(v) Expenditures of lessee.--Any 
                        expenditure of a lessee of a building if, on 
                        the date the conversion is completed, the 
                        remaining term of the lease (determined without 
                        regard to any renewal periods) is less than the 
                        recovery period determined under section 
    ``(f) Progress Expenditures.--
            ``(1) In general.--In the case of any building to which 
        this subsection applies, except as provided in paragraph (3)--
                    ``(A) if such building is self-converted property, 
                any qualified conversion expenditure with respect to 
                such building shall be taken into account for the 
                taxable year for which such expenditure is properly 
                chargeable to capital account with respect to such 
                building, and
                    ``(B) if such building is not self-converted 
                property, any qualified conversion expenditure with 
                respect to such building shall be taken into account 
                for the taxable year in which paid.
            ``(2) Property to which subsection applies.--
                    ``(A) In general.--This subsection shall apply to 
                any building which is being converted by or for the 
                taxpayer if--
                            ``(i) the normal conversion period for such 
                        building is 2 years or more, and
                            ``(ii) it is reasonable to expect that such 
                        building will be a qualified converted building 
                        in the hands of the taxpayer when it is placed 
                        in service.
                Clauses (i) and (ii) shall be applied on the basis of 
                facts known as of the close of the taxable year of the 
                taxpayer in which the conversion begins (or, if later, 
                at the close of the first taxable year to which an 
                election under this subsection applies).
                    ``(B) Normal conversion period.--For purposes of 
                subparagraph (A), the term `normal conversion period' 
                means the period reasonably expected to be required for 
                the conversion of the building--
                            ``(i) beginning with the date on which 
                        physical work on the conversion begins (or, if 
                        later, the first day of the first taxable year 
                        to which an election under this subsection 
                        applies), and
                            ``(ii) ending on the date on which it is 
                        expected that the property will be available 
                        for placing in service.
            ``(3) Special rules for applying paragraph (1).--For 
        purposes of paragraph (1)--
                    ``(A) Component parts, etc.--Property which is to 
                be a component part of, or is otherwise to be included 
                in, any building to which this subsection applies shall 
                be taken into account--
                            ``(i) at a time not earlier than the time 
                        at which it becomes irrevocably devoted to use 
                        in the building, and
                            ``(ii) as if (at the time referred to in 
                        clause (i)) the taxpayer had expended an amount 
                        equal to that portion of the cost to the 
                        taxpayer of such component or other property 
                        which, for purposes of this subpart, is 
                        properly chargeable (during such taxable year) 
                        to capital account with respect to such 
                    ``(B) Certain borrowing disregarded.--Any amount 
                borrowed directly or indirectly by the taxpayer from 
                the person converting the property for him shall not be 
                treated as an amount expended for such conversion.
                    ``(C) Limitation for buildings which are not self-
                            ``(i) In general.--In the case of a 
                        building which is not self-converted, the 
                        amount taken into account under paragraph 
                        (1)(B) for any taxable year shall not exceed 
                        the amount which represents the portion of the 
                        overall cost to the taxpayer of the conversion 
                        which is properly attributable to the portion 
                        of the conversion which is completed during 
                        such taxable year.
                            ``(ii) Carryover of certain amounts.--In 
                        the case of a building which is not a self-
                        converted building, if for the taxable year--
                                    ``(I) the amount which (but for 
                                clause (i)) would have been taken i