[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 9676 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 9676

 To direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to 
    establish National Plastics Recycling Standards, and for other 



                           September 19, 2024

 Mr. Bucshon (for himself and Mr. Davis of North Carolina) introduced 
 the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and 


                                 A BILL

 To direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to 
    establish National Plastics Recycling Standards, and for other 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Accelerating a 
Circular Economy for Plastics and Recycling Innovation Act of 2024''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Findings; purpose.
Sec. 3. Definitions.

Sec. 101. National Plastics Recycling Standards Advisory Committee.
Sec. 102. National plastic recycling standards.
Sec. 103. Comparative study on carbon impact of raw materials.

Sec. 201. Definitions.
Sec. 202. Minimum mandate for recycled plastic in plastics packaging 
Sec. 203. Labeling compliance and enforcement.
Sec. 204. General provisions.


    (a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
            (1) The Environmental Protection Agency has recognized that 
        reusing and recycling materials conserves natural resources, 
        reduces waste sent to landfills and incinerators, prevents 
        pollution, conserves natural resources, reduces greenhouse 
        gases contributing to climate change, and helps create jobs and 
        tax revenue.
            (2) Given these benefits, the Environmental Protection 
        Agency set a National Recycling Goal in 2020 to increase the 
        national recycling rate for all materials to 50 percent by 
            (3) As a parallel effort, the Environmental Protection 
        Agency developed a ``National Recycling Strategy'' that 
        identifies objectives and actions to create a stronger, more 
        resilient recycling system.
            (4) Collectively, these efforts intend to increase the 
        amount of materials that can be recycled, make the processing 
        system more efficient, ensure the industry can keep pace with 
        today's diverse and changing waste system, and strengthen the 
        economic markets for recycling materials.
            (5) These measures are also intended to help manufacturers 
        make more products using recycled materials, increase 
        competition, and encourage demand for more products made using 
        recycled materials.
            (6) There is an unprecedented public and private momentum 
        and investment to innovate, improve, and expand the existing 
        recycling system to develop a circular economy for plastics.
            (7) A circular economy for plastic products and materials, 
        whether derived from oil, gas, or organics, benefits 
        businesses, society, and the environment.
            (8) To meet the National Recycling Goal and support 
        domestic interests and competitiveness within international 
        markets, it will be necessary for the recycling market in the 
        United States to expand its deployment of advanced recycling 
            (9) These innovative manufacturing processes fundamentally 
        transform the chemical structure of post-use polymer products, 
        many of which are traditionally hard to recycle by mechanical 
        recycling techniques, back to their basic chemical or molecular 
    (b) Purpose.--The purposes of this Act are to--
            (1) grow the circular economy for plastics products and 
        materials to--
                    (A) meet the National Recycling Goal;
                    (B) protect the global environment;
                    (C) reduce plastic waste;
                    (D) support the standardization of the recycling 
                infrastructure capacity in the United States; and
                    (E) bolster competition, technological innovation, 
                and robust global and national markets around circular 
            (2) create national plastics recycling standards to 
        encourage the modernization of the recycling infrastructure of 
        the United States;
            (3) foster competition and consistency in marketing 
        recycled plastics in plastics packaging;
            (4) recognize advanced recycling technologies as a critical 
        component of the international market for recycled products and 
        the National Recycling Strategy;
            (5) recognize advanced recycling as a manufacturing process 
        to be regulated under applicable Federal, State, and local 
        environmental statutes, rules, and regulations, including the 
        Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.); and
            (6) promote international movement towards the use of 
        advanced recycling technologies and the utilization of recycled 
        plastics in the manufacturing of plastics packaging to support 
        the global economy.


    In this Act:
            (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the 
        Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
            (2) Advanced recycling; advanced plastics recycling.--The 
        term ``advanced recycling'' or ``advanced plastics recycling'' 
        means a manufacturing process for the conversion of post-use 
        polymers and recovered feedstocks into recycled products that 
        include basic raw materials, feedstocks, chemicals, and other 
        products through processes that include pyrolysis, 
        gasification, depolymerization, catalytic cracking, solvolysis, 
        chemolysis, and other similar technologies. The recycled 
        products produced at advanced recycling or advanced plastics 
        recycling facilities include, but are not limited to, monomers, 
        oligomers, plastics, plastic and chemical feedstocks, basic and 
        unfinished chemicals, waxes, lubricants, coatings, and 
        adhesives. Advanced recycling shall not be considered 
        incineration of plastics or municipal waste combustion, and 
        products sold as fuel are not recycled products. Advanced 
        recycling shall not be considered ``solid waste management'', 
        ``solid waste processing'', ``solid waste recovery'', 
        ``incineration'', ``treatment'', ``thermal destruction'', 
        ``municipal waste combustion'', ``waste-to-energy'', or similar 
        designations that would prevent the process from being 
        considered a recycling process and the products from such 
        process being considered recycled products. Advanced recycling 
        shall be regulated as a manufacturing process under any 
        potentially applicable Federal, State, or local environmental 
        laws, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, 
        the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.), the Clean Water Act 
        (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), and the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
        U.S.C. 6901 et seq,).
            (3) Advanced recycling facility; advanced plastics 
        recycling facility.--The term ``advanced recycling facility'' 
        or ``advanced plastics recycling facility'' means a 
        manufacturing facility that receives, stores, and converts 
        post-use polymers and advanced recycling plastic feedstocks it 
        receives using advanced recycling. Advanced recycling or 
        advanced plastics recycling facilities shall not be considered 
        ``solid waste facilities'', ``solid waste disposal 
        facilities'', ``solid waste management facilities'', ``resource 
        recovery facilities'', ``materials recovery facilities'', 
        ``thermal destruction facilities'', ``incinerators'', 
        ``municipal waste combustors'', ``combustion facilities'', 
        ``treatment facilities'', ``reclamation facilities'', 
        ``recycling facilities'', or ``recycling centers'', as defined 
        herein or in under definitions in the Solid Waste Disposal Act 
        (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.), the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et 
        seq.), or any other potentially applicable Federal, State, or 
        local environmental laws, rules, and regulations. Advanced 
        recycling or advanced plastics recycling facilities shall be 
        regulated as manufacturing facilities under any potentially 
        applicable Federal, State, or local environmental laws, rules, 
        and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Clean Air 
        Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 
        1251 et seq.).
            (4) Approved certification system.--The term ``approved 
        certification system'' shall have the meaning ascribed to that 
        term in section 202(c)(2) of this Act.
            (5) Auditable.--The term ``auditable'' means a system for 
        verifying the chain of custody between advanced recycling 
        plastic feedstocks, advanced recycling products, and the 
        plastics produced from advanced recycling products through 
        attribution using mass balance.
            (6) Certified compostable product.--The term ``certified 
        compostable product'' means a product that is certified by a 
        recognized third-party independent verification body as meeting 
        the international standard specification ASTM D6400 (relating 
        to standard specification for labeling of plastics designed to 
        be aerobically composted in municipal or industrial facilities) 
        or ASTM D6868 (relating to standard specifications for labeling 
        of end items that incorporate plastics and polymers as coatings 
        or additives with paper and other substrates designed to be 
        aerobically or anaerobically composted in homes or municipal or 
        industrial facilities).
            (7) Certified recycled.--The term ``certified recycled'' 
        shall have the same meaning as recycled plastics.
            (8) Chain of custody.--The term ``chain of custody'' means 
        a system to document and verify the path taken through means, 
        including but not limited to, physical methods or mass balance 
        attribution during the production of products.
            (9) Circular economy.--The term ``circular economy'' shall 
        have the meaning provided in section 2 of the Save Our Seas 2.0 
        Act (33 U.S.C. 4201).
            (10) Committee.--The term ``Committee'' means the National 
        Plastic Recycling Standards Advisory Committee established 
        under section 101.
            (11) Disposal.--The term ``disposal'' has the meaning given 
        such term under section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act 
        (42 U.S.C. 6903).
            (12) Gasification.--The term ``gasification'' means a 
        manufacturing process through which post-use polymers or 
        recovered feedstocks are heated in an oxygen-controlled 
        atmosphere and converted to syngas (carbon monoxide and 
        hydrogen), followed by conversion into valuable raw, 
        intermediate, and final products.
            (13) Hazardous waste.--The term ``hazardous waste'' has the 
        meaning given such term in section 1004 of the Solid Waste 
        Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6903).
            (14) Mass balance certification.--The term ``mass balance 
        certification'' means an auditable chain of custody accounting 
        methodology with rules defined by a third-party certification 
        system that enables the attribution of the mass of advanced 
        recycling plastic feedstocks to one or more advanced recycling 
            (15) Marketer.--The term ``marketer'' means a person who--
                    (A) manufactures or purchases manufactured consumer 
                commodities, food, and beverages; and
                    (B) encloses, contains, stores, protects, 
                preserves, or identifies such consumer commodities, 
                food, and beverages in plastic packaging for the 
                purpose of selling, importing, or distributing in the 
                United States.
            (16) Mechanical recycling.--The term ``mechanical 
        recycling'' means a recycling process that recycles material, 
        including plastic through a physical process, including 
        grinding, washing, separating, drying, regranulating, and 
            (17) Minimum mandate.--The term ``minimum mandate'' means 
        the minimum mandate established under section 201(3).
            (18) Municipal solid waste.--The term ``municipal solid 
        waste'' means garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom, or office 
        waste, and other material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, 
        or contained gaseous material resulting from operation of 
        residential, municipal, commercial, or institutional 
        establishments and from community activities, generated by a 
        household, collected and disposed of at municipal solid waste 
        facilities, and any sludge not meeting the definition of 
        residual or hazardous waste hereunder from a municipal, 
        commercial, or institutional water supply treatment plant, 
        waste water treatment plant, or air pollution control facility. 
        The term does not include advanced recycling feedstocks that 
        are collected, sorted, transported, stored, or processed for 
        conversion to advanced recycling products through advanced 
        recycling. Municipal solid waste can be used as advanced 
        recycling feedstocks upon physical separation or sorting.
            (19) National plastic recycling standards.--The term 
        ``national plastic recycling standards'' means the standards 
        established under section 102.
            (20) National recycling goal.--The term ``National 
        Recycling Goal'' means the goal set forth by the Environmental 
        Protection Agency during the 2020 America Recycles Summit to 
        increase the national recycling rate to 50 percent by 2030.
            (21) National recycling strategy.--The term ``National 
        Recycling Strategy'' or the ``Strategy'' means the National 
        Recycling Strategy finalized by the Environmental Protection 
        Agency in November 2021.
            (22) Plastic.--The term ``plastic'' or ``plastics'' means 
        any material made of polymeric organic compounds derived from 
        monomers and additives that can be shaped by flow.
            (23) Plastics packaging.--The term ``plastics packaging'' 
        means any immediate container or wrapping in which the 
        principal structural element is composed of plastic that is 
        used to enclose, contain, store, protect, preserve, transport, 
        or identify consumer commodities, food, or beverages for use in 
        the sale of such consumer commodities, food, or beverages.
            (24) Plastics recycling accounting and labeling program.--
        The term ``Plastics Recycling Accounting and Labeling Program'' 
        means the accounting and labeling program established under 
        section 203(a) of this Act.
            (25) Post-use plastic.--The term ``post-use plastic'' means 
        a pre-consumer recovered material or a post-consumer recovered 
        material that--
                    (A) contains plastic derived from a residential, 
                municipal, industrial, community, or commercial source;
                    (B) is not mixed with hazardous waste except to the 
                extent allowed by the national plastic recycling 
                standards; and
                    (C) is in a form acceptable for mechanical 
                recycling and advanced recycling.
            (26) Post-use plastic product.--The term ``post-use plastic 
        product'' means material made wholly or in part of post-use 
            (27) Post-use polymer.--The term ``post-use polymer'' means 
        a plastic to which all of the following apply:
                    (A) The plastic is derived from any industrial, 
                commercial, agricultural, or domestic activities, and 
                includes pre-consumer recovered materials and post-
                consumer materials.
                    (B) The plastic has been sorted form solid waste 
                and other regulated waste but may contain residual 
                amounts of waste such as organic material and 
                incidental contaminants or impurities (e.g., paper 
                labels and metal rings).
                    (C) It is not mixed with solid waste or hazardous 
                waste onsite or during processing at the advanced 
                recycling facility.
                    (D) The plastic's use or intended use is as a 
                feedstock for the manufacturing of feedstocks, raw 
                materials, or other intermediate products or final 
                products using advanced recycling.
                    (E) The plastic is processed at an advanced 
                recycling facility or held at such facility prior to 
            (28) Pre-consumer recovered plastic material.--The term 
        ``pre-consumer plastic recovered material'' means material that 
        has never reached the end user, having been diverted from the 
        waste stream during a manufacturing process. The term does not 
        include material generated in a process and capable of being 
        reused or reutilized as a substitute for a raw material without 
        being modified in any way. Pre-consumer recovered plastic 
        material collected, sorted, transported, stored, or processed 
        for use in mechanical or advanced recycling shall not be 
        considered solid waste under the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
        U.S.C. 6901 et seq.) or its implementing regulations.
            (29) Processing.--The term ``processing'' means any method 
        or technology used for the purpose of reducing the volume or 
        bulk of municipal or residual solid waste for disposal. The 
        term does not include any method or technology used to convert 
        part or all of such materials for on-site reuse in advanced 
            (30) Pyrolysis.--The term ``pyrolysis'' means a 
        manufacturing process through which post-use polymers or 
        recovered feedstocks are heated in the absence of oxygen until 
        melted and thermally decomposed (non-catalytically or 
        catalytically) and are then cooled, condensed, and converted 
        into valuable raw materials and intermediate and final 
        products, including but not