[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8966 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8966

    To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to improve the 
 recruitment and retention of employees in the Indian Health Service, 
  restore accountability in the Indian Health Service, improve health 
                   services, and for other purposes.



                              July 9, 2024

 Mr. Johnson of South Dakota introduced the following bill; which was 
referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the 
 Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Oversight and 
   Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the 
  Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall 
           within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

    To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to improve the 
 recruitment and retention of employees in the Indian Health Service, 
  restore accountability in the Indian Health Service, improve health 
                   services, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Restoring Accountability in the 
Indian Health Service Act of 2024''.


    The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.

Sec. 101. Incentives for recruitment and retention.
Sec. 102. Medical credentialing system.
Sec. 103. Liability protections for health professional volunteers at 
                            Indian Health Service.
Sec. 104. Clarification regarding eligibility for Indian Health Service 
                            loan repayment program.
Sec. 105. Improvements in hiring practices.
Sec. 106. Improved authorities of secretary to improve accountability 
                            of senior executives and employees of the 
                            Indian Health Service.
Sec. 107. Tribal culture and history.
Sec. 108. Staffing demonstration program.
Sec. 109. Rule establishing Tribal consultation policy.
Sec. 110. Treatment of certain hospitals.
Sec. 111. Enhancing quality of care in the Indian Health Service.
Sec. 112. Notification of investigation regarding professional conduct; 
                            submission of records.
Sec. 113. Fitness of health care providers.
Sec. 114. Standards to improve timeliness of care.

Sec. 201. Employee protections against retaliation.
Sec. 202. Right of Federal employees to petition Congress.
Sec. 203. Fiscal accountability.
                           TITLE III--REPORTS

Sec. 301. Definitions.
Sec. 302. Reports by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Sec. 303. Reports by the Comptroller General.
Sec. 304. Inspector General reports.
Sec. 305. Transparency in CMS surveys.

Sec. 401. Technical amendments.



    Title I of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1611 
et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:


    ``(a) Parity in IHS Health Care Workforce Personnel and Pay 
System.--The Secretary shall establish a personnel and pay system for 
physicians, dentists, nurses, and other health care professionals 
employed by the Service that provides a personnel and pay system that, 
to the maximum extent practicable, is comparable to the pay provided to 
physicians, dentists, nurses, and other health care professionals, 
respectively, under subchapters III and IV of chapter 74 of title 38, 
United States Code.
    ``(b) Housing Vouchers.--
            ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), not later than 
        1 year after the date of enactment of the Restoring 
        Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2024, the 
        Secretary may establish a program to provide tenant-based 
        rental assistance to an employee of the Service who--
                    ``(A) agrees to serve for not less than 1 year at a 
                Service unit designated by the Administrator of the 
                Health Resources and Services Administration as a 
                health professional shortage area (as defined in 
                section 332(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42 
                U.S.C. 254e(a))) with the greatest staffing need; and
                    ``(B) is a critical employee, as determined by the 
            ``(2) Sunset.--Any program established by the Secretary 
        under paragraph (1) shall terminate on the date that is 3 years 
        after the date on which the program is established.
            ``(3) Reports.--Not later than 1 year after the date on 
        which a program established under paragraph (1) is terminated 
        in accordance with paragraph (2), the Secretary shall submit to 
        Congress a report describing, with respect to that program--
                    ``(A) the costs of the program;
                    ``(B) employee uptake of the program; and
                    ``(C) the effects of the program on local facility 
                staffing needs.
    ``(c) Administration.--The Secretary may only provide a benefit 
under subsection (b) to--
            ``(1) a full-time employee who agrees to serve for not less 
        than 1 year in the Service beginning on the date of the 
        agreement; or
            ``(2) a part-time employee who agrees to serve for not less 
        than 2 years in the service beginning on the date of the 


    Title I of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1611 
et seq.) (as amended by section 101) is amended by adding at the end 
the following:


    ``(a) In General.--
            ``(1) Development and implementation timeline.--Not later 
        than 1 year after the date of enactment of the Restoring 
        Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2024, the 
        Secretary, acting through the Service (referred to in this 
        section as the `Secretary'), in accordance with subsection (b), 
        shall develop and implement a Service-wide centralized 
        credentialing system (referred to in this section as the 
        `credentialing system') to credential licensed health 
        professionals who seek to provide health care services at any 
        Service unit.
            ``(2) Implementation.--In implementing the credentialing 
        system, the Secretary--
                    ``(A) shall not require re-credentialing of 
                licensed health professionals who were credentialed 
                using existing Service policy prior to the date of 
                enactment of the Restoring Accountability in the Indian 
                Health Service Act of 2024; and
                    ``(B) shall--
                            ``(i) use the credentialing system for--
                                    ``(I) all applications for 
                                credentialing or re-credentialing of 
                                licensed health professionals submitted 
                                on or after the date of enactment of 
                                the Restoring Accountability in the 
                                Indian Health Service Act of 2024; and
                                    ``(II) the migration into the 
                                credentialing system of credentials 
                                data that existed prior to 
                                implementation of the credentialing 
                                system; and
                            ``(ii) maintain the established timeline 
                        for re-credentialing of licensed health 
                        professionals who were credentialed prior to 
                        implementation of the credentialing system, as 
                        defined by Service policy.
    ``(b) Requirements.--
            ``(1) In general.--In developing the credentialing system 
        under subsection (a), the Secretary shall ensure that--
                    ``(A) credentialing procedures shall be uniform 
                throughout the Service; and
                    ``(B) with respect to each licensed health 
                professional who successfully completes the 
                credentialing procedures of the credentialing system, 
                the Secretary may authorize the licensed health 
                professional to provide health care services at any 
                Service unit.
            ``(2) Exemption.--The requirements described in paragraph 
        (1) shall not apply to licensed health professionals who were 
        credentialed using existing Service policy prior to the date of 
        enactment of the Restoring Accountability in the Indian Health 
        Service Act of 2024 until the date on which those licensed 
        health professionals are required to be re-credentialed in 
        accordance with the credentialing system developed and 
        implemented under subsection (a).
    ``(c) Consultation.--In developing the credentialing system under 
subsection (a), the Secretary--
            ``(1) shall consult with Indian tribes; and
            ``(2) may consult with--
                    ``(A) any public or private association of medical 
                    ``(B) any government agency; or
                    ``(C) any other relevant expert, as determined by 
                the Secretary.
    ``(d) Application.--
            ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), a licensed 
        health care professional may not provide health care services 
        at any Service unit, unless the licensed health care 
        professional successfully completes the credentialing 
        procedures of the credentialing system developed and 
        implemented under subsection (a).
            ``(2) Exemption.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to licensed 
        health professionals who were credentialed using existing 
        Service policy prior to the date of enactment of the Restoring 
        Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2024 until 
        the date on which those licensed health professionals are 
        required to be re-credentialed in accordance with the 
        credentialing system developed and implemented under subsection 
    ``(e) Nonduplication of Efforts.--
            ``(1) In general.--To the extent that prior to the deadline 
        described in subsection (a)(1), the Service has begun 
        implementing or has completed implementation of a medical 
        credentialing system that otherwise meets the requirements of 
        this section, the Service shall not be required to establish a 
        new credentialing system under this section.
            ``(2) Authority.--The Service may expand or enhance an 
        existing credentialing system to meet the requirements of this 
            ``(3) Review.--
                    ``(A) In general.--Not less frequently than once 
                every 5 years, the Service shall--
                            ``(i) undertake a formal review of the 
                        credentialing system in effect on the date of 
                        the review; and
                            ``(ii) if necessary, take action to bring 
                        the credentialing system into compliance with 
                        the requirements of this section.
                    ``(B) Consultation.--Each formal review conducted 
                under subparagraph (A) shall be subject to the 
                consultation requirements under subsection (c).
    ``(f) Effect.--Nothing in this section--
            ``(1) negatively impacts the right of an Indian tribe to 
        enter into a compact or contract under the Indian Self-
        Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5301 et 
        seq.); or
            ``(2) applies to such a compact or contract unless 
        expressly agreed to by the Indian tribe.''.


    Section 224 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 233) is 
amended by adding at the end the following:
    ``(r) Certain Indian Health Service Volunteers Deemed Public Health 
Service Employees.--
            ``(1) In general.--For purposes of this section, a health 
        professional volunteer at a Service unit shall, in providing a 
        health service to an individual, be deemed to be an employee of 
        the Public Health Service for a calendar year that begins 
        during a fiscal year for which a transfer was made under 
        paragraph (4)(C). The preceding sentence is subject to the 
        provisions of this subsection.
            ``(2) Conditions.--In providing a health service to an 
        individual, a health care practitioner shall, for purposes of 
        this subsection, be considered to be a health professional 
        volunteer at a Service unit if all of the following conditions 
        are met:
                    ``(A) The service is provided to the individual at 
                the facilities of a Service unit, or through offsite 
                programs or events carried out by the Service unit.
                    ``(B) The Service unit is sponsoring the health 
                care practitioner pursuant to paragraph (3)(C).
                    ``(C) The health care practitioner does not receive 
                any compensation for the service from the individual, 
                the Service unit, or any third-party payer (including 
                reimbursement under any insurance policy or health 
                plan, or under any Federal or State health benefits 
                program), except that the health care practitioner may 
                receive repayment from the Service unit for reasonable 
                expenses incurred by the health care practitioner in 
                the provision of the service to the individual.
                    ``(D) Before the service is provided, the health 
                care practitioner or the Service unit posts a clear and 
                conspicuous notice at the site where the service is 
                provided of the extent to which the legal liability of 
                the health care practitioner is limited under this 
                    ``(E) At the time the service is provided, the 
                health care practitioner is licensed, certified, 
                credentialed, and privileged in accordance with Service 
                policy and applicable law regarding the provision of 
                the service.
            ``(3) Applicability.--Subsection (g) (other than paragraphs 
        (3) and (5)) and subsections (h), (i), and (l) apply to a 
        health care practitioner at a Service unit for purposes of this 
        subsection to the same extent and in the same manner as such 
        subsections apply to an officer, governing board member, 
        employee, or contractor of an entity described in subsection 
        (g)(4), subject to paragraph (4) and subject to the following 
                    ``(A) Each reference to an entity in subsections 
                (g), (h), (i), and (l) shall be considered to be a 
                reference to a Service unit.
                    ``(B) The first sentence of paragraph (1) applies 
                in lieu of the first sentence of subsection (g)(1)(A).
                    ``(C) With respect to a Service unit, a health care 
                practitioner is not a health professional volunteer at 
                the Service unit unless the Service unit sponsors the 
                health care practitioner. For purposes of this 
                subsection, the Service unit shall be considered to be 
                sponsoring the health care practitioner if--
                            ``(i) with respect to the health care 
                        practitioner, the Service unit submits to the 
                        Secretary an application meeting the 
                        requirements of subsection (g)(1)(D); and
                            ``(ii) the Secretary, pursuant to 
                        subsection (g)(1)(E), determines that the 
                        health care practitioner is deemed to be an 
                        employee of the Public Health Service.
                    ``(D) In the case of a health care practitioner who 
                is determined by the Secretary pursuant to this 
                subsection and subsection (g)(1)(E) to be a health 
                professional volunteer, this subsection applies to the 
                health care practitioner (with respect to services 
                performed on behalf of the Service unit sponsoring the 
                health care practitioner pursuant to subparagraph (C)) 
                for any cause of action arising from an act or omission 
                of the health care practitioner occurring on or after 
                the date on which the Secretary makes that 
                    ``(E) Subsection (g)(1)(F) applies to a health care 
                practitioner for purposes of this subsection only to 
                the extent that, in providing health services to an 
                individual, each of the conditions described in 
                paragraph (2) is met.
            ``(4) Funding.--
                    ``(A) In general.--Amounts in the fund established 
                under subsection (k)(2) shall be available for transfer 
                under subparagraph (C) for purposes of carrying out 
                this subsection.
                    ``(B) Annual estimates.--
                            ``(i) In general.--Not later than May 1 of 
                        each fiscal year, the Attorney General, in 
                        consultation with the Secretary, shall submit 
                        to Congress a report providing an estimate of 
                        the amount of claims (together with related 
                        fees and expenses of witnesses) that, by reason 
                        of the acts or omissions of health professional 
                        volunteers, will be paid pursuant to this 
                        section during the calendar year that begins in 
                        the following fiscal year.
                            ``(ii) Applicability.--Subsection (k)(1)(B) 
                        applies to the estimate under clause (i) 
                        relating to health professional volunteers to 
                        the same extent and in the same manner as that 
                        subsection applies to the estimate under that 
                        subsection relating to officers, governing 
                        board members, employees, and