[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4638 Reported in Senate (RS)]


                                                       Calendar No. 433
  2d Session
                                S. 4638

                          [Report No. 118-188]

     To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2025 for military 
activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and 
   for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe 
   military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other 



                              July 8, 2024

Mr. Reed, from the Committee on Armed Services, reported the following 
     original bill; which was read twice and placed on the calendar


                                 A BILL

     To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2025 for military 
activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and 
   for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe 
   military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2025''.


    (a) Divisions.--This Act is organized into four divisions as 
            (1) Division A--Department of Defense Authorizations.
            (2) Division B--Military Construction Authorizations.
            (3) Division C--Department of Energy National Security 
        Authorizations and Other Authorizations.
            (4) Division D--Funding Tables.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table of contents.
Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees.
Sec. 4. Budgetary effects of this Act.

                          TITLE I--PROCUREMENT

              Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.
                       Subtitle B--Army Programs

Sec. 111. Centralized security monitoring program for facilities of the 
Sec. 112. Strategy for Army active protection systems.
Sec. 113. Certification of additional manufacturer for low, slow, small 
                            unmanned aircraft integrated defeat system 
                            of the Army.
                       Subtitle C--Navy Programs

Sec. 121. Extension of prohibition on availability of funds for Navy 
                            port waterborne security barriers.
Sec. 122. Constellation-class frigate program.
Sec. 123. Limitation on the construction of the Landing Ship Medium.
Sec. 124. Authority for the procurement, leasing, or chartering of a 
                            medium-sized landing ship.
Sec. 125. Annual report on surface ship suppliers.
Sec. 126. Block buy contract and multiyear procurement authority for 
                            CH-53K heavy lift helicopter program.
Sec. 127. Modification of requirement to incorporate advanced 
                            degaussing systems into Arleigh Burke class 
Sec. 128. Modification of authority to purchase used vessels under the 
                            National Defense Sealift Fund.
Sec. 129. Authority for incrementally funded contract for the 
                            construction of a Virginia-class submarine.
Sec. 130. Sense of Congress on aircraft carrier acquisition strategies.
Sec. 130A. Modifications to procurement authorities for certain 
                            amphibious shipbuilding programs.
                     Subtitle D--Air Force Programs

Sec. 131. Prohibition on certain reductions to inventory of E-3 
                            airborne warning and control system 
Sec. 132. Management of temporary relocation of B-1 bomber aircraft and 
Sec. 133. Modification of requirements for cost-benefit and technical 
                            risk analysis for F-35 propulsion and 
                            thermal management modernization program.
Sec. 134. Plan for sustainment and recapitalization of Air National 
                            Guard fighter fleet.
Sec. 135. Air base air defense.
Sec. 136. Annual report on Air Force tactical fighter aircraft force 
Sec. 137. Extension of limitations and minimum inventory requirement 
                            relating to RQ-4 aircraft.
Sec. 138. Modification of inventory requirements for aircraft of the 
                            combat air forces.
       Subtitle E--Defense-wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters

Sec. 141. Modification of pilot program to accelerate the procurement 
                            and fielding of innovative technologies.
Sec. 142. Plan for signals intelligence capabilities of armed overwatch 
Sec. 143. Assessments of inventory requirements for air-to-air 

              Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.
    Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

Sec. 211. Ensuring compliance with Department of Defense policy when 
                            awarding research grants.
Sec. 212. Extension of Global Research Watch Program.
Sec. 213. Competitive demonstration of automated target recognition 
Sec. 214. Modifications to test program for engineering plant of DDG(X) 
                            destroyer vessels.
Sec. 215. Assignment of Department of Defense responsibility for 
                            international collaboration on directed 
                            energy weapons.
Sec. 216. Expansion of authority for technology protection features 
Sec. 217. Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program.
Sec. 218. Limitation on availability of funds for fundamental research 
                            collaboration with certain institutions.
Sec. 219. Detail authority for Defense Advanced Research Projects 
                            Agency to support technology transition.
Sec. 220. Prohibition on award of research or development contracts or 
                            grants to educational institutions that 
                            have violated certain civil rights.
             Subtitle C--Plans, Reports, and Other Matters

Sec. 231. Improvements relating to defining, identifying, and planning 
                            the artificial intelligence workforce of 
                            the Department of Defense.
Sec. 232. Development and implementation of a plan on advancing 
                            interests of Department of Defense in 
                            matters relating to electromagnetic 
                            spectrum in international engagements or 
Sec. 233. Report on geographic presence of the Defense Innovation Unit.
Sec. 234. Report on obligations and expenditure rates for basic 
Sec. 235. Electromagnetic spectrum demonstration program.
Sec. 236. Pilot program on development of near-term use cases and 
                            demonstration of artificial intelligence 
                            toward biotechnology applications for 
                            national security.
Sec. 237. Roadmap for addressing research and development needs in 
                            biotechnology for the Department of 
Sec. 238. Plan for optimization of Irregular Warfare Technical Support 
Sec. 239. National Defense Economic Competition Research Council.
Sec. 240. Defense Science Board study on long-term operations and 
                            availability of Kwajalein Atoll as a Major 
                            Range and Test Facility Base.
Sec. 241. Pilot programs on use of artificial intelligence.
Sec. 242. Duties of Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer 
                            Governing Council relating to artificial 
                            intelligence models and advanced artificial 
                            intelligence technologies.
Sec. 243. Quantum Scaling Initiative.
Sec. 244. Incorporating human readiness levels into research, 
                            development, test, and evaluation 
Sec. 245. Management and utilization of digital data to enhance 
                            maintenance activities.
Sec. 246. Extension and modification of Directed Energy Working Group.
Sec. 247. Directed Energy Roadmap and Activity Funding Report.
Sec. 248. Pilot program on establishing entities and consortia to 
                            conduct prototyping and production of 
                            critical and emerging technologies.

              Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 301. Authorization of appropriations.
                   Subtitle B--Energy and Environment

Sec. 311. Implementation of Inspector General recommendations relating 
                            to oversight of defense fuel support 
Sec. 312. Initiative to control and combat the spread of invasive 
Sec. 313. Modification of definition of antenna structure project under 
                            Military Aviation and Installation 
                            Assurance Clearinghouse for review of 
                            mission obstructions.
Sec. 314. Provision by Secretary of the Air Force of meteorological 
                            data for Air Force and Army.
Sec. 315. Modification of sustainable aviation fuel pilot program.
Sec. 316. Study and report on the greenhouse gas and toxic pollutant 
                            emissions of the production and utilization 
                            of non-tactical vehicles of the Department 
                            of Defense.
Sec. 317. Repeal of limitation on procurement of drop-in fuels; annual 
Subtitle C--Treatment of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Polyfluoroalkyl 

Sec. 321. Interim responses to address releases or threatened releases 
                            of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl 
Sec. 322. Increase of transfer authority for funding of study and 
                            assessment on health implications of per- 
                            and polyfluoroalkyl substances 
                            contamination in drinking water by Agency 
                            for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Sec. 323. Pilot program for performance of maintenance and repair on 
                            forward-deployed naval force ships in 
                            foreign shipyards.
                 Subtitle D--Logistics and Sustainment

Sec. 331. Warehouse utilization organization alignment.
Sec. 332. Authority for Government-Owned, Government-Operated 
                            facilities to access Production Base 
                            Support funds.
Sec. 333. Codification and permanent extension of authority for 
                            reimbursement of expenses for certain Navy 
                            mess operations afloat.
Sec. 334. Plan for secondary sources in the munitions supply chain.
Sec. 335. Counter unmanned aerial system threat library.
                          Subtitle E--Reports

Sec. 341. Modification of readiness reports to include total number of 
                            combat readiness upgrades or downgrades.
Sec. 342. Extension and expansion of incident reporting requirements 
                            for Department of Defense.
Sec. 343. Report on landing fees collected by installations of the Air 
                            Force located outside the continental 
                            United States.
Sec. 344. Annual briefing on operational readiness of the 53rd Weather 
                            Reconnaissance Squadron prior to 
                            commencement of the official hurricane 
                       Subtitle F--Other Matters

Sec. 351. Authority for detection and monitoring of illegal drugs 
                            regardless of destination.
Sec. 352. Extension of protection of certain facilities and assets from 
                            unmanned aircraft.
Sec. 353. Limitation on availability of funds for travel expenses of 
                            Office of Secretary of Defense.
Sec. 354. Retrofitting of anti-lock brake system and electronic 
                            stability control kit for certain Army 
Sec. 355. Coordination of planning with respect to stockpiles of basic 
                            life sustaining and personnel items and 
Sec. 356. Pre-positioned stocks of finished defense textile articles.
Sec. 357. Pilot program for advanced manufacturing in the Indo-Pacific 

                       Subtitle A--Active Forces

Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.
Sec. 402. Annual end-strength authorization for the Space Force.
                       Subtitle B--Reserve Forces

Sec. 411. End strengths for selected reserve.
Sec. 412. End strengths for reserves on active duty in support of the 
Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).
Sec. 414. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on 
                            active duty for operational support.
Sec. 415. Exemption of National Guard Bilateral Affairs Officers from 
                            active-duty end strength limits and 
                            modification of annual reporting 
                            requirement regarding security cooperation 
              Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 421. Military personnel.

                  Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy

Sec. 501. Repeal of active duty service requirement for warrant officer 
                            appointments in Air Force and Space Force.
Sec. 502. Talent management and personnel retention for members of the 
                            Armed Forces.
Sec. 503. Authority to increase the number of nurse officers 
                            recommended for promotion.
Sec. 504. Vice Chief of Space Operations; vacancy in position of Chief 
                            of Space Operations.
Sec. 505. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: time-in-grade 
                            and other requirements.
Sec. 506. Effect of failure of selection for promotion: captains and 
                            majors of the Army, Air Force, Marine 
                            Corps, and Space Corps and lieutenants and 
                            lieutenant commanders of the Navy.
Sec. 507. Removal of officers from a list of Space Force officers 
                            recommended for promotion.
Sec. 508. Consideration of merit by special selection review boards.
Sec. 509. Modification of authority to separate officers when in the 
                            best interest of the service.
Sec. 509A. Improvements relating to Medical Officer of the Marine Corps 
Sec. 509B. Longer term and eligibility for appointment to rank of 
                            Admiral of Commander of Naval Sea Systems 
                Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management

Sec. 511. Permanent modification to the Army National Guard and Air 
                            National Guard inactive National Guard 
Sec. 512. Expanded authority to continue reserve component officers in 
                            certain military specialties on the reserve 
                            active-status list.
Sec. 513. Authority to extend military technicians until age 62.
Sec. 514. Extension of time period for transfer or discharge of certain 
                            Army and Air Force reserve component 
                            general officers.
Sec. 515. Transfer to the Space Force of covered space functions of the 
                            Air National Guard of the United States.
Sec. 516. Report on effect of Air National Guard unit leveling.
      Subtitle C--General Service Authorities and Military Records

Sec. 521. Marine Corps Deputy Commandants.
Sec. 522. Treatment of veterans who did not register for the selective 
Sec. 523. Selective Service Director appointment subject to Senate 
Sec. 524. Continuity of coverage under certain provisions of title 18, 
                            United States Code.
Sec. 525. Technical and conforming amendments related to the Space 
Sec. 526. Modified authority to provide protection to senior leaders of 
                            the Department of Defense and other 
                            specified persons.
Sec. 527. Modification of persons not qualified for enlistment 
Sec. 528. Improving military administrative review.
Sec. 529. Combat status identifier equivalent for remotely piloted 
                            aircraft crew.
Sec. 529A. Military training and competency records.
Sec. 529B. Exemption of women forced to register for draft from 
                            requirements to serve in combat roles.
          Subtitle D--Military Justice and Other Legal Matters

Sec. 531. Consolidation of military justice reporting requirements for 
                            the military departments.
Sec. 532. Term of office for judges of the Court of Military Commission 
Sec. 533. Aiding the enemy definition for purposes of the Uniform Code 
                            of Military Justice.
Sec. 534. Pre-referral requirements related to sufficiency of 
                            admissible evidence.
Sec. 535. Detailing of appellate defense counsel.
Sec. 536. Expanded command notifications to victims of domestic 
Sec. 537. Remote appearance before a board of inquiry.
Sec. 538. Extension of Defense Advisory Committee on Investigation, 
                            Prosecution, and Defense of Sexual Assault 
                            in the Armed Forces.
Sec. 539. Reimbursement of expenses and property damage for victims of 
                            designated offenses under the Uniform Code 
                            of Military Justice.
Sec. 540. Removal of marriage as a defense to article 120b offenses.
Sec. 541. Removal of person