[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8947 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8947

  To amend the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to direct the 
   Secretary of Labor to award grants to community colleges for high-
                quality workforce development programs.



                              July 8, 2024

 Mrs. McBath introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
                Committee on Education and the Workforce


                                 A BILL

  To amend the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to direct the 
   Secretary of Labor to award grants to community colleges for high-
                quality workforce development programs.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


     Subtitle D of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act (29 U.S.C. 3221 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the 

              GRANTS PROGRAM.

    ``(a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
            ``(1) to establish, improve, or expand high-quality 
        workforce development programs at community colleges; and
            ``(2) to expand opportunities for individuals to obtain 
        recognized postsecondary credentials that are nationally or 
        regionally portable and stackable for high-skill, high-wage, or 
        in-demand industry sectors or occupations.
    ``(b) Strengthening Community Colleges Workforce Development Grants 
            ``(1) In general.--From the amounts appropriated to carry 
        out this section under paragraph (3) and not reserved under 
        paragraph (2), the Secretary shall, on a competitive basis, 
        make grants to eligible institutions to carry out the 
        activities described in subsection (e).
            ``(2) Reservation.--Of the amounts appropriated to carry 
        out this section under paragraph (3), the Secretary may reserve 
        not more than two percent for the administration of grants 
        awarded under this section, including--
                    ``(A) providing technical assistance and targeted 
                outreach to support eligible institutions serving a 
                high number or high percentage of low-income 
                individuals or individuals with barriers to employment, 
                and rural-serving eligible institutions, to provide 
                guidance and assistance in the process of applying for 
                grants under this section; and
                    ``(B) evaluating and reporting on the performance 
                and impact of programs funded under this section in 
                accordance with subsections (f) through (h).
            ``(3) Authorization of appropriations.--There are 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section 
        $65,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2025 through 2030.
    ``(c) Award Period.--
            ``(1) Initial grant period.--Each grant under this section 
        shall be awarded for an initial period of not more than 4 
            ``(2) Subsequent grants.--An eligible institution that 
        receives an initial grant under this section may receive one or 
        more additional grants under this section for additional 
        periods of not more than 4 years each if the eligible 
        institution demonstrates that, during the most recently 
        completed grant period for a grant received under this section, 
        such eligible institution achieved the levels of performance 
        agreed to by the eligible institution with respect to the 
        performance indicators specified in subsection (f).
    ``(d) Application.--
            ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
        this section, an eligible institution shall submit an 
        application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as 
        the Secretary may require.
            ``(2) Contents.--An application submitted by an eligible 
        institution under paragraph (1) shall include a description of 
        each the following:
                    ``(A) The extent to which the eligible institution 
                has demonstrated success building partnerships with 
                employers in in-demand industry sectors or occupations 
                to provide students with the skills needed for 
                occupations in such industries and an explanation of 
                the results of any such partnerships.
                    ``(B) The methods and strategies the eligible 
                institution will use to engage with employers in in-
                demand industry sectors or occupations, including any 
                arrangements to place individuals who complete the 
                workforce development programs supported by the grant 
                into employment with such employers.
                    ``(C) The proposed eligible institution and 
                industry partnership that the eligible institution will 
                establish or maintain to comply with subsection (e)(1), 
                            ``(i) the roles and responsibilities of 
                        each employer, organization, agency, or 
                        institution of higher education that the 
                        eligible institution will partner with to carry 
                        out the activities under this section; and
                            ``(ii) the needs that will be addressed by 
                        such eligible institution and industry 
                    ``(D) One or more industries that such partnership 
                will target and real-time labor market data 
                demonstrating that those industries are aligned with 
                employer demand in the geographic area to be served by 
                the eligible institution.
                    ``(E) The extent to which the eligible institution 
                            ``(i) leverage additional resources to 
                        support the programs to be funded with the 
                        grant, which shall include written commitments 
                        of any leveraged or matching funds for the 
                        proposed programs; and
                            ``(ii) demonstrate the future 
                        sustainability of each such program.
                    ``(F) The steps the institution will take to ensure 
                the high quality of each program to be funded with the 
                grant, including the career pathways within such 
                    ``(G) The population and geographic area to be 
                served by the eligible institution, including the 
                number of individuals the eligible institution intends 
                to serve during the grant period.
                    ``(H) The workforce development programs to be 
                supported by the grant.
                    ``(I) The recognized postsecondary credentials that 
                are expected to be earned by participants in such 
                workforce development programs and the related high-
                wage, high skill, or in-demand industry sectors or 
                occupations for which such programs will prepare 
                    ``(J) The evidence upon which the education and 
                skills development strategies to be used in such 
                workforce development programs are based and an 
                explanation of how such evidence influenced the design 
                of the programs to improve education and employment 
                    ``(K) How activities of the eligible institution 
                are expected to align with the workforce strategies 
                identified in--
                            ``(i) any State plan or local plan 
                        submitted under this Act by the State, outlying 
                        area, or locality in which the eligible 
                        institution is expected to operate;
                            ``(ii) any State plan submitted under 
                        section 122 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
                        Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
                        2342) by such State or outlying area; and
                            ``(iii) any economic development plan of 
                        the chief executive of such State or outlying 
                    ``(L) The goals of the eligible institution with 
                respect to--
                            ``(i) capacity building (as described in 
                        subsection (f)(1)(B)); and
                            ``(ii) the expected performance of 
                        individuals participating in the programs to be 
                        offered by the eligible institution, including 
                        with respect to any performance indicators 
                        applicable under section 116 or subsection (f) 
                        of this section.
            ``(3) Consideration of previous experience.--The Secretary 
        may not disqualify an eligible institution from receiving a 
        grant under this section solely because such institution lacks 
        previous experience in building partnerships, as described in 
        paragraph (2)(A).
            ``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the 
        Secretary shall give priority to eligible institutions that--
                    ``(A) will use the grant to serve--
                            ``(i) individuals with barriers to 
                        employment; or
                            ``(ii) incumbent workers who need to gain 
                        or improve foundational skills to enhance their 
                    ``(B) use competency-based assessments to award 
                academic credit for prior learning for programs 
                supported by the grant, such as any competency-based 
                assessment developed and identified by the State in 
                which the eligible institution is located, in 
                coordination with industry organizations, employers 
                (including small and mid-sized employers), industry or 
                sector partnerships, training providers, local boards, 
                and institutions of higher education; and
                    ``(C) have, or will seek to have, the career 
                education programs supported by the grant included on 
                the list of eligible providers of training services 
                under section 122 for the State in which the eligible 
                institution is located.
    ``(e) Uses of Funds.--
            ``(1) Eligible institution and industry partnership.--For 
        the purpose of carrying out the activities specified in 
        paragraphs (2) and (3), an eligible institution that receives a 
        grant under this section shall establish a partnership (or 
        continue an existing partnership) with one or more employers in 
        an in-demand industry sector or occupation (in this section 
        referred to as an `eligible institution and industry 
        partnership') and shall maintain such partnership for the 
        duration of the grant period. The eligible institution shall 
        ensure that the partnership--
                    ``(A) targets one or more specific high-skill, 
                high-wage, or in-demand industries;
                    ``(B) includes collaboration with the workforce 
                development system;
                    ``(C) serves adult and dislocated workers, 
                incumbent workers, and new entrants to the workforce;
                    ``(D) uses an evidence-based program design that is 
                appropriate for the activities carried out by the 
                    ``(E) incorporates work-based learning 
                opportunities, as defined in section 3 of the Carl D. 
                Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 
                U.S.C. 2302); and
                    ``(F) incorporates, to the extent appropriate, 
                virtual service delivery to facilitate technology-
                enabled learning.
            ``(2) Required activities.--An eligible institution that 
        receives a grant under this section shall, in consultation with 
        the employers in the eligible institution and industry 
        partnership described in paragraph (1)--
                    ``(A) establish, improve, or expand high quality, 
                evidence-based workforce development programs, career 
                pathway programs, or work-based learning programs 
                (including apprenticeship programs or 
                    ``(B) provide career services to individuals 
                participating in the programs funded with the grant to 
                facilitate retention and program completion, which may 
                            ``(i) career navigation, coaching, 
                        mentorship, and case management services, 
                        including providing information and outreach to 
                        individuals with barriers to employment to 
                        encourage such individuals to participate in 
                        programs funded with the grant; and
                            ``(ii) providing access to course 
                        materials, technological devices, required 
                        equipment, and other supports necessary for 
                        participation in and successful completion of 
                        such programs; and
                    ``(C) make available, in a format that is open, 
                searchable, and easily comparable, information on--
                            ``(i) curricula and recognized 
                        postsecondary credentials offered through 
                        programs funded with the grant, including any 
                        curricula or credentials created or further 
                        developed using such grant, which for each 
                        recognized postsecondary credential, shall 
                                    ``(I) the issuing entity of such 
                                    ``(II) any third-party endorsements 
                                of such credential;
                                    ``(III) the occupations for which 
                                the credential prepares individuals;
                                    ``(IV) the skills and competencies 
                                necessary to achieve to earn such 
                                    ``(V) the level of mastery of such 
                                skills and competencies (including how 
                                mastery is assessed); and
                                    ``(VI) any transfer value or 
                                stackability of the credential;
                            ``(ii) any skills or competencies developed 
                        by individuals who participate in such programs 
                        beyond the skills and competencies identified 
                        as part of the recognized postsecondary 
                        credential awarded; and
                            ``(iii) related employment and earnings 
                        outcomes on the primary indicators of 
                        performance described in subclauses (I) through 
                        (III) of section 116(b)(2)(A)(i), except that 
                        subclause (II) of such section shall be applied 
                                    ``(I) substituting `second' for 
                                `fourth'; and
                                    ``(II) as if `and remain in 
                                unsubsidized employment during the 
                                fourth quarter after exit from the 
                                program' were inserted after `the 
            ``(3) Additional activities.--In addition to the activities 
        required under paragraph (2), an eligible institution that 
        receives a grant under this section shall, in consultation with 
        the employers in the eligible institution and industry 
        partnership described in paragraph (1), carry out one or more 
        of the following activities:
                    ``(A) Establish, improve, or expand--
                            ``(i) articulation agreements (as defined 
                        in section 486A(a) of the Higher Education Act 
                        of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1093a(a)));
                            ``(ii) credit transfer agreements;
                            ``(iii) corequisite remediation programs 
                        that enable a student to receive remedial 
                        education services while enrolled in a 
                        postsecondary course rather than requiring the 
                        student to receive remedial education before 
                        enrolling in a such a course;
                            ``(iv) dual or concurrent enrollment 
                            ``(v) competency-based education and 
                        assessment; or
                            ``(vi) policies and processes to award 
                        academic credit for prior learning or for the 
                        programs described in paragraph (2)(A).
                    ``(B) Establish or implement plans for providers of 
                the programs described in paragraph (2)(A) to meet the 
                criteria and carry out the procedures necessary to be 
                included on the eligible training services provider 
                list described in section 122(d).
                    ``(C) Purchase, lease, or refurbish specialized 
                equipment as necessary to carry out such programs, 
                provided that not more than 15 percent of the funds 
                awarded to the eligible institution under this section 
                may be used for activities described in this 
                    ``(D) Reduce or eliminate unmet financial need 
                relating to the cost of attendance (as defined under 
                section 472 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
                U.S.C. 1087ll)) of participants in such programs.
            ``(4) Administrative cost limit.--An eligible institution 
        may use not more than 7 percent of the funds awarded under this 
        section for admin