[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4664 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4664

 To require the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to promote 
   the use of artificial intelligence to support the missions of the 
             Department of Energy, and for other purposes.



                             July 10, 2024

 Mr. Manchin (for himself and Ms. Murkowski) introduced the following 
bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and 
                           Natural Resources


                                 A BILL

 To require the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to promote 
   the use of artificial intelligence to support the missions of the 
             Department of Energy, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Department of Energy AI Act''.


    Congress finds that--
            (1) the Department has a leading role to play in making the 
        most of the potential of artificial intelligence to advance the 
        missions of the Department relating to national security, 
        science, and energy (including critical materials);
            (2) the 17 National Laboratories employ over 40,000 
        scientists, engineers, and researchers with decades of 
        experience developing world-leading advanced computational 
        algorithms, computer science research, experimentation, and 
        applications in machine learning that underlie artificial 
            (3) the NNSA manages the Stockpile Stewardship Program 
        established under section 4201 of the Atomic Energy Defense Act 
        (50 U.S.C. 2521), which includes the Advanced Simulation and 
        Computing program, that provides critical classified and 
        unclassified computing capabilities to sustain the nuclear 
        stockpile of the United States;
            (4) for decades, the Department has led the world in the 
        design, construction, and operation of the preeminent high-
        performance computing systems of the United States, which 
        benefit the scientific and economic competitiveness of the 
        United States across many sectors, including energy, critical 
        materials, biotechnology, and national security;
            (5) across the network of 34 user facilities of the 
        Department, scientists generate tremendous volumes of high-
        quality open data across diverse research areas, while the NNSA 
        has always generated the foremost datasets in the world on 
        nuclear deterrence and strategic weapons;
            (6) the unrivaled quantity and quality of open and 
        classified scientific datasets of the Department is a unique 
        asset to rapidly develop frontier AI models;
            (7) the Department already develops cutting-edge AI models 
        to execute the broad mission of the Department, including AI 
        models of the Department that are used to forecast disease 
        transmission for COVID-19, and address critical material issues 
        and emerging nuclear security missions;
            (8) the AI capabilities of the Department will underpin and 
        jumpstart a dedicated, focused, and centralized AI program; and
            (9) under section 4.1(b) of Executive Order 14110 (88 Fed. 
        Reg. 75191 (November 1, 2023)) (relating to the safe, secure, 
        and trustworthy development and use of artificial 
        intelligence), the Secretary is tasked to lead development in 
        testbeds, national security protections, and assessment of 
        artificial intelligence applications.


    In this Act:
            (1) AI; artificial intelligence.--The terms ``AI'' and 
        ``artificial intelligence'' have the meaning given the term 
        ``artificial intelligence'' in section 5002 of the National 
        Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act of 2020 (15 U.S.C. 
            (2) Alignment.--The term ``alignment'' means a field of AI 
        safety research that aims to make AI systems behave in line 
        with human intentions.
            (3) Department.--The term ``Department'' means the 
        Department of Energy, including the NNSA.
            (4) Foundation model.--The term ``foundation model'' means 
        an AI model that--
                    (A) is trained on broad data;
                    (B) generally uses self-supervision;
                    (C) contains at least tens of billions of 
                parameters; and
                    (D) is applicable across a wide range of contexts; 
                    (E) exhibits, or could be easily modified to 
                exhibit, high levels of performance at tasks that pose 
                a serious risk to the security, national economic 
                security, or national public health or safety of the 
                United States.
            (5) Frontier ai.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``frontier AI'' means the 
                leading edge of AI research that remains unexplored and 
                is considered to be the most challenging, including 
                            (i) that exceed the capabilities currently 
                        present in the most advanced existing models; 
                            (ii) many of which perform a wide variety 
                        of tasks.
                    (B) Inclusion.--The term ``frontier AI'' includes 
                AI models with more than 1,000,000,000,000 parameters.
            (6) National laboratory.--The term ``National Laboratory'' 
        has the meaning given the term in section 2 of the Energy 
        Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15801).
            (7) NNSA.--The term ``NNSA'' means the National Nuclear 
        Security Administration.
            (8) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
        of Energy.
            (9) Testbed.--The term ``testbed'' means any platform, 
        facility, or environment that enables the testing and 
        evaluation of scientific theories and new technologies, 
        including hardware, software, or field environments in which 
        structured frameworks can be implemented to conduct tests to 
        assess the performance, reliability, safety, and security of a 
        wide range of items, including prototypes, systems, 
        applications, AI models, instruments, computational tools, 
        devices, and other technological innovations.


    (a) Program To Develop and Deploy Frontiers in Artificial 
Intelligence for Science, Security, and Technology (FASST).--
            (1) Establishment.--Not later than 180 days after the date 
        of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish a 
        centralized AI program to carry out research on the development 
        and deployment of advanced artificial intelligence capabilities 
        for the missions of the Department (referred to in this 
        subsection as the ``program''), consistent with the program 
        established under section 5501 of the William M. (Mac) 
        Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
        2021 (15 U.S.C. 9461).
            (2) Program components.--
                    (A) In general.--The program shall advance and 
                support diverse activities that include the following 
                            (i) Aggregation, curation, and distribution 
                        of AI training datasets.
                            (ii) Development and deployment of next-
                        generation computing platforms and 
                            (iii) Development and deployment of safe 
                        and trustworthy AI models and systems.
                            (iv) Tuning and adaptation of AI models and 
                        systems for pressing scientific, energy, and 
                        national security applications.
                    (B) Aggregation, curation, and distribution of ai 
                training datasets.--In carrying out the component of 
                the program described in subparagraph (A)(i), the 
                Secretary shall develop methods, platforms, protocols, 
                and other tools required for efficient, safe, and 
                effective aggregation, generation, curation, and 
                distribution of AI training datasets, including--
                            (i) assembling, aggregating, and curating 
                        large-scale training data for advanced AI, 
                        including outputs from research programs of the 
                        Department and other open science data, with 
                        the goal of developing comprehensive scientific 
                        AI training databases and testing and 
                        validation data;
                            (ii) developing and executing appropriate 
                        data management plan for the ethical, 
                        responsible, and secure use of classified and 
                        unclassified scientific data;
                            (iii) identifying, curating, and safely 
                        distributing, as appropriate based on the 
                                    (I) scientific and experimental 
                                Departmental datasets; and
                                    (II) sponsored research activities 
                                that are needed for the training of 
                                foundation and adapted downstream AI 
                                models; and
                            (iv) partnering with stakeholders to curate 
                        critical datasets that reside outside the 
                        Department but are determined to be critical to 
                        optimizing the capabilities of open-science AI 
                        foundation models, national security AI 
                        foundation models, and other AI technologies 
                        developed under the program.
                    (C) Development and deployment of next-generation 
                computing platforms and infrastructure.--In carrying 
                out the component of the program described in 
                subparagraph (A)(ii), the Secretary shall--
                            (i) develop early-stage AI testbeds to test 
                        and evaluate new software, hardware, 
                        algorithms, and other AI-based technologies and 
                            (ii) develop and deploy new energy-
                        efficient AI computing hardware and software 
                        infrastructure necessary for developing and 
                        deploying trustworthy frontier AI systems that 
                        leverage the high-performance computing 
                        capabilities of the Department and the National 
                            (iii) facilitate the development and 
                        deployment of unclassified and classified high-
                        performance computing systems and AI platforms 
                        through Department-owned infrastructure data 
                        and computing facilities;
                            (iv) procure high-performance computing and 
                        other resources necessary for developing, 
                        training, evaluating, and deploying AI 
                        foundation models and AI technologies; and
                            (v) use appropriate supplier screening 
                        tools available through the Department to 
                        ensure that procurements under clause (iv) are 
                        from trusted suppliers.
                    (D) Development and deployment of safe and 
                trustworthy ai models and systems.--In carrying out the 
                component of the program described in subparagraph 
                (A)(iii), not later than 3 years after the date of 
                enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall--
                            (i) develop innovative concepts and applied 
                        mathematics, computer science, engineering, and 
                        other science disciplines needed for frontier 
                            (ii) develop best-in-class AI foundation 
                        models and other AI technologies for open-
                        science and national security applications;
                            (iii) research and deploy counter-
                        adversarial artificial intelligence solutions 
                        to predict, prevent, mitigate, and respond to 
                        threats to critical infrastructure, energy 
                        security, and nuclear nonproliferation, and 
                        biological and chemical threats;
                            (iv) establish crosscutting research 
                        efforts on AI risks, reliability, safety, 
                        trustworthiness, and alignment, including the 
                        creation of unclassified and classified data 
                        platforms across the Department; and
                            (v) develop capabilities needed to ensure 
                        the safe and responsible implementation of AI 
                        in the private and public sectors that--
                                    (I) may be readily applied across 
                                Federal agencies and private entities 
                                to ensure that open-science models are 
                                released responsibly, securely, and in 
                                the national interest; and
                                    (II) ensure that classified 
                                national security models are secure, 
                                responsibly managed, and safely 
                                implemented in the national interest.
                    (E) Tuning and adaptation of ai models and systems 
                for pressing scientific and national security 
                applications.--In carrying out the component of the 
                program described in subparagraph (A)(iv), the 
                Secretary shall--
                            (i) use AI foundation models and other AI 
                        technologies to develop a multitude of tuned 
                        and adapted downstream models to solve pressing 
                        scientific, energy, and national security 
                            (ii) carry out joint work, including 
                        public-private partnerships, and cooperative 
                        research projects with industry, including end 
                        user companies, hardware systems vendors, and 
                        AI software companies, to advance AI 
                        technologies relevant to the missions of the 
                            (iii) form partnerships with other Federal 
                        agencies, institutions of higher education, and 
                        international organizations aligned with the 
                        interests of the United States to advance 
                        frontier AI systems development and deployment; 
                            (iv) increase research experiences and 
                        workforce development, including training for 
                        undergraduate and graduate students in frontier 
                        AI for science, energy, and national security.
            (3) Strategic plan.--In carrying out the program, the 
        Secretary shall develop a strategic plan with specific short-
        term and long-term goals and resource needs to advance 
        applications in AI for science, energy, and national security 
        to support the missions of the Department, consistent with--
                    (A) the 2023 National Laboratory workshop report 
                entitled ``Advanced Research Directions on AI for 
                Science, Energy, and Security''; and
                    (B) the 2024 National Laboratory workshop report 
                entitled ``AI for Energy''.
    (b) AI Research and Development Centers.--
            (1) In general.--As part of the program established under 
        subsection (a), the Secretary shall select, on a competitive, 
        merit-reviewed basis, National Laboratories to establish and 
        operate not fewer than 8 multidisciplinary AI Research and 
        Development Centers (referred to in this subsection as 
                    (A) to accelerate the safe and trustworthy 
                deployment of AI for science, energy, and national 
                security missions;
                    (B) to demonstrate the use of AI in addressing key 
                challenge problems of national interest in science, 
                energy, and national security; and
                    (C) to maintain the competitive advantage of the 
                United States in AI.
            (2) Focus.--Each Center shall bring together diverse teams 
        from National Laboratories, academia, and industry to 
        collaboratively and concurrently deploy hardware, software, 
        numerical methods, data, algorithms, and applications for AI 
        and ensure that the frontier AI research of the Department is 
        well-suited for key Department missions, including by using 
        existing and emerging computing systems to the maximum extent 
            (3) Administration.--
                    (A) National laboratory.--Each Center shall be 
                established as part of a National Laboratory.
                    (B) Application.--To be eligible for selection to 
                establish and operate a Center under paragraph (1), a 
                National Laboratory shall submit to the Secretary an 
                application at such time, in such manner, and 
                containing such information as the Secretary may 
                    (C) Director.--Each Center shall be headed by a 
                Director, who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of 
                the Center and an employee of the National Laboratory 
                described in subparagraph (A), and responsible for--
                            (i) successful execution of the goals of 
                        the Center; and
                            (ii) coordinating with other Centers.
                    (D) Technical roadmap.--In support of the strategic 
                plan developed under subsection (a)(3), each Center