[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8920 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8920

 To approve the settlement of the water right claims of the Tule River 
                     Tribe, and for other purposes.



                              July 2, 2024

   Mr. Fong introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
                     Committee on Natural Resources


                                 A BILL

 To approve the settlement of the water right claims of the Tule River 
                     Tribe, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Tule River Tribe 
Reserved Water Rights Settlement Act of 2024''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Purposes.
Sec. 3. Definitions.
Sec. 4. Ratification of 2007 Agreement.
Sec. 5. Tribal Water Right.
Sec. 6. Tule River Tribe trust accounts.
Sec. 7. Funding.
Sec. 8. Transfer of land into trust.
Sec. 9. Satisfaction of claims.
Sec. 10. Waivers and releases of claims.
Sec. 11. Enforceability Date.
Sec. 12. Binding effect; judicial approval; enforceability.
Sec. 13. Miscellaneous provisions.
Sec. 14. Antideficiency.


    The purposes of this Act are--
            (1) to achieve a fair, equitable, and final settlement of 
        claims to water rights in the State of California for--
                    (A) the Tule River Tribe; and
                    (B) the United States, acting as trustee for the 
            (2) to authorize, ratify, and confirm the 2007 Agreement 
        entered by the Tribe, the South Tule Independent Ditch Company, 
        and the Tule River Association, to the extent that the 2007 
        Agreement is consistent with this Act;
            (3) to authorize and direct the Secretary--
                    (A) to execute the 2007 Agreement, with amendments 
                to facilitate implementation and approval of the 2007 
                Agreement; and
                    (B) to take any other actions necessary to carry 
                out the 2007 Agreement in accordance with this Act;
            (4) to authorize funds necessary for the implementation of 
        the 2007 Agreement and this Act; and
            (5) to authorize the transfer of certain lands to the 
        Tribe, to be held in trust.


    (a) In General.--In this Act:
            (1) 2007 agreement.--The term ``2007 Agreement'' means--
                    (A) the agreement dated November 21, 2007, as 
                amended on April 22, 2009, between the Tribe, the South 
                Tule Independent Ditch Company, and the Tule River 
                Association, and exhibits attached thereto; and
                    (B) any amendment to the Agreement referred to in 
                subparagraph (A) (including an amendment to any 
                exhibit) that is executed in accordance with section 
            (2) Court.--The term ``Court'' means the United States 
        District Court for the Eastern District of California, unless 
        otherwise specified herein.
            (3) Divert; diversion.--The terms ``divert'' and 
        ``diversion'' mean to remove water from its natural course or 
        location by means of a ditch, canal, flume, bypass, pipeline, 
        conduit, well, pump, or other structure or device, or act of a 
            (4) Downstream water users.--The term ``Downstream Water 
        Users'' means--
                    (A) the Tule River Association and its successors 
                and assigns;
                    (B) the South Tule Independent Ditch Company and 
                its successors and assigns; and
                    (C) any and all other holders of water rights in 
                the South Fork Tule River Basin.
            (5) Enforceability date.--The term ``Enforceability Date'' 
        means the date described in section 11.
            (6) OM&R.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``OM&R'' means operation, 
                maintenance, and replacement.
                    (B) Inclusions.--The term ``OM&R'' includes--
                            (i) any recurring or ongoing activity 
                        relating to the day-to-day operation of a 
                            (ii) any activity relating to scheduled or 
                        unscheduled maintenance of a project; and
                            (iii) any activity relating to repairing or 
                        replacing a feature of a project.
            (7) Operation rules.--The term ``Operation Rules'' means 
        the rules of operation for the Phase I Reservoir, as 
        established in accordance with the 2007 Agreement and this Act.
            (8) Parties.--The term ``Parties'' means the signatories to 
        the 2007 Agreement, including the Secretary.
            (9) Phase i reservoir.--The term ``Phase I Reservoir'' 
        means the reservoir described in either section 3.4.B.(1) or 
        section 3.4.B.(2) of the 2007 Agreement.
            (10) Reservation; tule river reservation.--The terms 
        ``Reservation'' and ``Tule River Reservation'' mean the 
        reservation of lands set aside for the Tribe by the Executive 
        Orders of January 9, 1873, October 3, 1873, and August 3, 1878, 
        including lands added to the Reservation pursuant to section 8.
            (11) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
        of the Interior.
            (12) South tule independent ditch company.--The term 
        ``South Tule Independent Ditch Company'' means the nonprofit 
        mutual water company incorporated in 1895 that has claims to 
        ownership of water rights dating back to 1854, which provides 
        water diverted from the South Fork of the Tule River to its 
        shareholders on lands downstream from the Tule River 
            (13) Tribal water right.--The term ``Tribal Water Right'' 
        means the water rights ratified, confirmed, and declared to be 
        valid for the benefit of the Tribe as set forth and described 
        in the 2007 Agreement and this Act.
            (14) Tribe.--The term ``Tribe'' means the Tule River Indian 
        Tribe of the Tule River Reservation, California, a federally 
        recognized Indian Tribe.
            (15) Trust fund.--The term ``Trust Fund'' means the Tule 
        River Indian Tribe Settlement Trust Fund established under 
        section 6(a).
            (16) Tule river association.--
                    (A) In general.--The term ``Tule River 
                Association'' means the association formed by agreement 
                in 1965, the members of which are representatives of 
                all pre-1914 appropriative and certain riparian water 
                right holders of the Tule River at and below the 
                Richard L. Schafer Dam and Reservoir.
                    (B) Inclusions.--The term ``Tule River 
                Association'' includes the Pioneer Water Company, the 
                Vandalia Irrigation District, the Porterville 
                Irrigation District, and the Lower Tule River 
                Irrigation District.
            (17) Water development project.--The term ``Water 
        Development Project'' means a project for domestic, commercial, 
        municipal, and industrial water supply, including but not 
        limited to water treatment, storage, and distribution 
        infrastructure, to be constructed, in whole or in part, using 
        monies from the Trust Fund.
    (b) Definitions of Other Terms.--Any other term used in this Act 
but not defined in subsection (a)--
            (1) has the meaning given the term in the 2007 Agreement; 
            (2) if no definition for the term is provided in the 2007 
        Agreement, shall be used in a manner consistent with its use in 
        the 2007 Agreement.


    (a) Ratification.--
            (1) In general.--Except as modified by this Act and to the 
        extent that the 2007 Agreement does not conflict with this Act, 
        the 2007 Agreement is authorized, ratified, and confirmed.
            (2) Amendments.--
                    (A) General amendments.--If an amendment to the 
                2007 Agreement, or to any exhibit attached to the 2007 
                Agreement requiring the signature of the Secretary, is 
                executed in accordance with this Act to make the 2007 
                Agreement consistent with this Act, the amendment is 
                authorized, ratified, and confirmed.
                    (B) Specific amendments.--
                            (i) Substitute sites.--If a substitute site 
                        for the Phase I Reservoir is identified by the 
                        Tribe pursuant to section 3.4.B.(2)(a) of the 
                        2007 Agreement, then amendments related to the 
                        Operation Rules are authorized, ratified, and 
                        confirmed, to the extent that such Amendments 
                        are consistent with the 2007 Agreement and this 
                            (ii) Priority date.--Amendments agreed to 
                        by the Parties to establish that the priority 
                        date for the Tribal Water Right is no later 
                        than January 9, 1873, is authorized, ratified, 
                        and confirmed.
                            (iii) Senior water rights.--Amendments 
                        agreed to by the Parties to accommodate senior 
                        water rights of those Downstream Water Users 
                        described in section 3(a)(4)(C) are authorized, 
                        ratified, and confirmed, to the extent that the 
                        Court finds any such Downstream Water Users 
                        possess senior water rights that can be 
                        accommodated only by amendment of the 2007 
                            (iv) Other amendments.--Other amendments 
                        agreed to by the Parties to facilitate 
                        implementation and approval of the 2007 
                        Agreement are authorized, ratified, and 
                        confirmed, to the extent that such amendments 
                        are otherwise consistent with this Act and with 
                        other applicable law.
    (b) Execution.--
            (1) In general.--To the extent the 2007 Agreement does not 
        conflict with this Act, the Secretary shall execute the 2007 
        Agreement, in accordance with paragraph (2), including all 
        exhibits to, or parts of, the 2007 Agreement requiring the 
        signature of the Secretary.
            (2) Timing.--The Secretary shall not execute the 2007 
        Agreement until--
                    (A) the Parties agree on amendments related to the 
                priority date for the Tribal Water Right; and
                    (B) either--
                            (i) the Tribe moves forward with the Phase 
                        I Reservoir described in section 3.4.B.(1) of 
                        the 2007 Agreement; or
                            (ii) if the Tribe selects a substitute site 
                        pursuant to section 3.4.B.(2) of the 2007 
                        Agreement, either--
                                    (I) the Parties agree on Operation 
                                Rules; or
                                    (II) the Secretary determines, in 
                                the discretion of the Secretary, that 
                                the Parties have reached an impasse in 
                                attempting to negotiate the Operation 
            (3) Modifications.--Nothing in this Act prohibits the 
        Secretary, after execution of the 2007 Agreement, from 
        approving any modification to the 2007 Agreement, including any 
        exhibit to the 2007 Agreement, that is consistent with this 
        Act, to the extent that the modification does not otherwise 
        require congressional approval under section 2116 of the 
        Revised Statutes (25 U.S.C. 177) or any other applicable 
        provision of Federal law.
    (c) Environmental Compliance.--
            (1) In general.--In implementing the 2007 Agreement and 
        this Act, the Secretary shall comply with all applicable 
        provisions of--
                    (A) the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 
                1531 et seq.);
                    (B) the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 
                (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), including the implementing 
                regulations of that Act; and
                    (C) other applicable Federal environmental laws and 
            (2) Compliance.--
                    (A) In general.--In implementing the 2007 Agreement 
                and this Act, the Tribe shall prepare any necessary 
                environmental documents, consistent with all applicable 
                provisions of--
                            (i) the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 
                        U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);
                            (ii) the National Environmental Policy Act 
                        of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4231 et seq.), including the 
                        implementing regulations of that Act; and
                            (iii) all other applicable Federal 
                        environmental laws and regulations.
                    (B) Authorizations.--The Secretary shall--
                            (i) independently evaluate the 
                        documentation submitted under subparagraph (A); 
                            (ii) be responsible for the accuracy, 
                        scope, and contents of that documentation.
            (3) Effect of execution.--The execution of the 2007 
        Agreement by the Secretary under this section shall not 
        constitute a major Federal action for purposes of the National 
        Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
            (4) Costs.--Any costs associated with the performance of 
        the compliance activities under this subsection shall be paid 
        from funds deposited in the Trust Fund, subject to the 
        condition that any costs associated with the performance of 
        Federal approval or other review of such compliance work or 
        costs associated with inherently Federal functions shall remain 
        the responsibility of the Secretary.


    (a) Confirmation of Tribal Water Right.--
            (1) In general.--The Tribal Water Right is ratified, 
        confirmed, and declared valid.
            (2) Quantification.--The Tribal Water Right includes the 
        right to divert and use or permit the diversion and use of up 
        to 5,828 acre-feet per year of surface water from the South 
        Fork Tule River, as described in the 2007 Agreement and as 
        confirmed in the decree entered by the Court pursuant to 
        subsections (b) and (c) of section 12.
            (3) Use.--Any diversion, use, and place of use of the 
        Tribal Water Right shall be subject to the terms and conditions 
        of the 2007 Agreement and this Act.
    (b) Trust Status of Tribal Water Right.--The Tribal Water Right--
            (1) shall be held in trust by the United States for the use 
        and benefit of the Tribe in accordance with this Act; and
            (2) shall not be subject to loss through non-use, 
        forfeiture, abandonment, or other operation of law.
    (c) Authority of the Tule River Tribe.--
            (1) In general.--The Tule River Tribe shall have the 
        authority to allocate and distribute the Tribal Water Right for 
        use on the Reservation in accordance with the 2007 Agreement, 
        this Act, and applicable Federal law.
    (d) Administration.--
            (1) No alienation.--The Tribe shall not permanently 
        alienate any portion of the Tribal Water Right.
            (2) Purchases or grants of land from indians.--An 
        authorization provided by this Act for the allocation, 
        distribution, leasing, or other arrangement entered into 
        pursuant to this Act shall be considered to satisfy any 
        requirement for authorization of the action by treaty or 
        convention imposed by section 2116 of the Revised Statutes (25 
        U.S.C. 177).
            (3) Prohibition on forfeiture.--The non-use of all or any 
        portion of the Tribal Water Right by any water user shall not 
        result in the forfeiture, abandonment, relinquishment, or other 
        loss of all or any portion of the Tribal Water Right.


    (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a trust fund, to 
be known as the ``Tule River Indian Tribe Settlement Trust Fund'', to 
be managed, invested, and distributed by the Secretary and to remain 
available until expended, withdrawn, or reverted to the general fund of 
the Treasury, consisting of the amounts deposited in the Trust Fund 
under subsection (c), together with any interest earned on those 
amounts, for the purpose of carrying out this Act.
    (b) Accounts.--The Secretary shall establish in the Trust Fund the 
following Accounts:
            (1) The Tule River Tribe Water Development Projects 
            (2) The Tule River Tribe OM&R Account.
    (c) Deposits.--The Secretary shall deposit--
            (1) in the Tule River Tribe Water Development Projects 
        Account established under subsection (b)(1), the amounts made 
        available pursuant to section 7(a)(1); and
            (2) in the Tule River Tribe OM&R Account established under 
        subsection (b)(2), the amounts made available pursuant to 
        section 7(a)(2).
    (d) Management and Interest.--
            (1) Management.--On receipt and deposit of funds into the 
        accounts in the Trust Fund pursuant to subsection (c), the 
        Secretary shall manage, invest, and distribute all amounts in 
        the Trust Fund in accordance with the investment authority of 
        the Secretary under--
                    (A) the first section of the Act of June 24, 1938 
                (52 Stat. 1037, chapter 648; 25 U.S.C. 162a);
                    (B) the American Indian Trust Fund Management 
                Reform Act of 1994 (25 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.); and
                    (C) this section.
            (2) Investment earnings.--In addition to the deposits under 
        subsection (c), any investment earnings, including interest, 
        credited to amounts held in the Trust Fund are authorized to be 
        used in accordance with subsections (e) and (h).
    (e) Availability of Amounts.--
            (1) In general.--Amoun