[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Con. Res. 110 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. CON. RES. 110

Establishing grounds under which Members of Congress may vote by proxy 
 and remotely attend committee proceedings in the event of illness, a 
    death in the family, jury service, military service, and other 
             emergency situations, and for other purposes.



                             June 11, 2024

  Ms. Porter submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was 
                   referred to the Committee on Rules


                         CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

Establishing grounds under which Members of Congress may vote by proxy 
 and remotely attend committee proceedings in the event of illness, a 
    death in the family, jury service, military service, and other 
             emergency situations, and for other purposes.

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),


    This resolution may be cited as the ``Legislative Proxy and Absence 
Accommodation Resolution''.

              IN CERTAIN CASES.

    (a) Proxy Voting.--Rule III of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives is amended--
            (1) in clause 2(a), by striking ``A Member may not'' and 
        inserting ``Except as provided in clause 4, a Member may not'';
            (2) in clause 2(b), by striking ``No other person may'' and 
        inserting ``Except as provided in clause 4, no other person 
        may''; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new clause:
``Proxy voting
    ``4.(a) If any of the grounds described in paragraph (b) applies to 
a Member, such Member may designate another Member as a proxy who may 
cast the vote of such Member or record the presence of such Member in 
the House if such Member submits to the Clerk a signed letter (which 
may be in electronic form)--
            ``(1) certifying that one of those grounds applies to such 
        Member; and
            ``(2) specifying by name the other Member who is designated 
        as a proxy for such Member.
    ``(b) The grounds described in this paragraph with respect to a 
Member are as follows:
            ``(1) Any of the grounds under which an eligible employee 
        is entitled to leave under subparagraphs (A) through (E) of 
        section 102(a)(1) of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 
        (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)), but only if the Member includes with 
        the signed letter required under this paragraph such 
        documentation as the Clerk may require.
            ``(2) An illness of the Member which would not be treated 
        as a serious health condition under section 102(a)(1)(D) of the 
        Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(D)) 
        if the Member were an eligible employee under such Act, except 
        that the number of days during which a Member may designate a 
        proxy under this clause on the basis of this subparagraph in a 
        calendar year may not exceed 7.
            ``(3) The summoning of the Member, in connection with a 
        judicial proceeding, by a court or authority responsible for 
        the conduct of that proceeding, to serve as a juror, but only 
        if the Member includes with the signed letter required under 
        this paragraph such documentation of the summoning as the Clerk 
        may require.
            ``(4) The death of a family member, except that the number 
        of consecutive days during which a Member may designate a proxy 
        under this clause on the basis of this subparagraph with 
        respect to a family member may not exceed 4. For purposes of 
        this subparagraph, the term `family member' means a spouse 
        (including a domestic partner) and a spouse's parent; a child 
        and a child's spouse; a parent and a parent's spouse; a sibling 
        and a sibling's spouse; a grandparent, a grandchild, or a 
        spouse of a grandparent or grandchild; and any other individual 
        who is related by blood or affinity and whose association with 
        the individual is the equivalent of a family relationship under 
        regulations issued by the Committee on House Administration.
            ``(5) The Member is absent by reason of service in the 
        uniformed services, as defined in section 4303(13) of title 38, 
        United States Code, except that the number of days during which 
        a Member may designate a proxy under this clause on the basis 
        of this subparagraph in a calendar year may not exceed 15 in 
        the case of service consisting of active duty, active duty for 
        training, and inactive duty training and may not exceed 22 days 
        in the case of service consisting of State active duty in 
        response to a national emergency or a major disaster referred 
        to in such section. A Member may designate a proxy under this 
        clause on the basis of this subparagraph only if the Member 
        includes with the signed letter required under this paragraph 
        such documentation of the service as the Clerk may require.
            ``(6) The Member is prevented from safely traveling to or 
        performing work at the location of the committee proceeding due 
                    ``(A) an act of God;
                    ``(B) a terrorist attack; or
                    ``(C) another condition that prevents the Member 
                from safely traveling to or performing work at the 
                location of the proceeding.
    ``(c) The Clerk shall maintain an updated list of the following 
information, and shall make such list publicly available in electronic 
            ``(1) The designations submitted or in effect under 
        paragraph (a).
            ``(2) With respect to each Member who designated a proxy 
        under paragraph (a)--
                    ``(A) the number of days for which the Member 
                designated a proxy; and
                    ``(B) the grounds under paragraph (b) on which the 
                Member designated the proxy.
    ``(d) Any Member whose vote is cast or whose presence is recorded 
by a designated proxy under this clause shall be counted for the 
purpose of establishing a quorum under the rules of the House.''.
    (b) Remote Attendance at Committee Proceedings.--Rule XI of the 
Rules of the House of Representatives is amended by adding at the end 
the following new clause:
``Remote attendance at committee proceedings in certain cases
    ``7.(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this rule, if any of 
the grounds described in paragraph (b) applies to a Member and such 
Member has submitted to the Clerk a signed letter (which may be in 
electronic form) certifying that one of those grounds applies to such 
            ``(1) such Member may participate remotely during in-person 
        committee proceedings, including by casting a vote or recording 
        such Member's presence remotely;
            ``(2) such remote participation shall not be considered an 
        absence for purposes of clause 5(c) of rule X or clause 2(d) of 
        rule XI; and
            ``(3) such Member shall be counted for the purpose of 
        establishing a quorum under the rules of the House and the 
    ``(b) The grounds described in this paragraph with respect to a 
Member are as follows:
            ``(1) Any of the grounds under which an eligible employee 
        is entitled to leave under subparagraphs (A) through (E) of 
        section 102(a)(1) of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 
        (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)), but only if the Member includes with 
        the signed letter required under this paragraph such 
        documentation as the Clerk may require.
            ``(2) An illness of the Member which would not be treated 
        as a serious health condition under section 102(a)(1)(D) of the 
        Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(D)) 
        if the Member were an eligible employee under such Act, except 
        that the number of days during which a Member may participate 
        remotely under this clause on the basis of this subparagraph in 
        a calendar year may not exceed 7.
            ``(3) The summoning of the Member, in connection with a 
        judicial proceeding, by a court or authority responsible for 
        the conduct of that proceeding, to serve as a juror, but only 
        if the Member includes with the signed letter required under 
        this paragraph such documentation of the summoning as the Clerk 
        may require.
            ``(4) The death of a family member, except that the number 
        of consecutive days during which a Member may participate 
        remotely under this clause on the basis of this subparagraph 
        with respect to a family member may not exceed 4. For purposes 
        of this subparagraph, the term `family member' means a spouse 
        (including a domestic partner) and a spouse's parent; a child 
        and a child's spouse; a parent and a parent's spouse; a sibling 
        and a sibling's spouse; a grandparent, a grandchild, or a 
        spouse of a grandparent or grandchild; and any other individual 
        who is related by blood or affinity and whose association with 
        the individual is the equivalent of a family relationship under 
        regulations issued by the Committee on House Administration.
            ``(5) The Member is absent by reason of service in the 
        uniformed services, as defined in section 4303(13) of title 38, 
        United States Code, except that the number of days during which 
        a Member may participate remotely under this clause on the 
        basis of this subparagraph in a calendar year may not exceed 15 
        in the case of service consisting of active duty, active duty 
        for training, and inactive duty training and may not exceed 22 
        days in the case of service consisting of State active duty in 
        response to a national emergency or a major disaster referred 
        to in such section. A Member may participate remotely under 
        this clause on the basis of this subparagraph only if the 
        Member includes with the signed letter required under this 
        paragraph such documentation of the service as the Clerk may 
            ``(6) The Member is prevented from safely traveling to or 
        performing work at the location of the committee proceeding due 
                    ``(A) an act of God;
                    ``(B) a terrorist attack; or
                    ``(C) another condition that prevents the Member 
                from safely traveling to or performing work at the 
                location of the proceeding.
    ``(c) The Clerk shall maintain an updated list of the following 
information, and shall make such list publicly available in electronic 
            ``(1) The Members who are eligible to participate remotely 
        under this clause.
            ``(2) With respect to each such Member--
                    ``(A) the number of days for which the Member 
                participated remotely; and
                    ``(B) the grounds under paragraph (b) on which the 
                Member participated remotely.''.


    (a) Proxy Voting.--
            (1) Authorizing designation of proxies.--Notwithstanding 
        any other provision of any of the Standing Rules of the Senate, 
        if any of the grounds described in subsection (c) applies to a 
        Senator, such Senator may designate another Senator as a proxy 
        who may cast the vote of such Senator or record the presence of 
        such Senator in the Senate if such Senator submits to the 
        Secretary of the Senate a signed letter (which may be in 
        electronic form)--
                    (A) certifying that one of those grounds applies to 
                such Senator; and
                    (B) specifying by name the other Senator who is 
                designated as a proxy for such Senator.
            (2) Determination of quorum.--Any Senator whose vote is 
        cast or whose presence is recorded by a designated proxy under 
        this section shall be counted for the purpose of establishing a 
        quorum under the Standing Rules of the Senate.
    (b) Remote Attendance at Committee Proceedings.--Notwithstanding 
any other provision of any of the Standing Rules of the Senate, if any 
of the grounds described in subsection (c) applies to a Senator, and 
such Senator has submitted to the Secretary of the Senate a signed 
letter (which may be in electronic form) certifying that one of those 
grounds applies to such Senator, such Senator may participate remotely 
during in-person committee proceedings, including by casting a vote or 
recording such Senator's presence remotely, and--
            (1) such remote participation shall not be considered an 
        absence for purposes of any provision of the Standing Rules of 
        the Senate; and
            (2) a Senator participating remotely pursuant to this 
        subsection shall be counted for the purpose of establishing a 
        quorum under the Standing Rules of the Senate and the 
    (c) Grounds Described.--The grounds described in this subsection 
with respect to a Senator are as follows:
            (1) Any of the grounds under which an eligible employee is 
        entitled to leave under subparagraphs (A) through (E) of 
        section 102(a)(1) of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 
        (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)), but only if the Member includes with 
        the signed letter required under this paragraph such 
        documentation as the Secretary may require.
            (2) An illness of the Senator which would not be treated as 
        a serious health condition under section 102(a)(1)(D) of the 
        Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(D)) 
        if the Senator were an eligible employee under such Act, except 
        that the number of days during which a Senator may designate a 
        proxy under subsection (a) or may participate remotely under 
        subsection (b) on the basis of this paragraph in a calendar 
        year may not exceed 7.
            (3) The summoning of the Senator, in connection with a 
        judicial proceeding, by a court or authority responsible for 
        the conduct of that proceeding, to serve as a juror, but only 
        if the Senator includes with the signed letter required under 
        this paragraph such documentation of the summoning as the Clerk 
        may require.
            (4) The death of a family member, except that the number of 
        consecutive days during which a Senator may designate a proxy 
        under subsection (a) or may participate remotely under 
        subsection (b) on the basis of this paragraph with respect to a 
        family member may not exceed 4. For purposes of this paragraph, 
        the term ``family member'' means a spouse (including a domestic 
        partner) and a spouse's parent; a child and a child's spouse; a 
        parent and a parent's spouse; a sibling and a sibling's spouse; 
        a grandparent, a grandchild, or a spouse of a grandparent or 
        grandchild; and any other individual who is related by blood or 
        affinity and whose association with the individual is the 
        equivalent of a family relationship under regulations issued by 
        the Committee on Rules and Administration.
            (5) The Senator is absent by reason of service in the 
        uniformed services, as defined in section 4303(13) of title 38, 
        United States Code, except that the number of days during which 
        a Senator may designate a proxy under subsection (a) or may 
        participate remotely under subsection (b) on the basis of this 
        paragraph in a calendar year may not exceed 15 in the case of 
        service consisting of active duty, active duty for training, 
        and inactive duty training and may not exceed 22 days in the 
        case of service consisting of State active duty in response to 
        a national emergency or a major disaster referred to in such 
        section. A Senator may designate a proxy under subsection (a) 
        or may participate remotely under subsection (b) on the basis 
        of this paragraph only if the Senator includes with the signed 
        letter required under such subsections such documentation of 
        the service as the Secretary may require.
            (6) The Senator is prevented from safely traveling to or 
        performing work at the location of the committee proceeding due 
                    (A) an act of God;
                    (B) a terrorist attack; or
                    (C) another condition that prevents the Senator 
                from safely traveling to or performing work at the 
                location of the proceeding.
    (d) Maintenance of Information by Secretary.--The Secretary shall 
maintain an updated list of the following information, and shall make 
such list publicly available in electronic form:
            (1) The designations of proxies submitted or in effect 
        under subsection (a).
            (2) With respect to each Senator who designated a proxy 
        under subsection (a)--
                    (A) the number of days for which the Senator 
                designated a proxy; and
                    (B) the grounds under subsection (c) on which the 
                Senator designated the proxy.
            (3) The Senators who are eligible to participate remotely 
        under subsection (b).
            (4) With respect to each Senator who is eligible to 
        participate remotely under subsection (b)--
                    (A) the number of days for which the Senator 
                participated remotely; and
                    (B) the grounds under subsection (c) on which the 
                Senator participated remotely.