Proxy Voting for New Parents Resolution
This resolution authorizes proxy voting in the House of Representatives for a Member who has given birth or whose spouse has given birth and pregnant Members who are unable to travel safely or have a serious medical condition.
Under the resolution, a qualifying Member may designate a proxy to cast a vote in a committee, the Committee of the Whole, or on the House floor; however, proxies will not be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum. The proxy designation is valid for up to 12 weeks.
To designate a proxy for House and Committee of the Whole votes, the Member must submit a signed and dated letter to the Clerk stating the Member’s qualifying circumstances and the name and state of the Member who has agreed to be designated as proxy. A Member who has designated a proxy according to these requirements may also designate a proxy for committee votes. To designate a proxy for committee votes, the Member must provide the committee chair and ranking minority member with a signed and dated letter specifying another member of the committee to cast a proxy vote.
The resolution further provides that a Member may revoke the proxy authorization by (1) casting the Member’s own vote; (2) recording the Member’s own presence in the House or in the Committee of the Whole; or (3) in a committee, by submitting a signed letter to the chair and ranking minority member.