[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4633 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4633

To provide for the settlement of the water rights claims of the Navajo 
Nation, the Hopi Tribe, and the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, and for 
                            other purposes.



                              July 8, 2024

 Mr. Kelly (for himself and Ms. Sinema) introduced the following bill; 
  which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs


                                 A BILL

To provide for the settlement of the water rights claims of the Navajo 
Nation, the Hopi Tribe, and the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, and for 
                            other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Northeastern 
Arizona Indian Water Rights Settlement Act of 2024''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Purposes.
Sec. 3. Definitions.
Sec. 4. Ratification and execution of the Northeastern Arizona Indian 
                            Water Rights Settlement Agreement.
Sec. 5. Water Rights.
Sec. 6. Allocation and assignment of Colorado River Water to the 
                            Tribes; water delivery contracts.
Sec. 7. Colorado River Water leases and exchanges; Uses.
Sec. 8. iina ba - paa tuwaqat'si pipeline.
Sec. 9. iina ba - paa tuwaqat'si pipeline Implementation Fund Account.
Sec. 10. Navajo Nation Water Settlement Trust Fund.
Sec. 11. Hopi Tribe Settlement Trust Fund.
Sec. 12. San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe Water Settlement Trust Fund.
Sec. 13. Funding.
Sec. 14. Waivers, releases, and retention of claims.
Sec. 15. Satisfaction of Water Rights and other benefits.
Sec. 16. Enforceability Date.
Sec. 17. Colorado River accounting.
Sec. 18. Limited waiver of sovereign immunity.
Sec. 19. Ratification of the Treaty and creation of the San Juan 
                            Southern Paiute Reservation.
Sec. 20. Antideficiency; savings provisions; effect.


    The purposes of this Act are--
            (1) to achieve a fair, equitable, and final settlement of 
        all claims to rights to water in the State for--
                    (A) the Navajo Nation and Navajo Allottees;
                    (B) the Hopi Tribe and Hopi Allottees;
                    (C) the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe; and
                    (D) the United States, acting as trustee for the 
                Navajo Nation, the Hopi Tribe, the San Juan Southern 
                Paiute Tribe, Navajo Allottees, and Hopi Allottees;
            (2) to authorize, ratify, and confirm the Northeastern 
        Arizona Indian Water Rights Settlement Agreement entered into 
        by the Navajo Nation, the Hopi Tribe, the San Juan Southern 
        Paiute Tribe, the State, and other Parties to the extent that 
        the Settlement Agreement is consistent with this Act;
            (3) to authorize and direct the Secretary to execute and 
        perform the duties and obligations of the Secretary under the 
        Settlement Agreement and this Act; and
            (4) to authorize funds necessary for the implementation of 
        the Settlement Agreement and this Act.


    In this Act:
            (1) 1882 reservation.--The term ``1882 Reservation'' 
                    (A) land within the exterior boundaries of the 
                ``Hopi Indian Reservation'' defined as District 6 in 
                Healing v. Jones, 210 F. Supp. 125, 173 (D. Ariz. 
                1962), aff'd, 373 U.S. 758 (1963), and Masayesva for 
                and on Behalf of Hopi Indian Tribe v. Hale, 118 F.3d 
                1371, 1375-76 (9th Cir. 1997); and
                    (B) all land withdrawn by the Executive order of 
                December 16, 1882, and partitioned to the Hopi Tribe in 
                accordance with section 4 of the Act of December 22, 
                1974 (Public Law 93-531; 88 Stat. 1713), by Judgment of 
                Partition, February 10, 1977, Sekaquaptewa v. 
                MacDonald, Case No. CIV-579-PCT-JAW (D. Ariz.), aff'd, 
                626 F.2d 113 (9th Cir. 1980).
            (2) AFY.--The term ``AFY'' means acre-feet per year.
            (3) Arizona department of water resources.--The term 
        ``Arizona Department of Water Resources'' means the agency of 
        the State established pursuant to section 45-102 of the Arizona 
        Revised Statutes, or a successor agency or entity.
            (4) Bureau.--The term ``Bureau'' means the Bureau of 
            (5) CAP; central arizona project.--The terms ``CAP'' and 
        ``Central Arizona Project'' mean the Federal reclamation 
        project authorized and constructed by the United States in 
        accordance with title III of the Colorado River Basin Project 
        Act (43 U.S.C. 1521 et seq.).
            (6) Cap repayment contract.--The term ``CAP Repayment 
        Contract'' means--
                    (A) the contract dated December 1, 1988 (Contract 
                No. 14-06-W-245, Amendment No. 1), between the United 
                States and the Central Arizona Water Conservation 
                District for the delivery of water and the repayment of 
                costs of the Central Arizona Project; and
                    (B) any amendment to, or revision of, that 
            (7) CAWCD; central arizona water conservation district.--
        The terms ``CAWCD'' and ``Central Arizona Water Conservation 
        District'' mean the political subdivision of the State that is 
        the contractor under the CAP Repayment Contract.
            (8) Cibola water.--The term ``Cibola Water'' means the 
        entitlement of the Hopi Tribe to the diversion of up to 4,278 
        AFY of the Fourth Priority Water described in the Hopi Tribe 
        Existing Cibola Contract.
            (9) Colorado river compact.--The term ``Colorado River 
        Compact'' means the Colorado River Compact of 1922, as ratified 
        and reprinted in article 2 of chapter 7 of title 45, Arizona 
        Revised Statutes.
            (10) Colorado river system.--The term ``Colorado River 
        System'' has the meaning given the term in Article II(a) of the 
        Colorado River Compact.
            (11) Colorado river water.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``Colorado River Water'' 
                means the waters of the Colorado River apportioned for 
                Use within the State by--
                            (i) sections 4 and 5 of the Boulder Canyon 
                        Project Act (43 U.S.C. 617c, 617d);
                            (ii) the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact 
                        of 1948, as ratified and reprinted in article 3 
                        of chapter 7 of title 45, Arizona Revised 
                            (iii) the Colorado River Basin Project Act 
                        (43 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.);
                            (iv) the contract for delivery of water 
                        between the United States and the State, dated 
                        February 9, 1944; and
                            (v) the Decree.
                    (B) Limitations.--The term ``Colorado River 
                            (i) shall only be used for purposes of 
                        interpreting the Settlement Agreement and this 
                        Act; and
                            (ii) shall not be used for any 
                        interpretation of existing law or contract, 
                        including any law or contract described in 
                        clauses (i) through (v) of subparagraph (A).
            (12) Decree.--The term ``Decree'', when used without a 
        modifier, means--
                    (A) the decree of the Supreme Court of the United 
                States in Arizona v. California, 376 U.S. 340 (1964);
                    (B) the consolidated decree entered on March 27, 
                2006, in Arizona v. California, 547 U.S. 150 (2006); 
                    (C) any modification to a decree described in 
                subparagraph (A) or (B).
            (13) Diversion.--The term ``diversion'' means an act to 
            (14) Divert.--The term ``divert'' means to receive, 
        withdraw, develop, produce, or capture water using--
                    (A) a ditch, canal, flume, bypass, pipeline, pit, 
                collection or infiltration gallery, conduit, well, 
                pump, turnout, dam, or any other mechanical device; or
                    (B) any other human act.
            (15) Effective date.--The term ``Effective Date'' means the 
        date as of which the Settlement Agreement has been executed by 
        not fewer than 30 of the Parties, including--
                    (A) the Navajo Nation;
                    (B) the Hopi Tribe;
                    (C) the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe;
                    (D) the State;
                    (E) the Arizona State Land Department;
                    (F) the Central Arizona Water Conservation 
                    (G) the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement 
                and Power District; and
                    (H) the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association.
            (16) Effluent.--The term ``Effluent'' means water that--
                    (A) has been used in the State for domestic, 
                municipal, or industrial purposes, other than solely 
                for hydropower generation; and
                    (B) is available for reuse for any purpose, 
                regardless of whether the water has been treated to 
                improve the quality of the water.
            (17) Enforceability date.--The term ``Enforceability Date'' 
        means the date described in section 16(a).
            (18) Fifth priority water.--The term ``Fifth Priority 
        Water'' has the meaning given the term in the Hopi Tribe 
        Existing Cibola Contract.
            (19) Fourth priority water.--The term ``Fourth Priority 
        Water'' means Colorado River Water available for delivery 
        within the State for satisfaction of entitlements--
                    (A) in accordance with contracts, Secretarial 
                reservations, perfected rights, and other arrangements 
                between the United States and water users in the State 
                entered into or established after September 30, 1968, 
                for Use on Federal, State, or privately owned land in 
                the State, in a total quantity not greater than 164,652 
                AFY of diversions; and
                    (B) after first providing for the delivery of 
                Colorado River Water for the CAP System, including for 
                Use on Indian land, under section 304(e) of the 
                Colorado River Basin Project Act (43 U.S.C. 1524(e)), 
                in accordance with the CAP Repayment Contract.
            (20) Gila river adjudication.--The term ``Gila River 
        Adjudication'' means the action pending in the Superior Court 
        of the State, in and for the County of Maricopa, In re the 
        General Adjudication of All Rights To Use Water in The Gila 
        River System and Source, W-1 (Salt), W-2 (Verde), W-3 (Upper 
        Gila), W-4 (San Pedro) (Consolidated).
            (21) Gila river adjudication court.--The term ``Gila River 
        Adjudication Court'' means the Superior Court of the State, in 
        and for the County of Maricopa, exercising jurisdiction over 
        the Gila River Adjudication.
            (22) Gila river adjudication decree.--The term ``Gila River 
        Adjudication Decree'' means the judgment or decree entered by 
        the Gila River Adjudication Court in substantially the same 
        form as the form of judgment attached as Exhibit 3.1.47 to the 
        Settlement Agreement.
            (23) Groundwater.--The term ``Groundwater'' means all water 
        beneath the surface of the earth within the State that is not--
                    (A) Surface Water;
                    (B) Colorado River Water; or
                    (C) Effluent.
            (24) Hopi allotment.--The term ``Hopi Allotment'' means any 
        of the 11 parcels allotted pursuant to section 4 of the Act of 
        February 8, 1887 (commonly known as the ``Indian General 
        Allotment Act'') (24 Stat. 389, chapter 119; 25 U.S.C. 334), 
        that are--
                    (A) located within the exterior boundaries of the 
                Hopi Reservation; and
                    (B) held in trust by the United States for the 
                benefit of 1 or more individual Indians under allotment 
                record numbers AR-39, AR-40, AR-41, AR-42, AR-43, AR-
                44, AR-45, AR-46, AR-47, AR-48, and AR-49.
            (25) Hopi allottee.--The term ``Hopi Allottee'' means--
                    (A) an individual Indian holding a beneficial 
                interest in a Hopi Allotment; or
                    (B) an Indian Tribe holding an undivided fractional 
                beneficial interest in a Hopi Allotment.
            (26) Hopi fee land.--The term ``Hopi Fee Land'' means land, 
        other than Hopi Trust Land, that--
                    (A) is located in the State;
                    (B) is located outside the exterior boundaries of 
                the Hopi Reservation; and
                    (C) as of the Enforceability Date, is owned by the 
                Hopi Tribe in its own name or through an entity wholly 
                owned or controlled by the Hopi Tribe.
            (27) Hopi land.--The term ``Hopi Land'' means--
                    (A) the Hopi Reservation;
                    (B) Hopi Trust Land; and
                    (C) Hopi Fee Land.
            (28) Hopi reservation.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``Hopi Reservation'' 
                            (i) land within the exterior boundaries of 
                        the ``Hopi Indian Reservation'' defined as 
                        District 6 in Healing v. Jones, 210 F. Supp. 
                        125, 173 (D. Ariz. 1962), aff'd, 373 U.S. 758 
                        (1963), and Masayesva for and on Behalf of Hopi 
                        Indian Tribe v. Hale, 118 F.3d 1371, 1375-76 
                        (9th Cir. 1997);
                            (ii) land withdrawn by the Executive Order 
                        of December 16, 1882, and partitioned to the 
                        Hopi Tribe in accordance with the Act of 
                        December 22, 1974 (Public Law 93-531; 88 Stat. 
                        1713), by Judgment of Partition, February 10, 
                        1977, Sekaquaptewa v. MacDonald, Case No. CIV-
                        579-PCT-JAW (D. Ariz.), aff'd, 626 F.2d 113 
                        (9th Cir. 1980); and
                            (iii) land recognized as part of the Hopi 
                        Reservation in Honyoama v. Shirley, Jr., Case 
                        No. CIV 74-842-PHX-EHC (D. Ariz. 2006).
                    (B) Map.--Subject to subparagraph (C), the 
                descriptions of the Hopi Reservation described in 
                clauses (i) through (iii) of subparagraph (A) are 
                generally shown on the map attached as Exhibit 3.1.56 
                to the Settlement Agreement.
                    (C) Conflict.--In the case of a conflict between 
                the definition in subparagraph (A) and Exhibit 3.1.56 
                of the Settlement Agreement, the definition in that 
                subparagraph shall control.
            (29) Hopi tribe.--The term ``Hopi Tribe'' means the Hopi 
        Tribe, a tribe of Hopi Indians--
                    (A) organized under section 16 of the Act of June 
                18, 1934 (commonly known as the ``Indian Reorganization 
                Act'') (48 Stat. 987, chapter 576; 25 U.S.C. 5123); and
                    (B) recognized by the Secretary in the notice of 
                the Secretary entitled ``Indian Entities Recognized by 
                and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States 
                Bureau of Indian Affairs'' (89 Fed. Reg. 944 (January 
                8, 2024)).
            (30) Hopi tribe agricultural conservation trust fund 
        account.--The term ``Hopi Tribe Agricultural Conservation Trust 
        Fund Account'' means the account--
                    (A) established under to section 11(b)(3); and
                    (B) described in subparagraph 12.3.3 of the 
                Settlement Agreement.
            (31) Hopi tribe cibola water.--The term ``Hopi Tribe Cibola 
        Water'' means the Fourth Priority Water, Fifth Priority Water, 
        and Sixth Priority Water to which the Hopi Tribe is entitled 
        pursuant to subparagraphs 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 of the Settlement 
            (32) Hopi tribe existing cibola contract.--The term ``Hopi 
        Tribe Existing Cibola Contract'' means Contract No. 04-XX-30-
        W0432 between the United States and the Hopi Tribe, as amended 
        and in full force and effect as of the Effective Date.
            (33) Hopi tribe groundwater projects.--The term ``Hopi 
        Tribe Groundwater Projects'' means the projects described in--
                    (A) section 11(f)(1); and
                    (B) subparagraph 12.3.1 of the Settlement 
            (34) Hopi tribe groundwater projects trust fund account.--
        The term ``Hopi Tribe Groundwater Projects Trust Fund Account'' 
        means the account--
                    (A) established under section 11(b)(1); and
                    (B) described in subparagraph 12.3.1 of the 
                Settlement Agreement.
            (35) Hopi tribe lower basin colorado river water 
        acquisition trust fund account.--The term ``Hopi Tribe Lower 
        Basin Colorado River Water Acquisition Trust Fund Account'' 
        means the account--
                    (A) established under section 11(b)(4); and
                    (B) described in subparagraph 12.3.4 of the 
                Settlement Agreement.
            (36) Hopi tribe om&r trust fund account.--The term ``Hopi 
        Tribe OM&R Trust Fund Account'' means the account--
                    (A) established under section 11(b)(2); and
                    (B) described in subparagraph 12.3.2 of the 
                Settlement Agreement.
            (37) Hopi tribe upper basin colorado river water.--The term 
        ``Hopi Tribe Upper Basin Colorado River Water'' means the 2,300 
        AFY of Upper Basin Colorado River Water allocated to the Hopi 
                    (A) pursuant to section 6; and
                    (B) as provided in subparagraphs 5.7 and 11.1.1 of 
                the Settlement Agreement.
            (38) Hopi tribe water delivery contract.--The term ``Hopi 
        Tribe Water Delivery Contract'' means 1 or m