[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8756 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8756

To establish the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers Council, Chief 
     Artificial Intelligence Officers, and Artificial Intelligence 
              Coordination Boards, and for other purposes.



                             June 14, 2024

 Mr. Connolly (for himself and Mr. Garbarino) introduced the following 
      bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and 
Accountability, and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, 
 in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the 
                jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

To establish the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers Council, Chief 
     Artificial Intelligence Officers, and Artificial Intelligence 
              Coordination Boards, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``AI Leadership To Enable Accountable 
Deployment Act'' or the ``AI LEAD Act''.


    In this Act:
            (1) Agency.--The term ``agency'' has the meaning given the 
        term in section 3502 of title 44, United States Code.
            (2) Artificial intelligence.--The term ``artificial 
        intelligence'' has the meaning given the term in section 5002 
        of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act of 2020 
        (15 U.S.C. 9401).
            (3) Chief artificial intelligence officer.--The term 
        ``Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer'' means an official 
        designated by the head of an agency pursuant to section 
            (4) Council.--The term ``Council'' means the Chief 
        Artificial Intelligence Officers Council established under 
        section 3(a).
            (5) Director.--The term ``Director'' means the Director of 
        the Office of Management and Budget.
            (6) Relevant congressional committees.--The term ``relevant 
        congressional committees'' means the Committee on Homeland 
        Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the 
        Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of 


    (a) Establishment.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Director shall establish a Chief Artificial 
Intelligence Officers Council.
    (b) Duties.--The Council shall--
            (1) promote artificial intelligence innovation and 
        responsible design, development, and application;
            (2) oversee compliance with Governmentwide requirements, 
        including existing requirements for agencies to inventory and 
        publish use cases of artificial intelligence;
            (3) develop recommendations for, and advise agencies on, 
        best practices for the design, acquisition, development, 
        modernization, use, operation, sharing, risk management, 
        auditing, and performance of artificial intelligence 
        technologies while ensuring privacy, security, and the 
        protection of civil rights and civil liberties;
            (4) share experiences, ideas, and promising practices, 
        including work process redesign and the development of 
        performance measures to optimize Federal Government use of and 
        investments in artificial intelligence;
            (5) in coordination with the Director of the Office of 
        Personnel Management, assess and monitor the hiring, training, 
        classification, and professional development needs of the 
        Federal workforce relating to artificial intelligence;
            (6) examine and track the costs and benefits of artificial 
        intelligence use in the Federal Government, and make 
        recommendations for any limits that should be placed on the 
        acquisition, development, and use of artificial intelligence 
        and the capabilities of artificial intelligence;
            (7) help improve the abilities of agencies to understand 
        artificial intelligence and intervene in crisis;
            (8) review and analyze already deployed artificial 
        intelligence systems within the Federal Government for 
        potential harm; and
            (9) assist the Director, as necessary, in--
                    (A) identifying, developing, coordinating, and 
                overseeing multi-agency projects and other initiatives 
                to improve Government performance;
                    (B) monitoring and managing risks relating to 
                developing, obtaining, or using artificial 
                intelligence, including by--
                            (i) promoting the development and use of 
                        efficient, common, and shared approaches to key 
                        processes that improve the delivery of services 
                        for the public;
                            (ii) soliciting and providing perspectives 
                        on matters of concern to the Council, as 
                        appropriate, from and to--
                                    (I) the Chief Financial Officers 
                                    (II) the Chief Human Capital 
                                Officers Council;
                                    (III) the Chief Acquisition 
                                Officers Council;
                                    (IV) the Chief Information Officers 
                                    (V) the Chief Data Officers 
                                    (VI) other interagency councils;
                                    (VII) other key groups of the 
                                Federal Government;
                                    (VIII) industry;
                                    (IX) academia;
                                    (X) State, local, Tribal, 
                                territorial, and international 
                                governments; and
                                    (XI) other individuals and 
                                entities, as determined necessary by 
                                the Director;
                            (iii) creating a framework for how agencies 
                        can reduce risk in the design, development, and 
                        use of artificial intelligence systems; and
                            (iv) implementing measurements and 
                        producing specific guidance on use cases for 
                        which the Federal Government should not be 
                        developing, procuring, or using artificial 
                        intelligence systems;
                    (C) ensuring artificial intelligence systems used 
                and procured by agencies are and have been responsibly 
                developed and evaluated such that the artificial 
                intelligence systems are transparent and secure, do not 
                infringe on privacy, and promote civil interests;
                    (D) continually monitoring the capabilities of 
                artificial intelligence systems used and procured by 
                the Federal Government; and
                    (E) ensuring accountability for the use and 
                procurement of artificial intelligence systems that 
                result in flawed, inaccurate, or biased decisions that 
                would impact individuals.
    (c) Membership of CAIOC.--
            (1) Chair.--The Director shall serve as the chair of the 
            (2) Cochair.--The cochair of the Council shall be--
                    (A) nominated by a majority of the members of the 
                Council; and
                    (B) designated as the cochair of the Council by the 
            (3) Members.--Members of the Council shall include--
                    (A) the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer of 
                each agency described in section 901(b) of title 31, 
                United States Code;
                    (B) a representative from an agency with--
                            (i) advisory experience in scientific and 
                        technological issues that require attention at 
                        the highest level of Government; and
                            (ii) a role working with agencies to create 
                        strategies, plans, policies and programs for 
                        science and technology, including artificial 
                        intelligence; and
                    (C) other members, as determined necessary by the 
            (4) Standing committees; working groups.--The Council shall 
        have the authority to establish standing committees and working 
        groups as necessary to consider items of concern to the 
    (d) Administrative Support.--The Administrator of General Services 
shall provide administrative support for the Council.


    (a) Duties of Agencies.--The head of each agency shall ensure the 
responsible research, development, acquisition, application, 
governance, and use of artificial intelligence by the agency that is 
consistent with democratic values, including--
            (1) privacy;
            (2) civil rights and civil liberties;
            (3) information security;
            (4) nondiscrimination;
            (5) transparency; and
            (6) trustworthiness.
    (b) Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 45 days after the date of 
        enactment of this Act, the head of each agency shall designate 
        a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer with responsibility 
                    (A) promoting artificial intelligence innovation 
                and use within the agency to further the agency's 
                effectiveness and efficiency;
                    (B) providing input on the decision processes for 
                annual and multi-year planning, programming, budgeting, 
                and execution decisions, related reporting 
                requirements, and reports relating to artificial 
                intelligence of the agency;
                    (C) participating in internal control processes or 
                entities convened for the purpose of reviewing 
                artificial intelligence acquisitions throughout the 
                acquisition life cycle;
                    (D) producing a risk management plan for agency-
                specific use cases of artificial intelligence, 
                            (i) a procedure for classifying risk levels 
                        in agency use of artificial intelligence; and
                            (ii) specific guidance on use cases for 
                        which the agency should not developing, 
                        procuring, or using artificial intelligence 
                    (E) in coordination with other responsible 
                officials of the agency--
                            (i) assessing and addressing agency 
                        personnel requirements and professional 
                        development requirements relating to artificial 
                        intelligence; and
                            (ii) developing and overseeing agency 
                        processes regarding the design, acquisition, 
                        development, modernization, use, data 
                        management, operation, sharing, and auditing of 
                        artificial intelligence systems by the agency, 
                        including existing requirements to inventory 
                        and publish agency use cases;
                            (iii) ensuring artificial intelligence 
                        policies of the agency comply with the 
                        Constitution of the United States and 
                        Governmentwide requirements;
                            (iv) ensuring all artificial intelligence 
                        systems used and procured by the agency are and 
                        have been responsibly developed and evaluated 
                        such that the systems are transparent and 
                        secure, do not infringe on privacy, and promote 
                        civil interests;
                            (v) continually monitoring the capabilities 
                        and impacts of artificial intelligence systems 
                        used and procured by the agency; and
                            (vi) ensuring accountability for the use 
                        and procurement of artificial intelligence 
                        systems that result in flawed, inaccurate, or 
                        biased decisions that would impact individuals;
                    (F) helping to improve the ability of the agency to 
                understand artificial intelligence and to intervene in 
                    (G) reviewing and analyzing already deployed 
                artificial intelligence systems of the agency for 
                potential harm; and
                    (H) performing other functions relating to 
                artificial intelligence, as determined by the Director 
                or the head of the agency.
            (2) Structure.--The Director shall issue guidance on the 
        appropriate reporting structure, qualifications, and seniority 
        level for the role of a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer.
            (3) Seniority.--With respect to the Chief Artificial 
        Intelligence Officer of any agency described in section 901(b) 
        of title 31, United States Code, the Chief Artificial 
        Intelligence Officer shall be an executive with a position 
        classified above GS-15 of the General Schedule or the 
            (4) Roles.--The head of each agency shall ensure that the 
        Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer of the agency has a 
        significant role in--
                    (A) the decision processes for all annual and 
                multi-year planning, programming, budgeting, and 
                execution decisions, related reporting requirements, 
                and reports relating to artificial intelligence of the 
                agency; and
                    (B) the management, governance, acquisition, and 
                oversight processes of the agency relating to 
                artificial intelligence.
            (5) Full-time employee.--
                    (A) In general.--To the extent practicable, each 
                Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer designated under 
                paragraph (1) shall be a full-time employee of the 
                agency on the date of the designation.
                    (B) Justification.--If the head of an agency 
                designates a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer of 
                the agency who is not a full-time employee on the date 
                of the designation, the head of the agency shall 
                provide the Comptroller General of the United States a 
                justification for the designation of an individual who 
                is not a full-time employee, such as a lack of 
                qualified personnel.
                    (C) Inclusion in report.--The Comptroller General 
                of the United States shall include each justification 
                provided by the head of agency under subparagraph (B) 
                in the report required under section 6(a).
    (c) Informing Congress.--Not later than 60 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the head of each agency shall--
            (1) inform the relevant congressional committees of the 
        appointment of a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer pursuant 
        to subsection (b); and
            (2) if relevant, provide to the relevant congressional 
        committees a full description of any authorities and 
        responsibilities of the individual serving as the Chief 
        Artificial Intelligence Officer that are performed in addition 
        to the authorities and responsibilities of the individual in 
        the role of the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer.


    (a) Establishment.--Not later than 120 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Director shall issue guidance directing the 
head of each agency described in section 901(b) of title 31, United 
States Code, to establish within the agency an Artificial Intelligence 
Coordination Board to--
            (1) coordinate artificial intelligence issues of the 
        agency; and
            (2) to the extent applicable to the agency, publish a 
        statement of principles and goals relating to artificial 
    (b) Contents.--The guidance issued under subsection (a) shall--
            (1) define the structure and activities of Artificial 
        Intelligence Coordination Boards of agencies; and
            (2) ensure that the membership of the Artificial 
        Intelligence Coordination Board of an agency may include, to 
        the extent applicable to the agency--
                    (A) the deputy head of the agency;
                    (B) the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer of 
                the agency, who shall serve as the chair of the 
                Artificial Intelligence Coordination Board of the 
                    (C) the chief information officer of the agency;
                    (D) the chief acquisition officer of the agency;
                    (E) the senior procurement executive of the agency;
                    (F) the chief data officer of the agency;
                    (G) the chief human capital officer of the agency;
                    (H) the chief financial officer of the agency;
                    (I) the senior agency official for privacy of the 
                    (J) the senior agency official for civil rights and 
                civil liberties of the agency; and
                    (K) other individuals, as determined by the 
    (c) Strategy.--
            (1) In general.--The head of each agency shall establish an 
        artificial intelligence strategy for the responsible and 
        trustworthy adoption of artificial intelligence by the agency 
        to better achieve the mission of the agency to serve the people 
        of the United States.
            (2) Contents.--The strategy required under paragraph (1) 
        shall include the following:
                    (A) Defined roles and responsibilities for the use 
                and oversight of artificial intelligence by the agency, 
                including oversight of co