[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4529 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4529

     To permanently establish the E-Verify employment eligibility 
 verification system, to mandate the use of E-Verify by all employers, 
                        and for other purposes.



                             June 13, 2024

  Mr. Romney (for himself, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Lankford, Mr. 
 Vance, and Mr. Manchin) introduced the following bill; which was read 
          twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


                                 A BILL

     To permanently establish the E-Verify employment eligibility 
 verification system, to mandate the use of E-Verify by all employers, 
                        and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Mandatory E-Verify 
Act of 2024''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Establishment of permanent E-Verify.
Sec. 3. Mandatory E-Verify for all employers.
Sec. 4. Penalty for failure to use E-Verify.
Sec. 5. Enhanced penalties for unauthorized employment.
Sec. 6. E-Verify self-check.
Sec. 7. E-Verify process.
Sec. 8. Good faith defense.
Sec. 9. Preemption.
Sec. 10. Access to information.
Sec. 11. Fraud and misuse of documents.
Sec. 12. Fraud prevention.
Sec. 13. Protection of Social Security Administration programs.
Sec. 14. Inspector General audits.
Sec. 15. Recruitment, referral, and continuation of employment.
Sec. 16. Definitions.


    (a) Establishment of Permanent E-Verify.--Section 274A(d) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a(d)) is amended to read 
as follows:
    ``(d) Establishment of Permanent E-Verify.--
            ``(1) In general.--On the date of the enactment of the 
        Mandatory E-Verify Act of 2024, the Secretary of Homeland 
        Security shall permanently establish E-Verify, based on the E-
        Verify pilot program implemented under section 401(c)(1) of the 
        Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 
        1996 (8 U.S.C. 1324a note), that--
                    ``(A) responds to inquiries made by persons through 
                a website, mobile application, or other toll-free 
                electronic media, as determined by the Secretary, 
                            ``(i) an individual's identity; and
                            ``(ii) whether such individual is 
                        authorized to be employed in the United States; 
                    ``(B) maintains records of--
                            ``(i) the inquiries that were made;
                            ``(ii) the verifications that were provided 
                        (or not provided); and
                            ``(iii) the codes provided to inquirers as 
                        evidence of their compliance with their 
                        obligations under E-Verify.
            ``(2) Responses.--
                    ``(A) Initial responses.--E-Verify shall provide 
                confirmation or a tentative nonconfirmation of an 
                individual's identity and employment eligibility not 
                later than 3 business days after the initial inquiry. 
                If providing confirmation or tentative nonconfirmation, 
                E-Verify shall provide an appropriate code indicating 
                such confirmation or such nonconfirmation.
                    ``(B) Secondary confirmation process in case of 
                tentative nonconfirmation.--
                            ``(i) In general.--In cases of tentative 
                        nonconfirmation, the Secretary shall specify, 
                        in consultation with the Commissioner of Social 
                        Security, an available secondary verification 
                        process to confirm the validity of information 
                        provided and to provide a final confirmation or 
                        nonconfirmation not later than 10 business days 
                        after the date on which the notice of the 
                        tentative nonconfirmation is provided by the 
                            ``(ii) Extensions.--The Secretary, in 
                        consultation with the Commissioner--
                                    ``(I) may extend the deadline under 
                                clause (i) once, on a case-by-case 
                                basis, for a period of 10 business 
                                days; and
                                    ``(II) if such deadline is 
                                extended, shall document such extension 
                                within the verification system.
                            ``(iii) Notifications.--The Secretary, in 
                        consultation with the Commissioner, shall 
                        immediately notify the employee and employer of 
                        any tentative nonconfirmation under clause (i), 
                        which shall include--
                                    ``(I) guidance to the prospective 
                                employee regarding the secondary 
                                verification process; and
                                    ``(II) any extension granted under 
                                clause (ii).
                            ``(iv) Process.--The Secretary, in 
                        consultation with the Commissioner, shall--
                                    ``(I) create a standard process for 
                                extensions and notifications under this 
                                paragraph; and
                                    ``(II) make a description of such 
                                process available to the public.
                            ``(v) Code.--When final confirmation or 
                        nonconfirmation is provided, the verification 
                        system shall provide an appropriate code 
                        indicating such confirmation or 
            ``(3) Design and operation of e-verify.--E-Verify shall be 
        designed and operated--
                    ``(A) to maximize its reliability and ease of use 
                by persons and other entities consistent with 
                insulating and protecting the privacy and security of 
                the underlying information;
                    ``(B) to respond to all inquiries made by such 
                persons and entities on whether individuals are 
                authorized to be employed and to register all times 
                when such inquiries are not received;
                    ``(C) to prevent unauthorized disclosure of 
                personal information through appropriate 
                administrative, technical, and physical safeguards;
                    ``(D) to include reasonable safeguards against 
                unlawful discriminatory practices based on national 
                origin or citizenship status, including--
                            ``(i) the selective or unauthorized use of 
                        E-Verify to verify eligibility; or
                            ``(ii) the exclusion of certain individuals 
                        from consideration for employment as a result 
                        of a perceived likelihood that additional 
                        verification will be required, beyond what is 
                        required for most job applicants;
                    ``(E) to maximize the prevention of identity theft 
                use in the system;
                    ``(F) to limit the subjects of verification to--
                            ``(i) individuals hired, referred, or 
                        recruited, in accordance with paragraph (1) or 
                        (4) of subsection (b);
                            ``(ii) employees and prospective employees, 
                        in accordance with paragraph (1), (2), (3), or 
                        (4) of subsection (b); and
                            ``(iii) individuals seeking to confirm 
                        their own employment eligibility on a voluntary 
                        basis; and
                    ``(G) to confirm identity and employment 
                authorization through verification and comparison of 
                records maintained by the Department of Homeland 
                Security, other Federal departments, States, or 
                outlying possessions of the United States, as 
                determined necessary by the Secretary of Homeland 
                Security, including--
                            ``(i) records maintained by the Social 
                        Security Administration;
                            ``(ii) passports, passport cards, and visa 
                        records (including photographs) maintained by 
                        the Department of State;
                            ``(iii) notwithstanding section 6103 of 
                        Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any other 
                        provision of law, Employer Identification 
                        Number records maintained by the Internal 
                        Revenue Service;
                            ``(iv) State driver's license or identity 
                        card information (including photographs) 
                        maintained by the Department of Motor Vehicles 
                        of a State or outlying possession; and
                            ``(v) any other Federal records that the 
                        Secretary of Homeland Security determines to be 
                        relevant and necessary for such purpose.
            ``(4) Responsibilities of commissioner of social 
                    ``(A) In general.--The Commissioner of Social 
                Security, in consultation with the Secretary of 
                Homeland Security (and any designee of the Secretary 
                selected to establish and administer the verification 
                system), shall establish a reliable, secure, electronic 
                method within E-Verify, which, within the periods 
                specified in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph 
                (2), compares the name and Social Security account 
                number provided in an inquiry against such information 
                maintained by the Commissioner in order to validate (or 
                not validate)--
                            ``(i) the information provided regarding 
                        each individual whose identity and employment 
                        eligibility is being confirmed;
                            ``(ii) the correspondence of the name and 
                        number; and
                            ``(iii) whether the individual has 
                        presented a Social Security account number that 
                        is not valid for employment.
                    ``(B) Limitation on disclosures.--The Commissioner 
                may not disclose or release Social Security information 
                (other than such confirmation or nonconfirmation) under 
                E-Verify except as provided for in this section or 
                section 205(c)(2)(I) of the Social Security Act (42 
                U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(I)).
            ``(5) Responsibilities of secretary of homeland security.--
        The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with any 
        designee of the Secretary selected to establish and administer 
        the verification system, shall establish a reliable, secure, 
        electronic method within E-Verify, which, within the periods 
        specified in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2), 
        compares the name and alien identification or authorization 
        number (or any other information as determined relevant by the 
        Secretary) which are provided in an inquiry against such 
        information maintained or accessed by the Secretary--
                    ``(A) to validate (or not validate)--
                            ``(i) the information provided regarding 
                        each individual whose identity and employment 
                        eligibility is being confirmed;
                            ``(ii) the correspondence of the name and 
                        number; and
                            ``(iii) whether the alien is authorized to 
                        be employed in the United States; or
                    ``(B) to the extent that the Secretary determines 
                to be feasible and appropriate, to determine whether 
                the records available to the Secretary verify the 
                identity or status of a national of the United States.
            ``(6) Responsibilities of the secretary of state.--The 
        Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of 
        Homeland Security and any designee of the Secretary of Homeland 
        Security selected to establish and administer the verification 
        system, shall establish a reliable, secure method, that 
        compares and provides, within the time periods required under 
        paragraphs (2) and (3), a confirmation or nonconfirmation of 
        the name and passport, passport card, or visa number provided 
        in an inquiry against such information maintained by the 
        Secretary of State in order to confirm (or to not confirm) the 
        information provided regarding an individual whose identity and 
        employment eligibility must be confirmed.
            ``(7) Updating information.--The Commissioner of Social 
        Security and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall 
        immediately, and not later than 3 business days after receiving 
        updated information, update their information in a manner that 
        promotes the maximum accuracy and shall provide a process for 
        the prompt correction of erroneous information, including 
        instances in which it is brought to their attention in the 
        secondary verification process described in paragraph (2)(B).
            ``(8) No national identification card.--Nothing in this 
        subsection, or in the Mandatory E-Verify Act of 2024, may be 
        construed to directly or indirectly authorize--
                    ``(A) the issuance or use of national 
                identification cards; or
                    ``(B) the establishment of a national 
                identification card.
            ``(9) Remedies.--
                    ``(A) In general.--If an individual alleges that 
                the individual would not have been dismissed from a job 
                absent an error of the verification mechanism, the 
                individual may seek--
                            ``(i) compensation only through the 
                        mechanism of chapter 171 of title 28, United 
                        States Code (commonly known as the `Federal 
                        Tort Claims Act'); and
                            ``(ii) injunctive relief to correct such 
                    ``(B) Class actions.--No class action may be 
                brought under this subsection.''.
    (b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 401 of the Illegal Immigration 
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1324a note) 
is amended--
            (1) by amending the section heading to read as follows: 
            (2) in subsection (a), by striking ``3 pilot programs of 
        employment eligibility confirmation'' and inserting ``E-
        Verify''; and
            (3) in subsection (b)--
                    (A) in the subsection heading, by striking ``; 
                Termination''; and
                    (B) by striking ``Unless the Congress otherwise 
                provides, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall 
                terminate a pilot program on September 30, 2015.''.
    (c) Transition From Pilot to Permanent E-Verify Program.--
            (1) In general.--Subtitle A of title IV of the Illegal 
        Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (8 
        U.S.C. 1324a note) is repealed.
            (2) References.--Any reference in any Federal law, 
        Executive order, rule, regulation, or delegation of authority, 
        or any document of, or pertaining to, the Department of 
        Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, or the Social 
        Security Administration, to the employment eligibility 
        confirmation system established under section 404 of the 
        Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 
        1996 (8 U.S.C. 1324a note) is deemed to refer to E-Verify, 
        which has been permanently established pursuant to subsection 
            (3) Clerical amendment.--The table of contents in section 
        1(d) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant 
        Responsibility Act of 1996 (division C of Public Law 104-208) 
        is amended by striking the items relating to subtitle A of 
        title IV.
            (4) Effective date.--This subsection shall take effect on 
        the date that is 90 days after the date of the enactment of 
        this Act.
    (d) Funding.--
            (1) Transfers.--On the first day of each fiscal year 
        beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
        Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer $100,000,000 in 
        unobligated funds from the general fund of the Treasury to the 
        Department of Homeland Security, which shall be used to carry 
        out E-Verify.
            (2) Authorization of appropriations.--In addition to the 
        amounts transferred pursuant to paragraph (1), there are 
        authorized to be appropriated $100,000,000, in fiscal year 
        2024, and in each successive fiscal year, to carry out E-
    (e) Reporting Requirements.--
            (1) Defined term.--In this subsection, the term 
        ``appropriate congressional committees'' means--
                    (A) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate;
                    (B) the Committee on Homeland Security and 
                Governmental Affairs of the Senate;
                    (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of 
                Representatives; and
                    (D) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House 
                of Representatives.
            (2) Permanent e-verify initial report.--Not later than 180 
        days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President 
        shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional 
        committees describing the implementation of the permanent E-
        Verify Program, including--
                    (A) any significant changes made from the E-Verify 
                Pilot Program in existence on the day before