[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4705 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4705

To approve the settlement of water rights claims of the Yavapai-Apache 
 Nation in the State of Arizona, to authorize construction of a water 
 project relating to those water rights claims, and for other purposes.



                July 11 (legislative day, July 10), 2024

 Mr. Kelly (for himself and Ms. Sinema) introduced the following bill; 
  which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs


                                 A BILL

To approve the settlement of water rights claims of the Yavapai-Apache 
 Nation in the State of Arizona, to authorize construction of a water 
 project relating to those water rights claims, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Yavapai-Apache 
Nation Water Rights Settlement Act of 2024''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Purposes.
Sec. 3. Definitions.

Sec. 101. Ratification and execution of the Yavapai-Apache Nation Water 
                            Rights Settlement Agreement.
Sec. 102. Water rights.
Sec. 103. Tu nl[[nichoh Water Infrastructure Project.
Sec. 104. Tu nl[[nichoh Water Infrastructure Project Fund.
Sec. 105. Yavapai-Apache Nation Water Settlement Trust Fund.
Sec. 106. Gaging station.
Sec. 107. Funding.
Sec. 108. Waivers, releases and retentions of claims.
Sec. 109. Satisfaction of water rights and other benefits; effect on 
                            members of the Yavapai-Apache Nation and 
                            Dinah Hood Allotment.
Sec. 110. Trust land.
Sec. 111. Yavapai-Apache Nation Cap Water.
Sec. 112. Enforceability date.
Sec. 113. Administration.
Sec. 114. Miscellaneous.

Sec. 201. Yavapai-Apache land exchange.
Sec. 202. Town of Camp Verde and Forest Service.


    The purposes of this Act are--
            (1) to resolve, fully and finally, all claims to rights to 
        water, including damages claims related to water, in the State, 
        including in the Verde River Watershed and the Colorado River, 
                    (A) the Yavapai-Apache Nation, on behalf of the 
                Yavapai-Apache Nation and the Members of the Yavapai-
                Apache Nation (but not Members in the capacity of the 
                Members as Allottees);
                    (B) the United States, acting as trustee for the 
                Yavapai-Apache Nation and the Members of the Yavapai-
                Apache Nation (but not Members in the capacity of the 
                Members as Allottees);
            (2) to authorize, ratify, and confirm the Yavapai-Apache 
        Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement, to the extent that 
        agreement is consistent with this Act;
            (3) to authorize and direct the Secretary to execute and 
        perform the duties and obligations of the Secretary under the 
        Yavapai-Apache Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement and 
        this Act;
            (4) to authorize the appropriation of funds necessary to 
        carry out the Yavapai-Apache Nation Water Rights Settlement 
        Agreement and this Act; and
            (5) to recognize the important cultural, traditional and 
        religious value of the Verde River to the Yavepe (Yavapai) who 
        know the Verde River as Hatayakehela (``big river''), and to 
        the Dilzhef (Apache) who know the Verde River as Tu nl[[nichoh 
        (``big water flowing''), and to protect the existing flows of 
        the Verde River, including flood flows, as described in the 
        Agreement and this Act, on the Yavapai-Apache Reservation, now 
        and in the future.


    In this Act:
            (1) Afy.--The term ``AFY'' means acre-feet per Year.
            (2) Agreement.--The term ``Agreement'' means (A) the 
        Yavapai-Apache Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement dated 
        June 26, 2024; and (B) any amendment or exhibit (including 
        exhibit amendments) to the Agreement that are (i) made in 
        accordance with the Act, or (ii) otherwise approved by the 
        Secretary and the Parties to the Agreement.
            (3) Allottee.--The term ``Allottee'' means (A) an 
        individual Indian holding an undivided fractional beneficial 
        interest in the Dinah Hood Allotment; or (B) an Indian Tribe 
        holding an undivided fractional beneficial interest in the 
        Dinah Hood Allotment.
            (4) Arizona water banking authority.--The term ``Arizona 
        Water Banking Authority'' means the Arizona Water Banking 
        Authority, formed pursuant to A.R.S. Sec. Sec.  45-2401 et seq.
            (5) Available cap supply.--The term ``Available CAP 
        Supply'' means for any Year (A) all Fourth Priority River Water 
        available for delivery through the CAP; (B) water available 
        from CAP dams and reservoirs other than the Modified Roosevelt 
        Dam; and (C) return flows captured by the Secretary for CAP 
            (6) Bureau of reclamation.--The term ``Bureau of 
        Reclamation'' means the United States Bureau of Reclamation.
            (7) Cap or central arizona project.--The term ``CAP'' or 
        ``Central Arizona Project'' means the reclamation project 
        authorized and constructed by the United States in accordance 
        with Title III of the Colorado River Basin Project Act (43 
        U.S.C. Sec. 1521 et seq.).
            (8) Cap contract.--The term ``CAP Contract'' means a long-
        term contract (as defined in the CAP Repayment Stipulation) 
        with the United States for delivery of CAP Water through the 
        CAP System.
            (9) Cap contractor.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``CAP Contractor'' means 
                a person or entity that has entered into a CAP 
                    (B) Inclusion.--The term ``CAP Contractor'' 
                includes the Yavapai-Apache Nation.
            (10) Cap fixed om&r charge.--The term ``CAP Fixed OM&R 
        Charge'' has the meaning given the term ``Fixed OM&R Charge'' 
        in the CAP Repayment Stipulation.
            (11) Cap indian priority water.--The term ``CAP Indian 
        Priority Water'' means water within the Available CAP Supply 
        having an Indian delivery priority.
            (12) Cap operating agency.--The term ``CAP Operating 
        Agency'' means--
                    (A) the 1 or more entities authorized to assume 
                responsibility for the care, operation, maintenance and 
                replacement of the CAP System; and
                    (B) as of the date of enactment of this Act, is 
            (13) Cap pumping energy charge.--The term ``CAP Pumping 
        Energy Charge'' means the term ``Pumping Energy Charge'' in the 
        CAP Repayment Stipulation.
            (14) Cap repayment contract.--The term ``CAP Repayment 
        Contract'' means--
                    (A) the contract dated December 1, 1988 (Contract 
                No. 14-06-W-245, Amendment No. 1), between the United 
                States and the Central Arizona Water Conservation 
                District for the Delivery of Water and Repayment of 
                Costs of the CAP; and
                    (B) any amendment to, or revision of, that 
            (15) Cap repayment stipulation.--The term ``CAP Repayment 
        Stipulation'' means the Stipulated Judgment and the Stipulation 
        for Judgment, including any exhibits to those documents, 
        entered on November 21, 2007, in the United States District 
        Court for the District of Arizona in the consolidated civil 
        action Central Arizona Water Conservation District v. United 
        States, et al., numbered CIV 95-625-TUC-WDB-EHC and CIV 95-
            (16) CAPSA.--The term ``CAPSA'' means the Central Arizona 
        Project Settlement Act of 2004, Title I of the Arizona Water 
        Settlements Act, P.L. 108-451, 118 Stat. 3478 (2004).
            (17) Cap subcontract.--The term ``CAP Subcontract'' means a 
        long-term subcontract (as defined in the CAP Repayment 
        Stipulation) with the United States and the Central Arizona 
        Water Conservation District for the delivery of CAP water 
        through the CAP System.
            (18) Cap subcontrator.--The term ``CAP Subcontractor'' 
        means a person or entity that has entered into a CAP 
            (19) Cap system.--The term ``CAP System'' means--
                    (A) the Mark Wilmer Pumping Plant;
                    (B) the Hayden-Rhodes Aqueduct;
                    (C) the Fannin-McFarland Aqueduct;
                    (D) the Tucson Aqueduct;
                    (E) any pumping plant or appurtenant work of a 
                feature described in (A), (B), (C), or (D); and
                    (F) any extension of, addition to, or replacement 
                of a feature described in Subparagraph (A), (B), (C), 
                (D), or (E).
            (20) Cap system use agreement.--The term ``CAP System Use 
        Agreement'' means that certain Central Arizona Project System 
        Use Agreement dated February 2, 2017, between the United States 
        of America and the Central Arizona Water Conservation District.
            (21) Cap water.--The term ``CAP Water'' has the meaning 
        given the term ``Project Water'' in the CAP Repayment 
            (22) Cawcd.--The term ``CAWCD'' means the political 
        subdivision of the State that is the contractor under the CAP 
        Repayment Contract and is the CAP Operating Agency as of the 
        date of enactment of the Act.
            (23) C.c. cragin dam and reservoir.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``C.C. Cragin Dam and 
                Reservoir'' means--
                            (i) the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir 
                        located on East Clear Creek in Coconino County, 
                        Arizona, owned by the United States and 
                        operated by the Salt River Project Agricultural 
                        Improvement and Power District;
                            (ii) associated facilities located in Gila 
                        and Coconino Counties, Arizona, including 
                        pipelines, tunnels, buildings, hydroelectric 
                        generating facilities and other structures of 
                        every kind; transmission, telephone and fiber 
                        optic lines; pumps, machinery, tools and 
                        appliances; and
                            (iii) all real or personal property, 
                        appurtenant to or used, or constructed or 
                        otherwise acquired to be used, in connection 
                        with the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir.
                    (B) Exclusion.--The term ``C.C. Cragin Dam and 
                Reservoir'' does not include the Cragin-Verde Pipeline 
            (24) Commissioner.--The term ``Commissioner'' means the 
        Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation.
            (25) Cragin capital costs.--The term ``Cragin Capital 
        Costs'' means all costs incurred by SRP for the acquisition and 
        improvement of land, facilities, equipment, and inventories 
        related to the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir, which shall 
        include: labor, overhead, materials, supplies, spare parts, 
        equipment purchase and rental, and transportation. Prior to May 
        1, 2009, all expenses incurred by SRP are accrued as Cragin 
        Capital Costs excluding capital costs of the SRP-Cragin Pumping 
            (26) Cragin o&m costs.--The term ``Cragin O&M Costs'' means 
        all costs incurred by SRP for the operation and maintenance of 
        all C.C. Cragin facilities, except for those costs defined as 
        Cragin Capital Costs. Such costs shall include costs for the 
        following items: insurance, inspections, permits, taxes, fees, 
        licenses, contract services, legal services, accounting, 
        travel, environmental compliance, repairs, testing, labor, 
        salaries, overhead, materials, supplies, expenses, equipment, 
        vehicles, energy, fuel, and any cost borne by SRP prior to the 
        assumption of care, operation, and maintenance of the Cragin-
        Verde Pipeline Project by SRP from the United States pursuant 
        to the 1917 Agreement, excluding O&M Costs and A&G Costs of 
        SRP-Cragin Pumping System as defined in the YAN-SRP Water 
        Delivery and Use Agreement.
            (27) Cragin-verde pipeline project.--The term ``Cragin-
        Verde Pipeline Project'' means the water infrastructure project 
        under the Tu nl[[nichoh Water Infrastructure Project, as 
        described in section 103(b) of this Act, which will deliver 
        water from the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir to the Yavapai-
        Apache Nation, and to other beneficiaries in accordance with 
        section 114(a) of this Act.
            (28) Cap/srp interconnection facility.--The term ``CAP/SRP 
        Interconnection Facility'' means the interconnection facility 
        that connects the Hayden-Rhodes Aqueduct of the CAP System to 
        SRP's water delivery system.
            (29) Date of substantial completion.--The term ``Date of 
        Substantial Completion'' means the date described in section 
            (30) Depletion or deplete.--The term ``Depletion'' or 
        ``Deplete'' means the amount of Water Diverted less return 
        flows to the Verde River Watershed.
            (31) Dinah hood allotment.--The term ``Dinah Hood 
        Allotment'' means the tract of land allotted pursuant to 
        Section 4 of the General Allotment Act of 1887, 24 Stat. 389, 
        ch. 119 (formerly codified at 25 U.S.C. Sec.  334) that is held 
        in trust by the United States for the benefit of Allottees 
        under patent number 926562, as described and depicted in 
        Exhibit 2.37 to the Agreement.
            (32) Diversion.--The term ``Diversion'' means an act to 
            (33) Divert or diverting.--The term ``Divert'' or 
        ``Diverting'' means to receive, withdraw or develop and produce 
        or capture Water (A) using a ditch, canal, flume, bypass, 
        pipeline, pit, collection or infiltration gallery, conduit, 
        well, pump, turnout, dam, or any other mechanical device; or 
        (B) by any other human act.
            (34) Domestic use.--The term ``Domestic Use'' means, for 
        purposes of Paragraph 13.0 of the Agreement and section 108 of 
        this Act, a Use of Water serving a residence, or multiple 
        residences up to a maximum of three residential connections, 
        for household purposes with associated irrigation of lawns, 
        gardens or landscape in an amount of not more than one-half 
        acre per residence. Domestic Use does not include the Use of 
        Water delivered to a residence or multiple residences by a 
        city, town, private water company, irrigation provider or 
        special taxing district established pursuant to Title 48, 
        Arizona Revised Statutes.
            (35) Effective date.--The term ``Effective Date'' means the 
        date that the Agreement is signed by all of the Parties, other 
        than the United States.
            (36) Effluent.--The term ``Effluent'' means water that--(A) 
        has been used in the State for domestic, municipal, or 
        industrial purposes, other than solely for hydropower 
        generation; and (B) is available for reuse for any purpose in 
        accordance with applicable law and the Agreement, regardless of 
        whether the water has been treated to improve the quality of 
        the water.
            (37) Enforceability date.--The term ``Enforceability Date'' 
        means the date described in section 112.
            (38) Exchange.--The term ``Exchange'' means a trade between 
        1 or more persons or entities, of any water for any other 
        water, if each person or entity has a right or claim to use the 
        water the person or entity provides in the trade, regardless of 
        whether the water is traded in equal quantities or other 
        consideration is included in the trade.
            (39) Federal land.--The term ``Federal Land'' means the 
        land described in section 201(a)(5).
            (40) Forest service.--The term ``Forest Service'' means the 
        United States Forest Service.
            (41) Fourth priority water.--The term ``Fourth Priority 
        Water'' means Colorado River water available for delivery 
        within the State for satisfaction of entitlements (A) in 
        accordance with contracts, Secretarial reservations, perfected 
        rights, and other arrangements between the United States and 
        water users in the State entered into or established subsequent 
        to September 30, 1968, for use on Federal, State, or privately 
        owned lands in the State, in a total quantity not to exceed 
        164,652 AFY of diversions; and (B) after first providing for 
        the delivery of Colorado River water for the CAP System, 
        including for Use on Indian land, under section 304(e) of the 
        Colorado River Basin Project Act (43 U.S.C. 1524(e)), in 
        accordance with the CAP Repayment Contract.
            (42) Gila river adjudication proceedings.--The term ``Gila 
        River Adjudication Proceedings'' means the action pending in 
        the Superior Court of the State, in and for the County of 
        Maricopa, In re the General Adjudication of All Rights To Use 
        Water In The Gila River System and Source, W-1 (Salt), W-2 
        (Verde), W-3 (Upper Gila), W-4 (San Pedro) (Consolidated).
            (43) Gila river adjudication court.--The term ``Gila River 
        Adjudication Court'' means the Superior Court of the State, in 
        and for the County of Maricopa, exercising jurisdiction over 
        the Gila River Adjudication Proceedings.
            (44) Groundwater.--The term ``Groundwater'' means all water 
        beneath the surface of the Earth within the State that is not--
        (A) Surface Water; (B) Effluent; or (C) Colorado River Water.
            (45) Impoundment.--The term ``Impoundment'' means any 
        human-made permanent body of water on the surface of the Earth, 
        including Stockponds, lakes, Effluent ponds, open-air water 
        storage tanks, irrigation ponds, and gravel pits. For purposes 
        of the Agreement and this Act, the term Impoundment does not 
        include recharge basins or swimming pools.
            (46) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian Tribe'' shall have 
        the meaning given the term in section 4 of the Indian Self-