[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4613 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4613

  To amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to establish the Office of 
  LGBTQI Inclusion and a rural outreach grant program, and for other 



                             June 20, 2024

  Mr. Markey (for himself, Mr. Casey, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Padilla, and Ms. 
   Baldwin) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and 
  referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


                                 A BILL

  To amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to establish the Office of 
  LGBTQI Inclusion and a rural outreach grant program, and for other 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Elder Pride Act''.


    (a) In General.--Section 102 of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 
U.S.C. 3002) is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (24)--
                    (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' at the 
                    (B) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by striking the period 
                and inserting a semicolon; and
                    (C) by adding at the end the following:
                    ``(D) status as an LGBTQI individual; and
                    ``(E) status as an individual with HIV.'';
            (2) by redesignating paragraphs (26) through (33), 
        paragraphs (34) and (35), and paragraphs (36) through (56) as 
        paragraphs (27) through (34), paragraphs (36) and (37), and 
        paragraphs (39) through (59), respectively;
            (3) by inserting after paragraph (25) the following:
            ``(26) The term `HIV' means human immunodeficiency 
            (4) by inserting after paragraph (34) (as so redesignated) 
        the following:
            ``(35) The term `LGBTQI' means lesbian, gay, bisexual, 
        transgender, queer, or intersex.'';
            (5) by inserting after paragraph (37) (as so redesignated) 
        the following:
            ``(38) The term `minority', with respect to an individual, 
        includes a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or 
        intersex individual.''.
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 215(e)(1)(J) of the Older 
Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3020e-1(e)(1)(J)) is amended by 
striking ``minorities'' and inserting ``minority individuals''.


    (a) Establishment of Administration; Office of LGBTQI Inclusion.--
Section 201 of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3011) is 
            (1) in subsection (d)(3)(J), by inserting before the 
        semicolon the following: ``, including the effectiveness of 
        such services in meeting the needs of LGBTQI older 
        individuals''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following:
    ``(h)(1) There is established in the Administration an Office of 
LGBTQI Inclusion (referred to in this subsection as the `Office').
    ``(2)(A) The Office shall be headed by a Director of LGBTQI 
Inclusion (referred to in this subsection as the `Director'), who shall 
be appointed by the Secretary.
    ``(B) The Office shall include an Assistant Director of LGBTQI 
Policy (referred to in this subsection as the `Assistant Director') who 
shall be appointed by the Director to assist the Director in carrying 
out this subsection, including by carrying out the activities under 
paragraph (4).
    ``(3) The Director shall--
            ``(A) coordinate activities within the Department of Health 
        and Human Services, and between other Federal departments and 
        agencies, to assure a continuum of improved services for LGBTQI 
        older individuals;
            ``(B) promote access to aging services and supports for 
        LGBTQI older individuals;
            ``(C) collect and disseminate information related to the 
        challenges experienced by LGBTQI older individuals; and
            ``(D) administer and evaluate grants that will expand 
        access to aging services and supports for LGBTQI older 
    ``(4) The Assistant Director shall--
            ``(A) serve as the effective and visible advocate on behalf 
        of LGBTQI older individuals--
                    ``(i) within the Department of Health and Human 
                Services and with other departments and agencies of the 
                Federal Government regarding all Federal policies 
                affecting such individuals; and
                    ``(ii) in the States to promote the enhanced 
                delivery of services and implementation of programs, 
                under this Act and other Federal Acts, for the benefit 
                of such individuals;
            ``(B) support, conduct, and arrange for research in the 
        field of LGBTQI aging with a special emphasis on gathering 
        statistics on LGBTQI older individuals;
            ``(C) collect and disseminate information related to 
        challenges experienced by LGBTQI older individuals; and
            ``(D) recommend policies and priorities beneficial to 
        LGBTQI older individuals and promote the implementation and 
        adoption of culturally competent care and services for such 
    ``(5) Not later than 5 years after the date of enactment of the 
Elder Pride Act, and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall 
submit to Congress a report describing the activities carried out under 
this subsection during the preceding 5 years.''.


    Part A of title IV of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 
3032 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:


    ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means--
                    ``(A) a State;
                    ``(B) an Indian tribe or tribal organization; or
                    ``(C) an agency, nonprofit organization, or 
                institution (including an area agency on aging, or a 
                multipurpose senior center, in a rural area) that--
                            ``(i) focuses on serving the needs of older 
                        individuals, LGBTQI individuals, LGBTQI older 
                        individuals, or individuals of another 
                        protected class; or
                            ``(ii) focuses on providing sexual health 
                        services to all older individuals, including 
                        services for older individuals with HIV.
            ``(2) Protected class.--The term `protected class' means a 
        group of individuals sharing a common characteristic or 
        identity who are legally protected against discrimination.
            ``(3) Rural area.--The term `rural area' means an area that 
        is not designated by the United States Census Bureau as an 
        urbanized area or urban cluster.
    ``(b) Authority for Grants.--The Assistant Secretary, acting 
through the Director of LGBTQI Inclusion, may make grants to eligible 
entities to carry out activities described in subsection (d) that are 
            ``(1) to create a cooperative and lasting partnership 
                    ``(A) LGBTQI older individuals, or older 
                individuals of a protected class, residing in rural 
                areas; and
                    ``(B) the eligible entity receiving the grant;
            ``(2) to meet the needs of the individuals described in 
        paragraph (1)(A); and
            ``(3) to provide comprehensive sexual health services to 
        all older individuals residing in the rural areas served by the 
    ``(c) Applications.--
            ``(1) In general.--An eligible entity seeking a grant under 
        this section shall submit an application to the Assistant 
        Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such 
        information as the Assistant Secretary may reasonably require, 
        including the contents described in paragraph (2).
            ``(2) Contents.--An application for a grant under this 
        section shall contain--
                    ``(A) a description of the proposed activities to 
                be supported by the grant;
                    ``(B) a description of the size and characteristics 
                of the population in the rural area to be served by 
                such proposed activities;
                    ``(C) a description of the public and private 
                resources expected to be made available in connection 
                with such activities;
                    ``(D) a demonstrated intent to partner with local 
                organizations in rural areas in carrying out such 
                    ``(E) evidence in a form acceptable to the 
                Assistant Secretary that such activities will meet 
                urgent needs that are not met by available public and 
                private sources; and
                    ``(F) such other information or certifications that 
                the Assistant Secretary determines necessary to achieve 
                the purposes described in paragraphs (1) through (3) of 
                subsection (b).
    ``(d) Use of Funds.--An eligible entity may use funds made 
available by a grant under this section to carry out activities that 
include initiatives that--
            ``(1) engage in education and training relating to 
        community outreach to LGBTQI older individuals, or older 
        individuals of a protected class, residing in rural areas;
            ``(2) reduce isolation and improve access to care for 
        LGBTQI older individuals, or older individuals of a protected 
        class, residing in rural areas by building relationships 
        between such individuals and the local community;
            ``(3) foster relationships between local service providers 
        and LGBTQI older individuals, or older individuals of a 
        protected class, residing in rural areas;
            ``(4) improve cultural competency with respect to LGBTQI 
        individuals, and older individuals of a protected class, among 
        organizations and personnel providing services to older 
        individuals residing in rural areas;
            ``(5) expand the use of nondiscrimination policies that--
                    ``(A) prohibit discrimination on the basis of 
                sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex 
                characteristics (including intersex traits); and
                    ``(B) create community spaces that are inclusive to 
                LGBTQI older individuals and older individuals of a 
                protected class; and
            ``(6) focus on providing sexual health services to older 
        individuals residing in rural areas, including services for 
        older individuals with HIV.
    ``(e) Supplement Not Supplant.--As a condition of receiving funds 
under this section, an eligible entity shall agree to use such funds 
only to supplement the level of State or local funds that would, in the 
absence of the receipt of funds under this section, be made available 
for related LGBTQI services.
    ``(f) Standards and Guidelines.--The Assistant Secretary shall 
establish standards and guidelines for activities supported by grants 
under this section. Such standards and guidelines shall permit an 
eligible entity receiving such grant to refine or adapt the standards 
and guidelines for an individual project if the refinement or 
adaptation is made necessary by a local circumstance.
    ``(g) Coordination With Local Entities.--
            ``(1) Cooperation.--An eligible entity that receives a 
        grant under this section shall, in carrying out activities 
        supported by the grant, agree to cooperate and coordinate 
                    ``(A) the agencies of the relevant State and local 
                governments responsible for providing services to 
                LGBTQI older individuals, or older individuals of a 
                protected class, in the area served by such activities; 
                    ``(B) other public and private organizations and 
                agencies providing services to LGBTQI older 
                individuals, or older individuals of a protected class, 
                in such area.
            ``(2) Prioritization.--An eligible entity receiving a grant 
        under this section shall prioritize cooperating and 
        coordinating with public and private organizations and agencies 
        that primarily serve populations of older individuals with the 
        greatest social need.
    ``(h) Reports.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment 
of the Elder Pride Act, and annually thereafter, the Assistant 
Secretary shall submit to Congress and make available to the public a 
report that describes the activities carried out under this section 
during the preceding 2-year period.
    ``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is to be authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2025 through 2029.''.